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Station Square (that city in sonic adventure 1)
Member Since
Real Name
Rose Avalon
Anime Fan Since
waaaaaaay back in the 2nd grade...
Favorite Anime
To cosplay sonic the hedgehog ^^ (sounds like fun!)
playin Para-para, PS2,
I can play the drums
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Yesterday was my birthday n i had my friendies come round to the new house. Well, only two of the four came over cuz the ones that didn't come bought tikects to some lame-o circus that was birthday...fabuloso...
WE played singstar that one of my friends brought over. I really didn't know most of them and I had to sing some songs that i didn't know (>_<)
At least i could make up for being such a silly by being able to rock on the dance mat we have!
But the best part was the presents! I got
-A brown stuffed teddy bear ^^=
-A white stuffed toy sheep ^^=
-A huge fancy gold candle ^^=
-A set of hello kitty erasers ^^=
It was so fun! (but i wish my singapore friends were here too..)
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Monday, July 31, 2006
Hello everyone
Hmm...not felling very up to updating the site but i'll do it anyway. I am going to try to do my best! My freind's site is really snazzy! it's got a full moon theme...WHY CAN'T MY SITE BE THAT GOOD?!? oh well, i tried...
BTW, her site link is on top. she's Izumi chan! Sign her GB (cuz you won't sign mine...-_-)
I'm having one of my 'I wanna go back home to Singapore' moments. It's only 9.00 and i wanna go to sleep. Schools boring. I'm in a all girls school so it's not much action in there except for 'those lesbian girls'...
Who are they? Well, Blanche told me about them and i saw them once. They hold hands all the time! and they kissed in front of our class once! They're hostel girls (they live in the School hostel) so Blanche sees them all the time. I suppose it must be hard for them to be...y'know without their 'rents being all hard on them.
okie dokie! see ya later!
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Friday, July 28, 2006
hello. I feel like crying
yes, it's true. mom's really mad with daddy for bringing us to New Zealand. Sometimes he's such a clueless oaf. mom yelled for me really load and she started shouting at me in indonesian (i can speak indonesian, or malay). I went out after that and talked to dad.
"what happened? why did she shout at you?"
"she tried calling for me a few other times but the TV was too loud and she got angus"
". . ."
"mama's not happy here daddy"
he looked at me
"well, we weren't happy insingapore for 5 years"
I think when he said that, he meant himself only. since i'm not very good at retorting, I shut up.
hmm, i have to learn to stand up for myself a little more...and learn to speak my mind...
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Friday, July 21, 2006
From NZ with love
Yes. I've managed to live here for six months without dying of boredom.
I just checked my popularity ranking and it said 'unavailiable'. Gasp! I'm so unpopular! so i'm trying to make up for it by making my site snazzytastic! (that word is copyrighted by my friend Blanche BTW...)
We were just voting for who was going to play the characters in our play, Peter Pan. I wanted to be John (the dude who wears those black glasses and that wierd lookin' hat). anyway, I wanted to but being the unpopular spaz that i am, I didn't get the part. instead, the part went to my (best kiwi pal) Rochelle! No fair! I kinda wanted to get the part. Now, how can I get back at her. Just kidding~
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Hi ya'll
hi guys. Well, sorry i haven't posted in a while becuz things aren't very interesting at the moment.
I'm making sushi on thursday in food tech(hopefully it doesn't kill anyone, so far all the other things I've made are edible...)
Had a japanese test (kinda hard) and then a french oral test (she called out at random and my name wasn't called out before the bell rang, yes!)
Cool english class today! Ms Ashby gave us a poem on a sheet and it was so romantic >_< it's about some guy who likea girl and says that he'll still love her even if the seas go dry and the rocks melt with the sun. the worst part is, that he has to leave her but he'll return even if he has to walk a thousand miles. Omg what a sweet poem! my friend Rochelle says that she'd marry him...if he were still alive. She's really funny........[i wonder if...i'll find my true love...] huh? oh sorry! you weren't meant to hear that! pretend it NEVER HAPPENED!
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
Hi guys. I have the Chicken itches everywhere!!! but at least i have no school for a week...I have waaaay more free time to spend...umm, or maybe waste.
My brother and I have found out how to work the windows movie maker. now, we've gone crazy and done all these mini sprite movies and stuffs...I have tried to stop but it's too much fun. My brother is going to make some movie where knuckles fights himself. okay gtg. bye!
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
No Skool 4 me!
I thought i was supposed to go to school today but it turns out that only primary skool kids and Intermediate skool kids go! that means, I can play the ps2 without my brother's constant nagging and 'IT"S MY TURN!!!!' either! YES! it's just my mom and I. I think we're gonna go to Newmarket soon. She's just ironing some things and then we'll leave.
My brother bought ghost master, you get to scare mortals out of their wits and stuff and you get to keep the ghosts that you free. It's really kinda cool...if my brother wasn't so selfish and wanting to keep the damn game to himself! What a jerk! Ah well...he is only he's an 11 year old jerk! okay my mom's calling me! gotta go!!!
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
couple of quizzies I took

Which Elemental Are You? Quiz from Sparrow
Exactly what I thought. don't mess with me! or else...*evil-grin*

What's Your Personality? Quiz from Sparrow
yay I'm cute! whee! is it possible to be fiesty and cute? cool!
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
hi people
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't written in forever. my grandparents came here and we gotta entertain them and schoolwork sucks y'know? I finally have time and this might be the only time my internet doesn't disconnect so yes. hectic.
I made some pics to put up. umm...yes, I made them all myself but i used other ppls sprites
these are the avatars I did:

These are the comics I did:

And this is some sonamy thingy I did cuz my cousin loves these things (she thinks they're so cute):
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
From Singapore to Auckland in no time flat
yes i have moved to New Zealand and it's cool. I miss my family and friends internet sux cuz of the connection and it keeps breaking. well ummdial up is waaay cheaper than broadband...that's what daddy says but he's paying money for nada...ah school is prety cool, umm, it's a grammer school. It might sound very poshy and for stuck up rich kids but the place is really cool!.the uniform is navy blue and waaay better than the uniform in the old school and it can't be terrible if it's an ALL GALS GRAMMER SCHOOL! and they have big cookies here but they're like $1.80...and worth it! they do have the $1 cookies but they're smaller. Watch out Epsom, here comes me ^^=
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