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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
...ANZAC day, another stupid excuse for a public holiday
bet 'chall are wondering what ANZAC day is...
...and that is an excellent question~
well, it is a day to comemorate all the New zealand and australian soldiers who fought and died in the war.
but i don't really care. i'm not a new zealander or an australian. I just like the fact that it is a public holiday ^^
I finally saw 'meet the robinsons' todaeee...^^ The rest of my family didn't really like it but i thought is was cool! futurrrrrre! I wanna travel in a bubble too~!
I had this wierd day dream when i was listening to my MP3. I dreamed that my friends and I were all older...
Broken_wings - She was a long haired singer married to some random guy (NOT my cousin...) with a 6 year old gal (Mirai) and a 14 year old boy (asagi) (who was not bad lookin' btw...)
Earth_gal: hmm...she wasn't married.. (...sorry vivs) but she was a sucessful journalist~
Princess_of_mer: she was a manga artist with her own anime about us 4 when we were young. She was married to this guy she likes (but i ain;t supposed to tell u all his name so i'll just call him 'eggs' cuz that's my nickie for him) and they had a 4 year old daughter (Serina)
Me: hmm...I was s single mom with this 6 year old daughter (Hazel)
Wierd, i rememeber mine the best...
tomorrow i get my social studies test back. i'd be lucky to get even a 20/40 T___T
keep moving forward~ Pink_candy1
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
2 days before schools starts...>
Greaaaaat, now I actually DON'T wanna go back to school...
but i'll get to see ALL my friends again...
almost all...
My grandparents went home today...and i didn't cry! i probably should have but..i dunno...i'm tired of crying. I got bored of it. It doesn't help or anything...you vision gets all blurry and stuff. I dunno how Earth_gal can stand crying so much...
after that...we went to a malaysian festival. I bet my grandparents would have wanted to go (if they hadn't already flown back to singapore). my grandad's from malaysia and I can speak malaysian so it was right to go.
It was damn boring tho.
the food wasn't GREAT either...
Princess_of_mer was recording songs on her comp and sending them to me (they ain't half bad, considering she didn't have any background music). So I thought I would record myself (with background music or course) singing some random japanese song. So i chose 'Automatic' by utada hikaru..
I don't think it turned out that well
and I chose Silver's theme song 'dreams of an absolution' but the remix...
and i can say it turned out better.
lol XD, here's my version ofdreams of an absolution but i cut it short so it's just like, a minute long~
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Nuthin' special...
as my post title suggests, nothin special happened today....My lil' brother's friend came over and I was bored cuz they were on the PS2 the whole tiiiiime...><
how is sonic supposed to save the world if those two are goofing off in 'altered beast'?
I got a great idea and got on the internet and loaded AOSTH (the adventures of sonic the hedgehog)-lovesick sonic. I miss that show so much. and my comp is so slow so it took 1 and 1/2 hours to load just 9 min of the show (part 1)
It was so funny
"You guys just don't get it do ya? I ain't no barbecue. I'm FAST FOOD!" - Sonic (of course -_-') to some guys who wanted to eat him 0_____o
hooray for the internet ^^
OH YEA! AND WHAT DO U GUYS THINK ABOUT MY SITE?! I FINALLY GOT THE NEW LAYOUT UP!!! and I made these cute buttons ^^ tell me what u think in the comments!
~”üŒŽ - ‚¿‚á‚ñ (mitsu,ki - beautiful moon-chan)
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Monday, April 16, 2007
I won't last a day without you~
Day after day, I must face a world of strangers
where i don't belong, I'm not that strong
It's nice to know that there's someone i can turn to
who will always care, you're always there ^^
when there's no getting over that rainbow
when my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
but I won't last a day without you...
So many times when the city seems to be
Without a friendly face
A lonely place
It's nice to know that you'll be there if
I need you
And you'll always smile...
It's all worthwhile ^^
when there's no getting over that rainbow
when my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
but I won't last a day without you...
If all my friends have forgotten half their promises...
they're not unkind...
just hard to find...
One look at you and
I know that I could learn to live
Without the rest...
I found the best ^^
when there's no getting over that rainbow
when my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
but I won't last a day without you...
for my little izzie (princes or mer, go take a look at her site pls) who's always on my side, always there, always understands me and is having quite a bit of bad luck right now. so i hope she sees this and it cheers her up. hope your luck gets better izzie. you did get a high mark on your HCL exam though ^^ I could never get that good on a malay test XP.
I'll never forget all you've done for Nadi (me)~:
-calling her up to remind her of homework to do,
- helping nadi with stupid maths sums (like "fred has 300 apples" i mean, what the hell would a kid wanna do with 300 freakin' apples?!?!),
- drawing stuff for nadi,
- never forgetting her birthday,
