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Monday, April 7, 2008
I am back, finally
Well, only to write the occasional post :B I am not too good at this regular posting ~ I've never been. Besides, i'm too busy on my deviantart >x< submitting drawings every 2 days...
I'm just pissed cuz Otaku won't let me upload my awesum drawings here. I dunno if it's the same with you guys. so i'm just gonna basically be at deviantart until the otaku straightens this mess up.
well, about the Girls day out, we didn't get a lot: magazines, lip gloss, lots of random crap....and the signature of this lady that won the New zealand version of 'dancing with the stars' she's really nice ^^ She's not one of thos ppl that's only nice on TV and a bitch in real life. Nah, she's cool.
i have no idea quite frankly, just type nonsense or something... whatever you want >x<
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Friday, March 28, 2008
hi ppl.
I've not been updating very often...i've just been busy with school and stuff...
on sunday, i'm going with my friends to this convention at the showgrounds called Girls Day Out! There's gonna be heaps of free stuff! we were originally gonna go on saturday but my other friend told me that it's better to go on sunday cuz they're getting rid of all the stuff so they give it out for free! the tickets are $16 but she got 7 maybelline products - which adds up to more than $100 worth of freebieeees!!
i'm so cheap XD
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I was sorta like, song searching~
Hi Ppls, it feels like i haven't updated in ages...hmm...wonder why...maybe it's cuz i haven't XP
So yea, i was sorta like, song searching cuz i was bored but there were no cool songs so i just searched for utada hikaru's songs and i found this new-ish one:
-Heart Station ~ Utada Hikaru
It's so0o0o0o nice! and now i have it stuck on my brain >_<
oh, in other news, i finally uploaded stuff onto my deviantart account ~ so if you guys have deviantart, here's my account~
ZPT heart put my drawings in her deviant ID XDD So that made me super duper happyyy~! (oh dear, i reminded me of Big the cat....note to self: never do that again..) anyway, thanks ZPT! I feel that i owe you a drawing XDD don't worry about it cuz i want to draw something for you ^^
1)How are you guys doing?
2)What did you do today~?
3)What song do you have stuck on your brain, NOW?
(me: Heart station....or falsetto, it's an english songs...but there's lots of 'F' words in it even though it sounds nice so i'm downloading the clean version~)
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Saturday, March 15, 2008
Eurobeat makes no sense...
My life is quite boring and sad lately. The Jap girl went back to kyoto. and there's nothing going on really, so i will rant about the nonsensical music that is eurobeat. It seriously makes no sense!!! Here is one example:
Don't Stand So Close - by DR Love (this song is from para para paradise) the words in the brackets are my thoughts while listening to this song:
Don't stand so
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Baby you belong to me (O.o)
Yes you do, yes you do
You're my affection
I can make a woman cry (...WTF?...)
Yes I do, yes I do
I will be good (but you just said you made women cry!!!)
Your blood is cold like ice
Poison for my veins
I'm breaking my chains
One look and you can kill (I certainly WILL)
My pain is now your thrill
Your love is for me (at least that kind of made sense)
I say, try me
Take a chance on emotions
For now and ever
Close to your heart
I say, try me
Take a chance on my passion
We'll be together
All the time (ok, it's making some sense...)
I say, try me
Take a chance on emotions
For now and ever
Into my heart
I say, try me (It would make more sense if he named the song 'try me' but there's already a song called 'try me')
Take a chance on my passion
We'll be together
Till the morning light
Don't stand so
Don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me (WTF? i thought you wanted to be together 'till the morning light'? and now she can't even stand close to you?!?! get your priorites straight!!)
yea, eurobeat makes no sense....
but i love it anyway XD
1)That song is really stupid, eh?
2)Eurobeat or Rock?
3)What song do you have stuck in your head? (yes, everyone has one) (sadly, mine is 'Don't stand so close')
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
~*~ I had ice-cream for 4 days in a row~*~
And i'm so0o0o gonna gain weight...double-time...
Anyway, Hey pplz!
Yes, i actually have time for posting this week.
sonicandtailsrox, Here is the next page for our comic~
well, this week's been fun! it would be better if i wasn't so busy at school. Tomorrow, Yayoi n I are going to Sylvia Park shopping centre! yaaaaaaay~~! So i need to finish my physics assignment a.s.a.p! cuz it's due on friday >_<
1)How was your day? (and try to go into detail about it, yeah?)
2)how many days have you had ice-cream in a row for?
3)type whatever you want here.
oh, also, i found a pic of myself when i was 13 and i was uber chubby. and i was looking at 13 year old chubby me and myself in the mirror. it's so weird ...i ... look more mature. like, i'm still chubby but...the face shape is more....mature, ladylike i guess... 0.o so that was pretty cool! yaaay! now i need to work on my chubby bodyyyy~!
see ya when i'm not so busy! i might not be able to comment on most ppl sites cuz my stupid modem isn't working so we are reduced to good-fer-nothing dial-up. see youuuuuuuu~~
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Sunday, March 9, 2008
Jap girl is heeeeeeeere!
Hello my dah-lings!
The jap girl, Yayoi, is here and she saw my malaysian dance and she thought i danced good XD Her english is pretty good for a japanese girl too!
yea, i won't be around very much this week cuz i have stupid assignments and I gotta hang out with her and stuff! yay!
oh, sonicandtailsrox, here is the 2nd page for your comic! sorry it took forever!
Ok, gtg! we're going to go to mission bay for ice-cream! she likes the hokey-pokey flavoured ice cream. it's like vanilla and with honey bits! she says it's a pity she won't get to eat it in Japan.
1)How are you guys?
2)What flavour ice cream you like?
