Name: Your name
Facts: some facts
Likes: I like.... a lot of things
Dislikes: I dislike something s
You can put
anything here as well - and as much stuff as you want because this part can scroll and therefor not move anything on your page or offest anything! See,
digital.fragrance thinks of everything!
Layout Designer: {digital.fragrance}
Music: He's a Pirate! (PotC OST)

(You can erase all of this) You can put ANYTHING here - that's the beauty of this section. You can put more info about the beautiful person you are, your favortie video games or sports... hey, you can put pictures or videos or music here too!
All codes (besides java based codes) should work in this layer - i.e. marquees, tables, textareas, css... etc!
Layout Information:
Features Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow ::ahem:: Cap'n Jack Sparrow
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