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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Moody Trojans
Today was a weird day. I enterd the school and my heart seemed to be heavier then ever. I guess you can say that i miss him so much.
"In a far away world..."
"Is where I've been..."
"but you've got to understand your never far from my mind..."
"Far away..."
"Far away..."
"Far away..."
Well I have to go because I'm at a writer's block so I'll try to update later.
Always Pink Addict.
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Monday, November 8, 2004
What do you mean? Ah it's against human nature...how could you be so cruel...how dare...throw it away you say...nay I say...nay to you nay to him and nay to them...
Alright thought that be a little more interesting then what i ususally write. In other words the nice librarians here at moody asked me to get rid of my gum.
How rude...
Anyway so...nothing new cept I'm going to New Orleans for thanksgiving and that's going to be fun...but I will be keeping up and working on my site. Right now i'm looking at the clock as i type and noticing that i can type as i do other things as long as i have the wording in my head.
To be mad..or happy....what should I choose?????????
Don't know but the time is running out .....
Alright yes I know ....shut up already and go away .....thats what this computer seems to be telling me but then who am I to listen to it...????
Have I ever????
Hoping to Bring a third series to the the stories of Princess OOkumae and Jack's heartache...
But it isn't for sure yet.
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
I just finished talking to a friend of mine ...and she's just told me in plain terms to shut up... i understand I'm annoying when I'm worried about something but I'm just worried and I need someone to listen without yelling at me that it's just a stupid tournament...
So now I'm sulking because we got into an argument.
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Bay City Tournament...
::Runs around screaming::
"Help ...the Bay City tournament is on it's way on December the 4th and it's scares me...."
Alright so right now I'm trying to figure out why I signed up for the tournament. And in a way i'm scared because what if i'm not good enough...or what if i dissapoint the people that were in front of me. Or...there are so many factors that are scaring me and help....
I'm just scared that I'm going to let the people I care about down because maybe I'm not good enough to be in the same room as some of the other competitors...
I feel like I'm lost and that scares more then anything because as long as I've been at Moody theirs always been someone there I could watch and turn their technique into my own. The only people that have been to tournaments and are still there are Amy and Jacob and few other seniors...but I'll be the main juinor without anyone else being there. There's a bunch of fresh faces that I believe have talent that they have yet to tap into.
Maybe I'm just running but I won't walk away from this tournament...
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
Break up in paradise...
Hello been such a long time since i've updated and there are a bunch of things for me to tell you all.
well first of all Aaron broke up with me and my heart can't handle it.
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I'm so tired ...
So sleepy...
I've been sick lately and i can't seem to shake this bug i have.
Doctors told me that it was a pmonia and bronchitis,cept i don't know how i'm going to feel better anytime soon...
Go moody trojans...
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
Stranger things have happened....
haunted house moody , it was okay cept for the whole blood running down my legs (fake blood:unfortunLATELY.!!!) anyway want to wish everyone a happy all hallo's eve and to all the old group of 95 may the power protect you...
*JH jumps in and glomps Pink*I've MISSED YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!'oops did I ruin the post?'
Eeeeekkkkkk!!!! you scared the addict out of me and look what you've done you....
*Ookumae singing along with Pink*"Look what you've done...you giggalo" TOMMY GNOSIS ROX MY SOCKS!
*JH* Oye
*pink addict* anybody have milk i need to lactose and tolerance jh and ookumae!!
*JH & Ookumae*::sweatdrop:: WTF is that supposed to mean???...whoa that was weird....shut up...*Song break* Anything you can do I can do better...I can do better...I can do anything better than you...no you can't...yes I can...no you can't....Yeeeeeeessss IIIIIII caaaannnn!
*pink addict* ::rolls eyes and mutters:: "kami save me . are the gods against me...ookumae and JH please shut up por favor??? and please dont tell me no puedo!"
*JH* Well I don't know what I did to make you so mad....but she started it!
*Chibi Ookumae* NO I didn't *back to regular form* I believe you were the one who first jumped in and "ruined" this post
*pink Addict* :rolls eyes and walks towards the walls and starts conversating with them instead:: " I believe we haven't met my names..."