3)U ever had hokey-pokey? (if not, YOU NEED TO TRY IT NOWWWWWWWWWW!!!)
see ya in a week!
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Playing the one armed bandit~
Hey ppl~
um, the one armed bandit isn't an instrument or nothing. it's those gambling machines that i forget the name for. The one you pull the lever and you try to get 3 signs in a row. It's a clever name for it really, don't you think? Anyways, I just remember this cuz in maths we were calculating the probablility of a jackpot in one of those games - 1 in 216 or something - very slim chance....
Ok, whatever...oh! oh! My0 was down on sunday cuz of version vibrant! yay! can't wait for it! i can comment now btw, so i shall visit you guys sites today~~~
So...lemme see what's happening this week...My japanese exchange student is coming on saturday....
The malaysian dance group (which i am a part of - yea, my grandad's malaysian) is having to perform on saturday...yay, i get to dance infront of heaps of ppl *sarchasm* yaaaaaaay....
1)How are you ppl?
2)I'm so bad at thinking of questions so just type the first thing that pops into your head~
gonna visit ur sites now!~
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
Hey ppl.
Man, i had so much fun yesterday! Sali came over and we played Narutimate accel for 4 hours straight! she kept picking Tsunade - which is so annoying cuz Tsunade is badass and so hard to beat. But i kept choosing Neji-sama which must have been so annoying for her cuz i kept winning anyways XDD
It might have been raining but it felt hot and after 2 hours, we were really hot and tired (yea, even when we didn't do any proper exercise XD) and Sali was like:
Sali: Ah....it's so hot ^^;
Me: Nah, NEJI's hot. MY GODDDDD~
and we laughed nonstop and went on a high XDD
yeap, other than that... nothing happened. oh, i went to see the collaboration comic me n sonicandtailsrox are working on ^^ hopefully, i'm gonna draw the second page soon~ go check it out if you have the time~!
1)How has your day been
2)do you like churros?
3)ok, i saw this question on aikokurobara's site but...What would you younger self say if they saw the older you?
mine would probably say:
"who the heck is Neji? he looks like a girl!"
"You still like sonic? HE'S MINE! but i guess it's ok cuz you're me and we are us and....i confuse-ded myself @_@"
very interesting really...
ok, see ya around!
P.S. I still can't comment...can't wait for goddamn version vibrant...
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Hi hi!
Hi ppls! The coolest thing happened to me after school today!
me and salimah were waiting outside the school for her mom to come and we had alerady been waiting for 10 min and most of the girls had already gone. and it was so hot today...
But then, we saw this car come into the road to school and it had the words "'the edge' driving school" on the side (note: the edge is a popular radio station !!!) so salimah and i and some other girls who were still waiting for their parents ran over there and they gave us 'girlfriend' magazines (!!!) (note: 'girlfriend mags': real popular with teenage girls~!) it was a publicity stunt really - listen to the edge and win driving lessons with (some random guy i forgot his name XD) BUT WHO CARES? XDDD
So, that was the day's highlight :D
oh, i've been listening and downloading heaps of sonic songs lately...
and i'm now even more addicted to remix factory and Dreams Of An Absolution : Beta (it's actually an unreleased instumental version of dreams of an absolution~ it's even better than the one with vocals XDDD (note: karaoke version!!!! XDDD ) so, go listen to their stuff if you have time!!! they're awesome! LEE BROTHERTON IS AWESOME (he sang 'dreams of an absolution' <3)
1)How was your day?
2)smoothies or milkshakes? (OMGOMGOMG SO HARDDD XDD)
3)Did you listen to their music? WASN'T IT AWESUMMM?!?!? XP (Ayumi Hamasaki's 'glitter' remix by K-Klub is nice too~)
P.S. my sorry excuse for a PC still isn't letting me comment or upload art...;_; i'll totally comment on all you guy's posts once the internet get's un-crap-ified...
~love, PC1
P.S.S i finally got an account on youtube : 1pinkcandy1. incase some of you have an account on there too. so just message me on youtube or something~
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Hey pplz
Hi Guys,
I've been feeling depressed lately. i dunno why. but it's bad enough that i have resorted to yaoi to try and cheer me up.
well, nothing's happened lately. I did get awesome techno songs tho. Like this one called 'Un-Gravitify ~ Electro Extended version~' - Sonic Riders Zero Gravity. And the game isn't even out yet XD
Tomorrow is the athletics day finals. so we get 2 periods of classes tomorrow instead of 5 ^^ it rained heaps on athletics day so that kinda sucked...
Dharshi: "N-N-Nadiah...what is-"
Salimah and Yujing: "Lemme see!"
Even after that. Dhashi keep looking at the pics...0_o....
so the only one who knows about my stash is Dharshi. I told her not to tell Yujing and Salimah but....i know how reliable she is...
When we were going back to class
Me: "Hey Dharshiya..."
Dharshiya: "?"
Me: "Whatever you saw on my MP3...you didn't see it, okay?? ^^;;;"
Dharshiya: "HEY EVERYONE~! Guess what Nadiah has on her-"
Dharshi: "hee hee, juz kidding XD"
BTW, for those of you who dunno what sonadow is , it's Sonic X Shadow. yes, hedgehogs. yes, aikokurobara said it was wierd for me to like hedgehog yaoi too....go ahead and laugh....
...maybe that's why i'm feeling sad? nah, it was before she said that...
lol, look at this XD

so true!!!!
I can't think of any qns right now....
maybe...tell me about yourself!
see ya around~!
p.s. for some reason, i can't comment on ppls site or upload artwork. it might just be my comp and...i'm really sorry i can't comment on you guy's sites. i'll pm you tho. that still works...
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