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Station Square (that city in sonic adventure 1)
Member Since
Real Name
Rose Avalon
Anime Fan Since
waaaaaaay back in the 2nd grade...
Favorite Anime
To cosplay sonic the hedgehog ^^ (sounds like fun!)
playin Para-para, PS2,
I can play the drums
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Monday, May 21, 2007
j00, how are you guys? me? I suppose I had a normal an okay day but turns out that on my friend's website, her sister posted something in the forums about 'I had my best go at tomato bounce [game on the site] yet!" and then i had to go be a meanie and say
"cool. I got 15300 [or something like that] did you beat THAT, Song?"
maybe she thought it sounded mean and show-offy or something. ehr sister is only 6 or 8 or something and she was like " made me feel sad, pink_candy"
great. I'M the bad guy. ah crud. maybe i deserve it. I should have kept my mouth shut. and then my friend comes along and says something crap like "don't make other ppl feel bad because you got a higher score" DAMN YOU! I just wanted to say that i got 15300 or whatever it was.
turns out the sister only got 2000 at the game. she's CRAP at it...
oh, there i go again...
I must go cut myself. I feel emo-ey. I made a little girl sad and my friend's kinda mad at me, i think. Ah i'm going....
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Friday, May 18, 2007
j00 mah peeps
so, what's been up? wwhat's been up with me? glad you asked ^^
IN THE BUS, I SAT NEXT TO THE GUY I LIKE! but i didn't talk to him tho. i'll try to next time.
that was probably the highlight of my day
and i was talking to izzie at night and she said that one of my best friends had (yet another) boyfriend~
congrats, vivsie
*our group is the yami
Y - broken_wings
A - vivsie/earth_gal
M - me
I - izzie/princess_of_mer
so izzie went:
"so...YA has found happyness"
"what about MI?"
i might make a (cruddy) poem about this. i dun even know if i can MAKE a poem. wish me luck~
"what about MI?"
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
j00 everyone~
sorry i have not been updating often. i have been a lazy bum.
ooh!ooh! for the big test, we got our papers back....and I GOT EVERY QUESTION RIGHT!!!! EVEN THE DAMN HARD LAST ONE!!! shadow will be so prouddddd~ ^^
ignore the last part ><
i was also trying this song searching program (30 day trial) so i'm getting asd many songs as i can. my daddy says i can't get lime wire or anythin' like that. >< bleah.
p.s. i don't understand venus_kitty's avatar. please explain ><
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
My life would have no meaning if it wasn't for sonic....~
no it wouldn't....
sonicandtailsrox should agree with me also
*nods head* *drifts into dreams*
oh *snaps out of it*!
and in related news...
sonic the comic
yea, online sonic comics! They were cancelled in england so the writer decided to make it an online comic. Those are all the back issues just go here for the newest comic. You might need to read a back issue to get what's going on tho...that sux...
and also the drawings ain't so good...
but it beats waiting for the american one to get to new zealand! my dad is from england after all.
spot-of-tea, a tad under the weather, a bit 6s and 7s....actually QUITE a lot of 6s and 7s....
lol, you guys have no idea what that means, do you?
go watch austin powers XP
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
sorry for not updating >
bleah, i haven't been updating cuz i've been updating on bebo. i am actually addicted to bebo
....not too co0o0l...
well, what happened this week? we had a fitness test..and we had an NCEA exam (real big test) and i got...excellence! (which is like an A!)
I'm part smartie!
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Monday, May 7, 2007
hope u see this b4 or on ur birthday~
nothing new to report actually. my life is so0o0o dull~ ><
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Friday, May 4, 2007
kwee! I finally watched spiderman 3
**spoilers alert**
yayz! I really did ^^ emo peter parker is so hot ^^ lol, emo guys...whatcha gunna do?
