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Monday, September 17, 2007
sorry guys, i haven't been on for so long.
I'm just really sad...that these two friends i have had this real big arguement over a boy...well, not really...
one of my friends (let's call her Hitomi) kissed a guy (let's call him Ash) in front of my other friend (let's call her irzA). and this kiss goes against their religeon. so irzA is pretty angry about how Hitomi just goes about doing it infront of her face... so they just stopped being friends...
and a year from now, irzA's having a hard time forgetting about Hitomi but Hitomi's being insensitive and said that:
'too much shit has happened in my life for me to care about this anymore'
but just to back up hitomi, i think irzA's overreacted.
So now, irzA's friends and Hitomi's friends are kinda stuck in the middle. irzA's too busy trying to forget hitomi and hitomi's too busy trying to getta hold of her own 'hectic' life.
and what about their friends?
their too busy fretting about their own lives to care about the people stuck in the middle...
selfish, much?
see? this is why i will never have a boyfriend.
I don't want this to happen to me and my friends...
that i've known for so long....
stupid boys...
and stupid girls...
on the bright side, friday was terribly interesting. Yujing was swinging dharshiya's hand and...uh....it kinda touched my chest. and dharshiya was so embarassed!! the whole day, dharshiya and yujing stroked my hand going:
in a really creepy voice...
my friends enjoy raping me? XDDDD
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
Mood: ...
listening to: Big Girls Don't Cry - Fergie~
on the 9th of september, Augustine (this dude from auckland grammar school), was stabbed by gatecrashers. it's so sad! so our school's raising a fund to help him and his family. it's really sad...
so, we went back to class before school ended, and our teacher told us about the launch of the new school cookbooks and stuff (how boring). and he also was talking about the guy who died:
"if you knew him personally, or if you know somebody who knew him personally, it would be good if you donated..."
and then he started crying!!!
"excuse me..."
and he stepped out of the classroom and we were like, "wth? was it something we said?"
and he did that about a couple of times. and then he came back in and he was like,
"ok, let me just get it over with: it's like your final chance to say goodbye to them..."
right then, i realised that Mr Seigneur had experienced losing someone special to him and never got to say goodbye. it's really sad...i almost cried (ALMOST! AND I DIDN'T!!)
"ok, you can go now" (and it was only 3.00! so we got out of school 15 min early!!!)
and i went over to him and asked "did you know that boy, mr seigneur?"
he replied, "no, somebody else..."
so he knew somebody else who he never got to say goodbye to...how sad!!! T_T
I hesitated for a while...but...
I hugged mr seigneur
I said, "i'm sorry"
he replied, "thanks"
probably one of the most touching moments in my life!!!
Augustine : 1990 - 9.9.2007
1)how was your day?
2)ever hugged a teacher?
i never did b4, until then. b4, i thought "hugging a teacher? creeeeeeeepy..." so i am a creep now XP ... nah!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Mood: thoughtful...
Listening: Kids of the Future - Jonas Brothers
Word of the week: Noen!! (it's '9' in german)(you say 'nine' but you stretch your face so you go 'noeeeeeeen'!)
Hi ppls!
how are you? I'm in an okay mood today. Although i'm still thinking about what Rochelle said at lunchtime:
see, Dharshiya sat at my place at lunchtime so i had to sit next to salimah and I was like:
"ugh! I have to sit next to salimah!"
and they laughed
"just kidding!" I said. i hardly ever mean what i say. maybe that's why people don't take me seriously...
and Rochelle looked at me and said:
"Nadiah! you're changed! You used to be so nice! And now, you're mean~!" (she said it in a -nah, i'm kinda kidding- tone.)
but it's true...now that i think about it...I used to be real shy and kind and stuff and now...i'm more extrovert (not shy) but i'm not too caring anymore. like, i don't really care about people as much anymore. maybe i should go back to being ~simpl n cleen~?
OMG! i have to tell u about the cow's eye dissection! I was so sick and i didn't even touch the eye. I'm such a wuss. A wussy wuss wuss~ I feel really useless
i s'pose I've been dis-appreciating myself too. getting a little emo there, kinda~ not too good...
1)ever cut up some animal b4?
