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Station Square (that city in sonic adventure 1)
Member Since
Real Name
Rose Avalon
Anime Fan Since
waaaaaaay back in the 2nd grade...
Favorite Anime
To cosplay sonic the hedgehog ^^ (sounds like fun!)
playin Para-para, PS2,
I can play the drums
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Thursday, February 15, 2007
School is dull and 'Kingdom' is so cool!
School started a week ago and I've been really busy (doing school stuff AND trying to complete kingdom hearts). I got a locker today so i don't need to carry around so many freaking heavy books! the size of our maths book is totally huge!I need to get my allowance from dad, get that debating form that japanese homework thingy, and see 'Kingdom'...
Wednesday was valentines day...hearts and roses and little babies with wings shooting arrows at people so they fall in love...frankly, I don't buy it. people don't need babies to shoot them till they fall in love, they do it naturally -_- and the whole valentines day itself is just a made up thing for merchandising. I've been single on every valentines day, AND LOVIN IT!!!
but...I wouldn't mind getting a card for some guy of something....i guess it's the negatives of being in a all girl school. (negative or positive?) *drifts of into random fantsay of shadow giving her a card and...* huh? oh! nothing! ...i wonder if 'kingdom' ever thought of giving me something...
I bet u are wondering who 'Kingdom' is...well...I just met him but we are really good friends. I can tell him anything. He listens and dun talks very much but that's why i like him. My parents don't mind me seeing him ^^ that's about all i can tell you guys about now...I gotta see him now... ^^
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Friday, February 9, 2007
I want a cookie
myeh, today was the first day of real classes and i guess my classes were alright. I actually miss having lessons. Maybe cuz my holidays were so long (I got to skip the last week of school for last year). Well, i don't really miss them i had seven subjects today...
*watching sonic X episode 52: memories of the wind and as my internet is dial up, i'll have to wait 3 hours for the whole episode to load. for people who are not as obsessed with watching sonic X as i am, they will think that it is a waste of time. BUT NOT MEEEEEEEE~!!! The episode's supposed to have a LOT of Sonamy, which is gooooood! and it's in japanese so i'm kinda studiying for my japanese classes as i'm watching ^^ (*lame excuse*)
I've finally scanned some images so please take a look at them in my portfolio.
-A Drawing of Tails (not the kingdom hearts one, busy colouring it in)
-A drawing of me and my beeeeest friend ^^
*GTG, i gotta see how much my episode has loaded* I'll upload the images when i'm done
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
WAAAAAAH~! School starts tomorrow T_T
WAAAAAA~! The holidays were so short T_T at leasts it means i don't have to go to a darn park every second day and i get to see my friends again.
I went to mama's office today. It was so damn boring that i drew pictures all day. I drew:
*Tails pretending to be Sora
*Sonic pretending to be king mickey (in a cloak) (he looks more of a member of organisation XIII)
*Cosmo preteding to be Kairi
*Shadow *haaaa~* pretending to be Riku
*Cream pretending to be Namine
*RISTAR!!!!!! (cuter than the original)
I need to find some time to scan these pics in (i had a scanner all this time and i didn't realise it)
ooh!ooh! My cousin sent me this HOT picture of sonic over MSN:

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Monday, February 5, 2007
school starts on wednesday T__________________T
dammit! the holidays feel so short...then again, i'm glad school's starting. Then i don't have to go to a damn park everyday -_-;;;
I'm sad cuz i found this website where u can see al the sonic X episodes this guy uploaded. It took me 3 hours to upload the damn episode but i guess it was worth WAS episode 65 after all *wink* (don't worry, I have dial up that's why it took so long but all you who have BROADBAND will not have to wait so long...stupid dad who won't get broadband)
Do we all remember episode 65?