*Ookumae* Now you did it! *starts to sing the Tommy Gnosis hit again when JH covers her mouth...then I bit him*
*Ookumae* You know you love it!
*Pink Addict*two little monkies in the room one falls down and breaks a broom , one little monkey
*JH* Breaks a broom?!? You sure that's how it goes....I thought he hit his head?
*Ookumae* Don't say it? *JH runs toward Ookumae only to be pushed onto the bed then tied up with duck tape* That'll shut him up for about a second
*JH* Haha duck tape rules me not....cookie where? I wanna cookie!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME THE COOKIE!!! ::sheepie look::
*Ookumae punches JH and throws him in the garage with the rest of the putties*
*pink Addict * " ITS MORPHIN TIME
*pink Addict * " shining crane 1"
::armor enflames entire being and there stands pink addict who's lost her sanity.
*Ookumae* Oooo...Shiny!
*JH* Remind me why you keep the putties locked in your garage?
*Ookumae* They're cheap pest control...
*JH* Oh...oops...I kinda kicked them all back to Rita Repulsa
*Ookumae* Darn it! *Oh man is this the kiddie dub again?* Now I'm gonna have to feed them real food the next time I kidnap...puttienap them.
*pink addict* guys ...guys...guys...: rolls her eyes and kick Ookumae and JH in the rears becuase they've forgotten she's in the room " guys ... what's for dinner???""
*JH* Well the putties did leave some bread...and vodka...and some bread soaked vodka
*Ookumae slaps JH back into the stone age* BAKA! Hmmm....I dunno what do you feel like? I wouldn't mind going to the Youth Center...ugh but Bulk and Skull will probably be poking around there....how about I make us something instead
*Caveman JH storms in* Darn you! *Stupid kiddie dub* I had to live so many thousand years just to get back to this friggin moment to do this *collapses on the floor*
*Ookumae* That's just sad...
*Pink Addict* " Ohhh!!! Kitty!!! KItty...got to pet .:: jumps on top of JH and starts petting the top of his head and going here kitty kitty ...splat...
*Random member of THE club enters for no real purpose other than to say* She killed Mr. Buttons!
*JH* X___X
*Pink Adddict* ::runs to Ookumae and holds out a cookie and says with big crocidle tears:: " he took my cookies and..."
*just then a miracle happened regular JH storms into the house*COOOKIE???? DID SOMEONE SAY COOOKIE????!!!!??? ME WANT...ME WANT IT NOW!!!! ::real serious like for a moment:: What's with that guy? ::pointing to Caveman JH::
*Pink Addict* ::runs to JH and kisses him on the nose then smacks him and then gives him the cookie but as JH takes a bite Pink Addict bites him on the knee.::
*Ookumae* Come on JH we know you're kinky...you know you like to be bitten...
*JH* Well...::smirk:: yea but not on the friggin knee
*Ookumae then bites JH on the shoulder blade and makes him bleed*
*JH* Aaaaahhhh....OOooooo.... you gotta towel?
*Pink Addict* ::stomps away and then comes back and stands right next to Ookumae and smacks her then stomps on her toe and takes off with Ookumae's shoes...::
*Ookumae* WTF?!? What did I do?
*JH* Well...you...kinda....I dunno...I think she might be jealous
*Ookumae* Of what all I did was bite you until you bleed...which reminds me you owe me a pint...I'm thirsty
*Pink Addict* ::eyes them wearily and then screams:: " i'm hungry ...nobody feeds the monkey ...you guys don't love me anymore..."::starts to wail as JH and Ookumae's ears start to bleed::
*JH* Ahhh.....can't think too much blood gone ::Falls down::
*Ookumae* Wuss...::picks up JH and tosses him into Pink to shut her up:: IF YOU'RE SO HUNGRY THEN TELL US WHAT THE F### YOU WANT! 'wow censored now...what happened to the kiddie dub?'
*JH* Well...we got better sponsers now
*Pink Addict* "I just want a hug i'm not really hungry i was just pretending , i felt left out ... :: gives big puppy dog eyes and then runs to the wall and hugs the wall leaving Ookumae and JH to roll their eyes at her.::
*And for no odd reason a big bright light starts to blind JH and Ookumae*
*JH* WTF???