- promising to go on msn messenger every wednesday to talk to her
- visits her site to comment on posts
- paying for group parapara
- paying for group neoprints
- making nadi laugh ^^
- always turning up for our YAMI outings to the mall~
- apologising for anything bad you do to me (not very often, buuuuut...)
-and being a bestest friend forevaaaaaaah!
nadi wuvs you very much izzie ~ Glompx
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
YES!!! FINALLY!!! I GOT NEGI!!! AND I CAN USE MY BYAKUGAN CARD!!! o0o0o0oh yea!! not that I...like him or anything *hem hem* but he's very cool......BYAKUGANNNNNNN!
and I must be really obsessed with naruto cuz I had this waaaaay wierd dream....(don't laugh)
I dreamt that konohamaru was trapped in this rattan box and he was in the freezer section of the supermarket (quite wierd) and then sasuke and shikamaru came along and konohamaru had fallen asleep by then. then sasuke took him out of the box and put him in this refridgerator and shut the fridge door (gets wierder) and then well, sasuke and shikamaru laugh and konohamaru wakes up and says:
"aaaah! I'm trapped on the internet!"
XDDDDDDDDDDDD I have no idea where that came from! my brain must be broken. tiume to change the batteries.
and then the next day, I had another dream
not naruto related
i was in social studies class and we had to do some work and the teacher came along (the BUNTINGGGG!)and she said, "nadiah, what's THAT on your desk?" and it was a silver the hedgehog doll, I have no idea how it got there, and she TOOK IT AWAAYYYYYY!!!! T______________________T WAAAAAH! and I wonder if my dreams mean anything...
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
darn...10 more days to go
the school hols are so boring. and it's dumb. like, when you're in school, you wish you weren't. and when you're on holiday, you wish you were in school. bleah...
At least I'm get to go on shopping sprees and stuff in the hols. So far, I got:
-A red hoodie ^^
-Red shoes...(flats)
-A black ring, white ring and red ring
-strawberries keychain (pink, of course ^^)
-Pink jacket (dusty pink)
-some lip gloss that smells like vanilla~ yummy!
-A couple of mags
...Pink is good ^^
Oh! and I got a haircut...now I have a fringe, but it's not long enough for an emo fringe.
back to naruto cards. I didn't find a deck pack or anything so i guess I will just collect them until I find out how to play. I bought 5 packs...and I didn't get naruto but in my brother's first pack, he go sasuke AND naruto!!!! DAMN HIMMMMM!!!...I keep getting kakashi...><. I got two sakura (they're both different), Ino and inner sakura......I WANT NARUTO!!!HE'S SHO CUTE! I took a test, like, what naruto char I am, and I got naruto~cuz I'm so damn funny. (and I don't NEED to perform a sexy jutsu~ wink~ nah, just kidding ^^;)
I'd like to be able to do a byakugan tho...
neji is waaaay cool!
I hope i get him soon...
only 10 more days to killllllll....
can't believe my cousin wrote this...
There can be no Hate.
Only Honor.
There can be no Fury.
Only Forgiveness.
There can be no Secrets.
Only Trust.
There should be no Uncertainty.
Only Understanding.
There can be no Delight.
Only Devotion.
There can be no Emotion.
Only Empathy.
There can be no Coldness.
Only Care.
There should be no Anger.
Only Affection.
There can be no Purpose.
Without Her.
to my friend....
but that's not the part that gets me...it's that he he can WRITE such a poem...makes me wanna write one...
...I shall!
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Going to taupo for the weekend!
whee! it's gonna be so cool! I love taupo! it's so nice and quiet and prettyful (and a great place for a holiday romance....ah! I must not think about stuff like this after the promise*) besides, i don't want one anyway, how gross! it's more like something vivi wants...if she went to america or something....foreign guys are hot...american guys anyway...blonde american guys with cute accents......
nega** : ok, moving on...
i had the parents teacher's interview yesterday. me, my daddy, my mama and my granny went. and all of the teachers had nice stuff to say about me...
nega: except miss bunting, the social studies teacher, she told me to watch the news more often so i'd do better in her social studies current events test that we have every monday...that's cuz she's such a b-
nega: I mean....she sucks....
but she seems so nice when she was talking to mum and dad
nega: that's cuz all the teachers do that when they talk to parents.
yea, i guess you're right.
Mr lloyd showed us the funniest videos today on his laptop. he's my maths teacher and he's really cool (even tho he's old-ish) he's from manchester but he seemed to have a liverpool accent. like the beatles.
nega: get to the point, woman. anyway, he showed us this video about this lady and the video was called "senior moment" and there was this lady and she was typing on her comp and she pushed the monitor aside like as if she was using a typewriter! it was damn funny! what a noise it made when it crashed on the floor!
oh and the powerpoint slides of all the incorrect jap-english signs were funny too!
nega: go look for some pictures
Oh right!
Nega:I might as well tell you all the "*" stuff while she looks for pictures:
*the promise that she made was that she would not have a boyfriend until she is twenty or something like that
**hem, hem* I am her other personality. yes, she IS mentally disturbed. who knows why I came about...she's such an emo sometimes...
I'm back!