2)you changed?
love, me~
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Today was a pretty ok day at school I guess. The thing is: i've been drawing sonic pictures and giving them to my friends. especially dharshiya, who is TOTALLY hooked on sonic X now! it's so cool! I'm like, a sonic missionary! so anyway. the thing REALLY is...that...i think she might like Shadow-kun. WHICH SUX! SINCE I AM MEANT FOR HIM! NOT HERRRR~!
see, i drew her this pic of shadow-kun and an arrow saying: property of Nadiah [ohyes, my name is so0o0o0o cool (not)] and then when i saw it in her folder the next day, she changed it to property of Dharshiya. so when she went to the toilet and i held onto her folder, i changed it back to my name X] and then in science, she realised it was changed so she changed it back to HER name :[ oh wellz.
oh! and in dodgeball i was one of the last 3 pplz left on my team (until i got hit by a dodgeball, duh!) I think i did pretty good ^^
1)how are u guys?
2)dodgeball is good?
3)shadow-kun is MINE, yes? :]
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
hey ppls
mood: normal (is that an emotion?)
listening to: gym class heroes - clothes off
very weird song...* we have to take our, clothes off! to have a good time~!!!*
yes, i am online again ^^. i just had tandoori chicken for dinner. very yumxxorz! i would have more but i'm TRYING to watch my weight. my mom always makes lots of food for us for dinner. dunno why...
i got a pakage from the jap girl, akane!!!
she gave me letters and birthday presents and filter coffee! very cool. i got:
-earrings (pink, duh!)
-black shiny hairband! (hairbands are like, my TM!)
I'm gonna wear them to school. even if i get told off for wearing them!
1)how is u guys?
2)what did you last eat?
(Sorry, i just felt like that~!)
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Friday, August 31, 2007
sorry about not being online in so long. i just didn't feel like it. i think i'll try to go on more often~
we had a lunar eclipse on the 28th august. Before then,...i dunno...i felt like something bad was going to happen...but everything turned out okie dokey~ I still feel uneasy though. i thought it was pretty cool that the lunar eclipse was 2 days after my birthday.
what else has been happening...ohyes! in school we were trying to make a 4 layer human pyramid and guess who got to be one of the lucky ones at the bottom! (me). i don't blame them. i don't wanna break any backs here. but i AM pretty strong~ ^^
my weight loss to date: 0
that really sux. oh,oh! in school, i wrote on my hand:
sonic sez: don't buy a cookie
and it worked! i didn't buy anything. it's weird that i listen to an imaginary hedgehog and not to my parents (who, unfortunately, are not imaginary). daddy is SO0O0O0 annoying. he is like "GNARRRR!" one minnit and "whatcha doing?" the other minnit - that's so annoying!!!!!
1)how are you?
2)did you wish me a happy birthday? huh?huh?
3)who is your idol? (he\she doesn't need to exist)
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
birthday countdown: 5 daes
sorry for not coming on in a while. i have no privacy in my house. updates...uh...i broke a chair cus i sat on it. THIS IS THE LAST STRAW!!! i must lose weight!!! I'm sleepy so i can't think of what ot say and i can't go to your sites. I just need to finish sonicandtailsrox's birthday picture (but not right now. i'm real tired. sorry~) and i need to do a french project which is due on friday T_T
life is a glitch and then you die, eh?
no questions for today. i'm seriously too tired. have fun...and stuff...*yawn*....with...the rest of your day
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Saturday, August 11, 2007
I'm really bored today so i just took some quizzes:
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell! Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Take the Dante's Inferno Test
it said i'd go to hell for Sloth, wrath and pride
my brother got to heaven...oops~! i hope you all go to hell so i can spend eternity with you guys ^^
Which Positive Quality Are You? Your Result: Love You are Love. Love is the glue that binds us all together. The love of family, the love of friends, the love between husbands and their wives--these things form the foundation of our happiness, our security, and our comfort. "All you need is love." | Friendship | | Charity | | Peace | | Faith | | Courage | | Which Positive Quality Are You? |
Your Birthdate: August 26

You love being in love... so much so that it's very hard for you to be single.
Unfortunately, it's difficult for you to stay in love over time. Too many people intrigue you!
Only your true love will be able to keep you interested over time.
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 2
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 4
You are most compatible with people born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th of the month.
2 true loves? that's not what disney taught me...
