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Reno, Nevada, USA
Member Since
Making My Girl Happy
Real Name
Shawn McCarthy
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
FMA, Samurai 7, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Ergo Proxy...
To make sure that My Girl is as happy as I can get her
Video-games, drawing, writing,
same as hobbies XD
Monday, October 29, 2007
mmmmmk so a few days ago Angie decided it was best for us to break up soooo yeah we did. it was pretty mild, not too emotional or harsh (thankfully) but of course there was apparent sadness, just not like extreme emoness. as far as i know ._. but i know she'll find someone, she's real cute and sweet.
annnnnd.... im kinda falling for a new girl...
okay well ive known her for a while, but i recently found out that she likes me back. ^//^ a lot actually. however she did get a bf because she didnt know that i felt the same about her, but its alright. she uhhhh tends to sign off myspace to talk to me instead of her bf actually. =o i think thats a good thing for me.
me and her have a LOT in common to, which really rocks. we have more in common than anyone ive met. from the basics of both liking the same anime and video games, to the little things of how we used to build blanket and pillow forts during thunderstorms, and putting legos in our mouth while we go digging for more. As well as experiences, such as we have both ended up moving away from our friends and usually spend our lonely time on the internet ._. sept she's in a band and wow she is a kickass singer. =o she is sooo fun to talk to, and she is absolutely adorable in every way. especially since she's a neko too! xD
*<3's neko girls* hahaha
yeah she's really great
and we have lots of random fun on MSN with my new webcam and mic with her mic. she's supposed to try to get a webcam too tonight at the mall. x]
it would be so cool if she can. x]
ooh oooh and we picked out a song to call ours, its Time After Time from Quietdrive. yeah we think about eachother a lot, especially when we play it. x]
ok ok so yeah believe it or not or whatever, this is her.

Dont you just love her hair?!?!?
and here is a new pic of me

well i hope all is well with all of you
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