maybe now grandma will stop tramping around...

another dumping one...

>< all I got time for! see ya on tuesdaeeeee!
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
don't infect me with your NOOGIE gerrrrrms!
I just bought this new sonic comic so that's why i have this wierd post subject

now...what's happened over the past few days?
-went out with my grandparents to Onehunga and I got this shiny lip gloss that smells like vanilla~ yums!
-got a sonic comic and the sonic the hedgehog archives volume 2 (I can't find volume 1 T_T)
-I actually drew more of my Y.A.M.I comics and I'll upload them to the otaku so please check that out
-and I was not lazy enough to scan some sonic comic pics onto the comp. here are some, unfortunately, I am too lazy to upload all of them onto imageshack.us so i'll do that some other time (u can't blame me, it's 11.00pm here and I got school tomorrow)

< I'll try to fix up a new layout in the meantime >
of course, I won't change roxas at the bottom of every post ^^
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I made an avatar i wanted to use on otaku yesterday but the dimensions are too big so you guys can use it but give credit or something...

it's not very good but that's cuz I made it
My jap teacher gave us the meanest homework on tuesday. we had to write out this whole conversation (2 pages long) and we had to translate the whole thing ><
meh~ nothing much happened today....
it's been raining a lot...wierd...the weather corresponds to my mood....maybe i am meteoric?
or whatever...something like that
and i am trying to make another avatar that will hopefully fit....
it's sad that roxas is like, "like, whatever" to everything. well i guess so....since he has no heart or nothing, i guess he would be like that tho...
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Monday, March 26, 2007
I am not in a particularly good mood because:
1) I was told by mother that I was too kind and giving...I guess she's right....she told me this when i was buying all these presents for my friends whose birthdays were coming up. and she was like, "do you really think all your friends will really do the same to you?"....
now that i think about it.......not really....
I gave presents to all my ...best... friends in
princess_of_mer: I gave her this cute diary with all these cuteyful bears on it and what did i get in return? I piece of paper torn out form a notebook sayin' "you're my best-est friend", "have a happy and even happier birthday" and stuff. with a drawing of me (?) on it. WITH NO FRIGGIN PRESENT!
Earth_gal: I gave her a letter writing set with leaves on it. and this green notebook which really matched. and what did I get? A bookmark from america with a heart (no american authenticity or nothing) and the heart was pixelly....and i didn't get a card....the bookmark was about 4 inches at most.
Broken_wings: I don't even remember what i gave her but i gave her SOMETHING. (i forgot what she got me) if she got me anything cuz she proably hates me now.
So, you just gonna tell all your problems to anis, eh, vivi? fine then. You KNOW that I give the best advice than anyone in the whole world. If you just wanna listen to her, fine...
2)My father is always going on the comp riiight before i want to go on MSN. Just to do his idiot book about the english language and what not. It's not like anyone CARES about books like that. If i wrote books, I'd write books that people would actually BOTHER to READ. It's not like he is renown for his books here as much as in singapore. he was MUCH FAMOUS-ER IN SINGAPORE DAMMIT! WHY'D WE HAVE TO F***ING MOVE!!!!
4)I had this quiz in health about my 'goals' for the future.
I have no future. at least probably more of a future than all my boyfriend switching friends out there too engrossed in their love lifes to be concentrating on what is REALLY important. [YAY FOR BEING SINGLE!!!]
oh yes, anyway, I wasn't realy sure of what i wanted to achieve...
and then i realised what it was....
I wanted to be recognised by people, y'know, be famous! other than hopeless little nadiah who
-doesn't play a sport
-doesn't play an instrument
-isn't really good at much anything
I actually thought it sounded like naruto's dream. (he really is a crap ninja ><)
nah, he's cool tho ^^
and i remember this when I was watching naruto:
Haku: the person who needs you most, is the person you should make the most important in your life...
and i thought...
my parents don't really need me...
my friends don't really need me....
and i thought nobody needed me...
I slashed myself....
just kidding!
daddy called hamzah (little brother) something bad when he wouldn't help to trim the f***ing hedges. hamzi was feeling pretty sad so he was sort of sobbing to me and I realised...
my little brother needs me most...
so he is the most important person to me in my life...
even though he is quite a bum sometimes...
but i know that he needs me more than anyone else
(weird, zabuza is the most important person to haku...haku=gay? probably)
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