*???* Have you seen Pink?
*Ookumae* We haven't been able to see anything with you shinning that die hard battery friggin 'back to kiddie dub already'
*JH* yea those sponsers just pulled out their funding
*Ookumae* darn them!!! What was I saying? Did I tell you I hit my head?
*JH* ::sighs::
*???* Yo...still over here ::shines it directly at Ookumae::
*Ookumae* OOOOOOOWWW MY EYES!!! Oh yea...MR. Die hard battery friggin super sayian powered flashlight toting guy what's your problem! Can't you see she's over there
*Pink Addict* Danny!!!!Hi!!! Hug me!!!! EEEEWWWW you stink...i don't want a hug from you ...Ookumae help he's gonna hug me...and he smells like JH's clean underwear...oops
*JH* So you're the one who stole them! I want them back I need those....you just had to take my lucky pair with the teddy bear on them! ::sweatdrop:: *did I just say that out loud?*
*Pink Addict* "well chubby was cold she needs clothes too... and plus she's way cuter and people like her better then you because she can dance...
*Ookumae starts singing "Saftey Dance"* We can dance if you want to...we can leave your friends behind
*JH* SHHHHUUUUTTT UUUUPPPP!!!! BTW, how come you know all these off songs that no one even remotely knows or remembers all the lyrics to?
*Ookumae shurgs and turns up the stereo and starts beating up JH*
*Danny* and these are people you call family...
*Pink Addict* you want to start something mister green ranger wannabe??
*Ookumae then does a clothesline from hell and knocks Danny out and in the same motion accidently hits Pink in the stomach* oops...
*pink addict* Ookumae, ewwww you made me ink!!!!
*Ookumae* that's just gross...we do that in the outside....don't hit me....I just had to say that....::runs to the other side of the room with all the pillows and builds a fort...and hangs up a sign that says "Only JH allowed...with cookies"::
*Pink Addict* ""runs towards the fort and yells" cannon ball"
*Ookumae runs out of the fort just in time to get squished by Pink while she is in mid air...not cannon balling either....* Ow....my head really hurts now....ugh
*JH munching on a cookie* Mmmm...mmm..mmmm...mmm.mmmm...mmmm....Crash Dummies forever
*pink addict* " why you brining up one hit wonders and THATS MY COOKIE YOU LOW LEVEL SAYIAN WANNABE PUNK ...COME AND GET...
*Just then Pink feels a hand caress her butt*
*Miroku* I must admit you aren't much of a challenge to "get"
*JH* WTF?!?
*Ookumae* Miroku!!!! You perv...your victim is over here!
*Miroku* You are a bit too feisty for my hands to keep up with Princess
*Ookumae* What did I tell you...
*Hiei* Yes, princess what did you tell this sorry excuse for a monk and waste of efforts man?
*Ookumae* Nothing.....::glomps Hiei::
*Hiei* Can't...breathe....need...air
*Pink Addict* Sir , i beg your pardon please remove your hands before i'm forced to cut them off or...
*JH* I could nueter him for you if you like?
*Miroku jumps like ten feet back and pulls Ookumae off of Hiei*
*Miroku* That's quite alright....I like my manhood as it is
*Pink Addict* ::stomps towards Miroku and kicks him hard in the shins but as he tries to get her back a flash of pure white light blinds them all
*????* get your flithy paws off her silkly draws...
*JH* RIZZOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!....You're not rizzo?!? ::Feels chest:: No breasts that means he has one of those down there
*Ookumae* Thanks for the Fushigi Yugi moment there, JH, but don't think that far down. Do you even recognize the guy who's cheast your touching is? I know pleanty of girls...and women who would love to be where you're at right now.
*JH jumps back and goes into the defensive position*
*Hiei* What women and if you even think yourself....'remember I can read your mind' I'll leave you...
*Danny* Anyone see a pink monkey run bye who's about yay high and goes by the name of Bree???"::falls to the ground as Pink addict knees him in the groin...
*Tommy* Get away from my pinky ...
*danny* grunts out your pinky is on your hand...