KWEEEEEE~~~!!!!! all the pics are so cyuuuute! I guess it was worth 3 hours wait ^_^
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Sunday, February 4, 2007
Life's a "BEACH"
I couldn't think of what else to put at the top but a bad pun....*i am turning into my father, but in girl form*
you'll never guess where we went today....the beach!!! *inspiration for bad pun* and it was at PIHA *pihachu!* and apparantly, they're shooting some new disney movie that's supossed to be set in hawaii...i forgot the title of the movie but it's the name of some dude...the auditions are over but ppl get paid $100 BUCKS A DAY!!! (but this is NZ dollars so...yea) BUT IT'S STILL A LOT! AND THAT'S ONLY FOR UNDER 12! ADULTS GET $150 A DAY! DAMMIT! we should move closer to piha...NOT!
anyway, we went to the dad, brother and I. they wanted to come here cuz they wanted to climb some gay rock...lion rock or something...and ME, being a teeneage girl, did NOT go to the beach to climb a stinkin rock - i went cuz...I WANTED TO SEE HOT GUYS!!! hot guys always go the beach. lots of surfer guys you know *nudge, nudge* my friend, Azri, would have loved it there - she's VERY boy crazy! I'm so nice thinking of my friends ^^
we didn't bring swimming costumes so we just waded in the water. (It was damn hot so we hid beneath the stupid rock. there was this cute little pool of water beneath it so we just stayed around there) Stupid kids always ran past and got me wet *grrrrrrrr* after a while we went and got ice-cream (Vanilla and caramel for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and then we went home.
I guess it was cool ^^ even though i was at a spot nowhere near enough to see the surfer guys T_T well, that's not what life's all's about.....uhh.......................................
CHEESE!!! (but not processed cheese >_<)
I'm gonna have some cheese now ^^
see ya
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Friday, February 2, 2007
No one special...
these are all my best friendies ^^ the one at the top left is Yukio, The one at the top right is Aiko, i'm at the bottom left and my best fwen Izzie is next to me ^^
I'm not sure why i'm writing this, cuz no one will care or anything...but...I feel like i have to.
We aren't as close as we were before. two years ago, i introduced my friends to my cousins cuz we were gonna watch a film together. --Big mistake #1-- then, my little cousin sofi liked hanging out with Yukio so much that she wanted her e-mail, so i asked Yuki if it was ok with her. she said yes so i gave sofi her e-mail --big mistake #2-- a year later, Yuki and sofi's older brother were going out...they were girlfriend and boyfriend...and he got her e-mail behind my back...I swear...I'll hate him forever for it. I'll never forgive him...and i'll never forgive her...and because of this, I promised i would never get a boyfriend...if it gets in the way of true friendship with my gals, It's not worth it. I don't want them to go through what i did...
2 years ago, Aiko was the sort of dork-ish girl, glasses and all, and clumsy too (sorry Ai ^^;;) now, she's become goth. I don't think it suits all...but she says it's her "calling". being boy crazy her "calling" too? I dunno...I might be boy crazy, but i haven't had a boyfriend my whole life when she's had...*is not gonna reveal* she's one of my best friends...i'm not gonna tell total strangers...then again, i am telling them this...aren't I?
And Izzie, she's my bestest friend in the whole world. She helps me in everything, she can tolerate my ranting on about how ho0o0o0o0t Shadow is, she's got the best drawings, she's really slim and...she's.....well....pretty much perfect...i guess....that why...i sometimes feel so jealous....
1) She's better at japanese than me, even though i take it as a subject in school and she does independant learning - she knows chinese too so it helps a lot
2) She's good at Chinese - I don't even know chinese
3)She's real good at maths - I SUCK at maths and
4) She's good at HTML and computer stuff so her otaku's always so much better than mine
5) her otaku's GB has 200+ signatures while mine has only eleven...
6) She's in the band, on percussion and i don't even have an after school activity
I'm not sure if it's ok to feel like this but...I hate it when she does so much better than me...
but she's my bestest friend in the universe....
and i'm HER bestest friend in the universe...
at least...
i THINK so...
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Roxas is an acronym of sora (if u take out the 'X')
I LOVE KH2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but there are too many cutscenes, at least u can skip them.
when sora got out of that pod thingy he was in, i was like...
"ah...his voice's deep now...and his clothes are too short for him...pfft! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *while blushing at the same time* " i was so embarassed for him so i told my brother, Hamzi, to play the game for me until sora got some decent clothes. my face was really red, i could feel it. Why am i like that? I dunno, i just am....really random...even though it's just a game >_<
OOH!OOH! yea! look below
SHADOW-KUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!! *face turns red again*
Which Sonic X Boy Would You Go Out With?
 You would go out with Shadow The Hedgehog. This powerful, dark hedgehog is HOT, mysterious, and very cool. He's not bad but there are times when he gets very violent. He can take your heart away with his smile, seductive eyes, and he has a great bod. There may be no girl chasing after him in the show, but we're all wanting him in reality! Take this quiz!

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Monday, January 29, 2007
nothing out of the ordinary...again...
overall, what happened this week
+ went to a water park WITH A HUGE SLIDE!!! (it would have been more fun with my Singapore friends though...(used to live in singapore)
+ Some IDIOTS in a car threw a peach at our house (thankfully no windows broken) THIS is why we wanted to move here?
+Bought Onegai Twins volume 2. (probably the best thing that's happened all week
+hopefully my NZ friends will get to come over to my house to watch Onegai twins tomorrow
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Saturday, January 27, 2007
*Ultimate buzz champion...and...A new obsession?*
well...let's seeee...what happened today?
school hasn't started so there won't be much interesting news for a while.
invited Rochelle over and we played her buzzzz. hamzi (my younger brother) played too (but he sucked XD)And guess who won? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! *yes, vivi, i know self praise is bad but...i really did well! (hamzah kept trying to get the points off me by pressing the buttons for me - so i sat far away from him. I should have her over again! mama's glad cuz rochelle likes her cooking (it is always yummy scrummies ^_^) actually, all we ever did was play on the PS but it was fun! (in buzz, i got 4800! if anyone got higher than me, please put something in the comments)
And...umm...about the's not that i'm obsessed about Buzz....It's my obsession with a guy....a hedgehog guy to be precise (NO! NOT SONIC! what am I? a 9 year old? but, i did like him when i was 9) and his name is......SILVER! fine, laugh at me. It IS childish of me but i finally found a sonic guy my age (who is single) cuz i used to like shadow but there's lots of Shadamy and Shadia *gags* real name is Nadia but if u put it together, it becomes Shadia so ppl think i like the idea of shadow + maria (WHICH I STRONGLY OPPOSE!!!) *fuu* ... excuse me, I must go and find more silver pics! ^_^
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Monday, January 22, 2007
back from singapore *waaah*
yes, it sucks when you have to leave your home country after being away a year and back for only five weeks. I got lots of things though and they are nice and cheap ^_^ and I got KH2!!! Roxas is so cool (but not as cool as Riku...) *stares into space with dreamy look on face* ah!-nothing! i've had the game for a month but i'm too lazy to complete it in a rush. I'm still in twilight town. plus, i haven't even finished KH1 or chain of memories so i dunno what's going GOT THE KH MANGA!!! yay for me!
I GOT A TRAMPOLINE!!!!!WHEEE!!!!!!BOUNCY BOUNCY!!!!!...unfortunately, i tore my muscle in my right leg while bouncing on that sucks.
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