Birthday 1990-03-21 Gender
Male Location Reno, Nevada, USA Member Since 2005-09-11 Occupation Making My Girl Happy Real Name Shawn McCarthy
Anime Fan Since Toonami Favorite Anime FMA, Samurai 7, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Ergo Proxy... Goals To make sure that My Girl is as happy as I can get her Hobbies Video-games, drawing, writing, Talents same as hobbies XD phydeoux
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Lookin for a new...
I need one badly. And we have to have one before my brother's wedding (which is in like a couple days lol) I want something new! But I don't really know what. I want something still kinda long-ish. like what I have right now because I like the length of my hair. (except for the back, I hate that the most)
But yeah anyways, if any of you can help me, I'll really appreciate it! ^-^ Pictures would be very helpfull.
rawr Okie so we finally got my older brother out of our house and it has been sooo peaceful here now. ^-^ And my other older brother is getting married in January and we had me fitted for a tux. xP But its a nice tux.
Ohh and that girl is still awesome,
look at the vid she made of that haruhi dance!
Cute huh? lol
Oh and of course since its ThanksGivingsDay i say have a good one to all my fwends! x] w00t Turkey!
OH and that means that Black Friday is tomorrow, so I have been goin through the ADs and pickin out what I want for Christmas. Here ish a quick list.:
Video Games!
Xbox 360
Electric Guitar!!
hahah Fishie
Someone to fill my empty hug Dx
mmmmmk so a few days ago Angie decided it was best for us to break up soooo yeah we did. it was pretty mild, not too emotional or harsh (thankfully) but of course there was apparent sadness, just not like extreme emoness. as far as i know ._. but i know she'll find someone, she's real cute and sweet.
annnnnd.... im kinda falling for a new girl...
okay well ive known her for a while, but i recently found out that she likes me back. ^//^ a lot actually. however she did get a bf because she didnt know that i felt the same about her, but its alright. she uhhhh tends to sign off myspace to talk to me instead of her bf actually. =o i think thats a good thing for me.
me and her have a LOT in common to, which really rocks. we have more in common than anyone ive met. from the basics of both liking the same anime and video games, to the little things of how we used to build blanket and pillow forts during thunderstorms, and putting legos in our mouth while we go digging for more. As well as experiences, such as we have both ended up moving away from our friends and usually spend our lonely time on the internet ._. sept she's in a band and wow she is a kickass singer. =o she is sooo fun to talk to, and she is absolutely adorable in every way. especially since she's a neko too! xD
*<3's neko girls* hahaha
yeah she's really great
and we have lots of random fun on MSN with my new webcam and mic with her mic. she's supposed to try to get a webcam too tonight at the mall. x]
it would be so cool if she can. x]
ooh oooh and we picked out a song to call ours, its Time After Time from Quietdrive. yeah we think about eachother a lot, especially when we play it. x]
ok ok so yeah believe it or not or whatever, this is her.
mmmmmmmmmmk update time?
yeah sure
but not like it matters hahaha
k so umm i'm still with Angie and things are okay i guess... well not really. we still end up to the points were our relationship is held together by a minor thready ready to snap. but we manage to sew it back up and we are the most ductile ever. but of course we always end right back up in that weak spot again. it keeps happening over and over... i dont know how much longer i can deal with this before i go insane or emo or something.
like, no matter what happens she always gets into the notion that i dont love her as much or at all, or that i dont care or that i want to break up. she'll be fine, then suddenly in her blog on myspace she will be saying those things and it hurts when i read it, and since its her blog its open for anyone to read... though im the only one that comments on them.
i dont know what to do. i think that maybe she actually does want to break up with me, but just denies it, and keeps trying to say that im the one that wants to so she doesnt feel guilty. probably. she is also mentioning her ex's more, and how theyre telling her that they still love her and want her too. i dont know if that really means anything.
bleh... =[
Soo... me and Angie dont seem so good. ='[
We tend to kinda sorta argue a lot... and even worse its usually over something like whether or not I really love her. Its like no matter what I do I cant convince her enough. (And I really really do
love her) I- I dont get it, I dont know what to do. I make her signs when she wants and when I want to randomly too. And I even made videos for her so she can hear my voice and know its really me and stuff. I have made a complimenting acronym out of her name. I used up 98% of all my phone time with her when I had it. I have her on myspace and gaia profiles. I stayed up till 6:30 chatting with her on Friday, and I even edited together two pics of us to where it looks like we were kissing eachother. (but I accidentally did it with a pic of me with my eyes open so she got upset with that saying that in the pic I didnt really mean the kiss.) Thats another thing is that she gets upset over those little details sometimes. Its like those are the only parts she notices.
Anyways, yeah I just cant convince her, she doesnt believe me when I tell her that I love her, and that hurts. I'll say "Hey Angie, I love you." And when she doesnt say she loves me too she will say, "Are you sure?" or "k.." .
Oh that last one really bugs me. She will set her myspace mood to "Depressed" and she will get quiet in the chats by like delaying to reply when I say I love her or *huggle* her, and often use, "...". But whenever I ask her whats wrong she always says nothing. But I know thats its not nothing, that there is something wrong, but she wont tell me. Like as if she doesnt trust me enough to be able to tell me anything or something, and of course that hurts too.
And now the latest problem is that I'm losing my amount of time I have to be on the internet. School has started and so my mom has restricted my internet time more than being at school already has. I hate it. My mom will simply unplug me from their room too so I'm screwed. And I get threats of losing my computer and its just driving me insane. Thats the only thing my parents say to me anymore, is "Get off the internet" and "What homework do you have. Even if I already informed them that I have no homework and have been on the internet for only an hour. Thats REALLY driving me crazy!
Thats really not helping me with Angie. Tonight I was talking to her then my parents get pissed at me saying I was on the internet all day. (Which is total bullsht because I was in the shed and in the garage looking through boxes trying to find something, and then drawing, then I watched a movie, and then I got on the internet. But of course she wouldnt know that because she was downtown at my sister's ballet studio all day. But yeah they told me to get off before they unplug me , so I told Angie that I had to get off because of them, she got quiet and did the, "Aw =[" . I said sorry and that I dont have a choice, then I said, "Goodnight, I love you, talk to you later. *huggles*" and then she delays a little and finally replies with, "*Shoves*" and then logs off.
So yeah, it sucks...
Sorry about the long posts and such. Hope everything is going with all of you and that you had a good weekend.
-Laters. Comments (3) |
Friday, September 14, 2007
More of my Angie.
So yeah Im still with my new girlfriend Angie. And OMG she is sooooo cute! and sooo friggen sweet and nice. ^-^ I love her so much. We make eachother signs still and talk a ton! well as much as we can because lately I have been restricted on my computer time by my parents. Dx which sucks. But its okay, the time me and Angie are together isnt wasted one bit. =] So yeah things are good.
Here are some new pics! xD
She wrote that on a wall somewhere with crayon. I think she said the school wall? o-O
This is above her bed xD
Oh and we got bored one night, and took pics of ourselves, then edited them together to look like this! xD