*JH with tweet tweets all above his head after Ookumae hit him for the millionth time today* I got two pinkies and a balonga...::Song break:: MY BALONGA HAS A FIRST NAME IT'S O...S...C..A...R MY BALONGA HAS A SECOND NAME IT'S M...E...Y...E..R...
*Hiei hits JH and locks him back in the garage*
*Ookumae* Thanks Hiei...I didn't think I could stand that for much longer either
*Pink Addict* I'm nobodies pinky i'm my own person and Danny you owe me a ice cream ... and my carebear you stole my carebear ...
*Danny* I don't have a carebear * to the rest of the people still in the room* I DON'T HAVE A CAREBEAR!!!
*Hiei* Suuuuuurreee....tell yourself that, you fool....you forget I'm a telepath? I know what you do with that carebear....when you think no one is around.
*Danny* No HIEI DON'T SAY IT!!!!
*Hiei* You're not worth the time....he cuddles it you know...and he keeps it in his bag, pathetic if you ask me
*Pink Addict* ::runs at danny and tackles him to the ground exposing the carebear in the bag he had hidden behind him ...tommy goes to pull pink addict off as Ookumae goes and pulls tommy away and tells him to let her deal with danny herself because if she doesn't she'll never stop whining.::
*JH* Hiei you lil punk I've got a bone to pick with you...::turns into Yoko JH:: Your crimes will not go unpunished
*Ookumae* JH you better stop right there or I will personally eat all the cookies by myself
*JH transforms back into his regular self* NOoooooo! Not the cookies!
*Ookumae* Mmmmmm....cookies....I've got a whole stash of them if you behave....and turn back into Yoko JH dress up as a girl and let me pet those furry ears.
*Hiei* Hn...I could have taken him easily
*Ookumae* True...but I like having him around
*Hiei* ::sweatdrop:: What's that supposed to mean? ::all sad like:: I suppose I could fulfill millions of otakus yaoi dreams
*Ookumae* No....not without me...I didn't mean it like that...he's just better than a fighting dummy and cheaper too!
*Pink Addict* ""walks up to Hiei and kisses his nose and says"" somebody out there still loves you just not ...ME!! HEHE....Cause i love ....looks around and whispers it into the wall...
*Ookumae* 'that was a close one'
*Hiei* Hn...foolish girl....I already know who it is
*Ookumae* Hello...telepath!
*Hiei* And you....::stares at Ookumae with all the love and hate that can be held in the same stare::
*Pink Addict* Knees Hiei in the groin" you better not tell anyone my secret is mine and i know you love Ookumae and don't try to deny it and um i....:: runs behind tommy and danny as they drink lemonade and eat Ookumae's secret stash of cookies...and um...well....special brownies that she had just made for the concert....
*Miroku* Ghastly... you really had no need to do that Pink....I know you love me, everyone in the room knows it.
*Danny and Tommy then look at Miroku, then each other, then walk away from Pink Addict and decided to go get some muchies at the Kwikie Mart*
*Pink Addict* "goes toward Miroku and slaps him, knees him and yells at him " you idiot i love Tommy and I love Danny i don't know you , don't love you don't want to like you , your a pest in too many ways in more ways then one to count...
*Miroku in all Lupin the 3rd style* You know you want me
*Miroku then runs through the wall and lands on Danny and Tommy as they are leaving the Kwikie Mart*
*JH* Oro?
*Hiei* Well now that that lech is gone shall we go Ookumae?
*JH* GO?!? GO WHERE??? I thought you were gonna give me some cookies?
*Pink Addict* ::Whines really loud that everybody's ears start to bleed and Hiei falls down from the high notes she is reaching that usually does that to demons:: "I'm all alone they left me ...i shall have my revenge...
*JH* What revenge?!? And why do you always do that...I'm right here you know! Or did you forget the cookie loving Yoko turning into Sayian wannabe? eh?
*Ookumae* What am I chopped liver? I may be leaving soon but not that soon it might be a while until Hiei gets back up....and look at all this glass...this can't be good.
*Pink Addict* Tommy and Danny left me because Miroku and you have your love JH has he's cookies and i'm left with my walls which really are you walls ... so
*Ookumae* Uh...Tommy and Danny left because they had to raid the pantry and find my brownie...