I think venom is pretty co0o0l ^^
heck, izzie knows what i mean =>_<=
it's seems wierd but yea, i think so izzie ^^
I found out the girl who sings the sonic X japanese ending song, hikari michi (the shining road) is MY AGE!!!! aya hiroshige, born on 20th december 1992!!! younger than jia even ^^ she's really tiny looking too 0_o
if that chick can make it to stardom in a matter of fourteen years, then i betcha someone's gunna recognise izzie and my talents sometime soon ^^
I ain't singing unless izzie is....
maybe not =P
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Scooter girl~
Today, there were some Grammar school guys at our school cuz they were gonna show us a preview of the girl/guy grammar school production: cabaret. And when they were performing, i was sweating a lot >< was it because the hall was so freakin' hot...
or cuz the guys were wearing suspenders and shorts? =>_<=
they weren't hot tho...
and i had a maths GSCE exam today. just for measurement. i forgot to bring a ruler!!!
but in the period b4 maths, i found a ruler under my chair!!!! a really long one!!!
a bloody miracle...
and about the title...yep, it's the comic i was reading a while ago. i finished the story in like, 2 days. it's a manga done by an english gal (it's pretty good, mind you). even gets..."R" rated in some parts...BUT THE MAIN GUY IS PRETTY HOO0O0OT ^^ unfortunately, his name is ash -_- (if u are lost, go and ask broken_wings)
even on the third page, it gets pretty R rated. but there's no porno.

well, not much...^^'
I enjoyed it though. I'd recommend it to you guys (except IZZIE who does not like non-japanese manga type thingies *sticks tongue out*)
hmph, she doesn't know what she'll be missing.
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
YEA! i'm on a roll!
great news (for me anyway)!!!
I lost 2 kg in the weekend (4 pounds)!!! if i keep this up, I'll be not-fat in no time!
I'm working on a couple of drawings cuz i'm in a good mood~ It's a surprise so i shall not be telling~ ^^
oh, and broken wings, regarding that post on your otaku...i was hoping that WOULDN'T happen? *sigh* like, you 2 fighting? and all? I don't want it. I never wanted it. *sigh* oh well...que cera cera (or, however u spell it)
other than that...I'm pretty proud of myself ^^
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
Bleah, is not in a good mood...
Ah crud, i feel useless...
My parents bought this weighing scale (cuz we need one (?)) and i went on it and i couldn't believe how much i weighed...
70+ kg...
which is...i dunno...140+ pounds? (i think)
and like, it means i put on 10 kg (20 pounds) since last year!!!
I hate feeling like this...
so this is what i'm gonna do:
-skip dinner (what the heck use is dinner anyway? it's not like i can burn off the cals in 3 hours?
-no carb (my friend vivi tried this and she turned out great. she used to be pretty chubby. now she's pretty pretty! so it's worth a shot) (i'll try this litebread i saw in the supermarket. it's got not a lot of carbs and it taste's nice ^^)
-since i ain't having no carbs, i'll eat more veggies (or try anyway)
-play more in my dance mat controller (which means i have to...sweat *T_T* ah heck, i'm so fat, i sweat when i'm just standing still)
-go to the school gym more often (i'll ask blanche to come with me. she is on a diet too)
i'm gonna surprise everyone when i return to singapore. (funny, i was never this heavy when i left singapore)
i'll show my father and brother...i hate them the most. they keep going:
'nad, you're 7* kg'
'nad, you fat sad arse' - (my brother)
'we need to go jogging tonight nad'
after this, i'll become goth so i'll get lots of boys attention (like vivi)
I'm jealous of how all my friends turned out (even tho i really shouldn't)
-nissie(broken_wings): she's got a shapely body and she has a boyfriend. and she keeps telling me she's fat. well...
-izzie(princess_of_mer): she's a vegetarian and underweight...HOW CAN SHE NOT HAVE ANY BOYFRIEND YET? i BET 'EGGS' MUST LIKE HER!!
-vivi(earth_gal): oh vivi,vivi,vivi...vivi is my inspiration actually. so i'm gonna be just like her! (well, do what she did anyways)
okie, off to do 50 stomach crunches~
the ever emo, pink_candy1
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