You Should Be A Gemini

What's good about you: witty and energetic, you're simply the most fun to be around
What's bad about you: you're flighty - losing interest in people and projects quickly
In love: you enjoy the "honeymoon phase," but after that it's hard for you to stick around
In friendship, you're: likely to have many groups of friends, with many different interests
Your ideal job: mime, guru, or cartoonist
Your sense of fashion: casual and simple
You like to pig out on: fast food, especially burritos
my brother's a gemini. does that mean i'll go to heaven now?
what tarot card I am:
You Are Strength

You represent both fiery energy and steadfast will.
You are innocent and naive - yet unafraid and undaunted.
Perhaps you don't have the most powerful physical strength...
But your mental powers make up for any amount of muscle.
Your fortune:
Lately, you have been a pillar of ethics and moral strength.
And while things may be difficult, your faith in yourself will come through.
You may need to conquer the animalistic nature of yourself or others, with gentle force.
Although this may seem like the darkest hour for you, victory is near.
 Peaceful and gentle, lambs have been used in religious imagery for millennia. Lambs are baby sheep, an animal tended by shephards since the dawn of history. As a lamb, you tend to stay together in a flock and graze on grassy land. Lambs don't mind being led and tend not to go off on their own. You were almost a: Puppy or a PonyYou are least like a: Mouse or a FrogWhat Cute Animal Are You?
you're homework is to take these quizzes and tell me what u got in the comments ^^
(ok, so u don't have to take them all. take the first one though, at least~)
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Friday, August 10, 2007
blue crystals and blue hedgehogs~
hiya! how are you guys? how am I? I'm doing good. i had a weird day today~
see, first, in science, we made crystal solution 2 days ago and my group's one turned out all dark dark blue and all the other group's solutions were all clear light blue. and i was like, "oh man, I hope ours turns out ok...no matter what, i'll still be glad with what i get..."
and today, we saw the crystals (they weren't that big) and our crystals were darker than everyone else's and the solution had black stuff in it. I brought it back the table and i teared cuz ours was so different to everyone else's and my group always have the 'oddball' results. I was like, "oh man. not again..."
then when the other group on the same table as me saw the crystals, they said, "wow! yours is quite big!". I was (tearing) and i said "really?" and thay were like, "ohyes!" and emily saw me tearing and she asked me if i was ok. And i started crying more. and then brittany came over, and then ruohan (mohaw) came over, and then sujata came over. and i laughed while i cried. tears of joy~ they were like, "what's wrong? are u ok?". and i was like, "I'm crying cuz i'm happy, morons!"
it's hard to laugh while you cry~
then the teacher came over and said, "oh! these crystals are very good!" and she seperated them and looked at me. she saw me crying.
"what's wrong?"
"oh! nothing! ours was so weird at the beginning and it turned out pretty good!"
"tears of joy! thank goodness! I thought that you were crying that i seperated the crystals!"
I cry over the dummest things! This was a long post and that was only the first story i have to tell! I'll tell you the other story in the comments~! (questions are in the comments too)
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
so how you guys been? I haven't been going on otaku for a while. sorry about that.
omg, yesterday was so fun! school ended early so we went to newmarket (it's like, a shopping district 4 streets away from school)(I heard the teachers were going on strike o_0)
so anyway, yujing and i went there. we were gonna go with debbie but we waited for like...30 seconds and she wasn't at the gates (we are not patient XP)
we got to the shopping center and we bought lots of sweets and we got suchi after that and then we ate ice cream ^^ then we walked further and saw this cute shop with those minuature food and we were both, like, "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" and we stared at it. and then we saw shirley and her friend and we walked down to the 2 dollar shop.
guess who we saw there...
she was kinda mad. but rochelle was there too. debbie jokes around a lot so she wasn't really mad~ thank god.
then went to other shops and we saw our other friends and then we went to the cinema to play at the arcade. brittany and emi were ADDICTED to crazy taxi. apparantly, emi is and *expert*. yah, right. and i realised that jessi and her boyfriend, Gerard was there too (they were being luvvy duvvy sometimes...bleah!) but i really have to tell ya, he is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally good looking~ i think my other friend likes him too~ XD
today was boring compared with yesterdae~
1)what have YOU guys been up to?
2)sushi and ice cream is a good combo, yes?
3)do YOU have a BF/GF?
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