*JH* And I don't always have cookies....they're only around until I eat them.....::evil grin:: Here cookie, coookie, coookie...
*Ookumae* Would you stop with that already...we know you only really love cookies because you can't find yourself a girl so you eat them instead.
*Pink Addict* Enough...::storms towards Ookumae and JH and blast them towards the fallen fort and eats Ookumae's extra special secret stash of chocolate chip cookie coma deluxes
*JH* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! NOT THE EXTRA SPECIAL SECREAT STASH CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE COMA DELUXES!!!!!! I thought you said you weren't gonna make those anymore
*Ookumae* Well....I lied...I couldn't help it....they're too good to stop
*Hiei* What happened?
*Ookumae* Everyone died
*Hiei* Ok ::falls alseep::
*Ookumae* What am I gonna do with him ::sheepish grin::
*Tommy* Kenoko ...here kitty ...kitty ...nice kitty ...your not going to hurt me are you???"
*Pink Addict* Should I Ookumae... should i hurt him for going to the Kwikie mart????
*Ookumae then gets an even evilier huger grin on her face*
*JH* I think that's a yes
*Danny walks in and starts dancing on in the corner with the mirror*
*Danny* You come here often? I like your moves.
*pink addict* you breakfast deluxe you stole my wall first my carebear and now my wall...prepare to fight
*Ookumae then turns the stereo up with the Mortal Kombat theme to full sound*
*Tommy* Come on guys we're suppose to be a team my girlfriend and second in command your not suppose to be fighting..::pink knees him in the groin...::
*JH covers his manhood and exclaims* WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT!!!!
*Ookumae* Yea...I'm sure a lot of these guys wanted to have kids
*Hiei wakes up* are we going then?
*Ookumae* It's kind of late...know what?
*Hiei* Sure...usual place? Don't forget the oreos and whipped creame
*JH* Don't tell me ya'll are gonna make sundaes without me!
*Hiei then runs out of there quicker than the speed of light after sharing an oh so romantic kiss with Ookumae*
*Danny lands on the opposite side of JH holding his manhood and JH looks to his right and see's Pink and Tommy embraced in a kiss and see's Ookumae sneaking cookies, JH then tackles Ookumae and steals the cookies*
*JH* Cookies....my cookies...How do I love thee, let me count the ways...I love the chocolatey chips on your brown and crispy skin....I love the way your flesh tastes in my mouth and *Ookumae bites JH's hand* OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!
*Pink Addict smells the cookie aroma and pulls away from tommy and run towards Ookumae and JH and jumps and yells Dogpile and bites them both and takes off with the cookies ...runs back grabs tommy's but and then trips over danny on her way to her escape from Ookumae and JH*
*JH* Hey...aren't you supposed to go make sundaes with Hiei right about now, Ookumae?
*Ookumae then runs out of her house yelling to JH something about locking the door of something like that, like it even matters with all the broken windows*
*Ookumae* Darn it....Hiei forgive me
*Danny falls asleep looking at himself in the mirror dreaming of brownies and Pink Addict...and trying to figure a way to get them together*
*Tommy and Pink Addict run off to the den with all the cookies locking JH out*
*Just then a girl walks by*
*Cookie* What?
*JH* Oro?
*Cookie* You're cute...I could just dip you in a glass of milk.
*JH takes off with cookie leaving Danny to guard the front door which later he eats*
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Friday, October 29, 2004
 Comfort
 Hygiene

| Energy
 Fun
 Social

| Bladder
 Room
 sleepiness

| Reach for the lasers with Antic's Sims-ulator! |
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
october 23 my birthday
My birthday was great i am noww seventeen years old and it rocks.
i had a great time two of my closes friends spent the weekend with me.
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Friday, October 15, 2004
For along time i was unhappy...
Due to the interference of my younger cousin i think Aaron and i are back together and im happier then words can describe. He makes me so happy and in a way i can't describe. Sometimes i kick myself because of what happened last year and he makes me soooooooooooooooo happy. I never thought i could be this happy but evidently i was wrong. My heart is so content.
I got to thank my cousin for all he has done and aaron is the sweetest guy in the world. I'm so happy. I can't explain the giddiness that i feel and that's just because i'm a dork...
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