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Station Square (that city in sonic adventure 1)
Member Since
Real Name
Rose Avalon
Anime Fan Since
waaaaaaay back in the 2nd grade...
Favorite Anime
To cosplay sonic the hedgehog ^^ (sounds like fun!)
playin Para-para, PS2,
I can play the drums
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Friday, August 3, 2007
Hi, i'm sorry~

sorry for not coming online for so long (10 days -_-) I was having so much fun playing and watching DVDs with the japanese girl. her name was 'akane' (yes,yes, like that ranma 1/2 girl) She's was so0o0o0o the coolest. She gave me heaps of stuffzzz! did i do today...I said goodbye to akane. yes i cried. it feels wierd when u are about to cry. it's like, your heart's been stabbed or something, your throat gets all dry. funny, i forgot what it felt like. I'm so0oo0 hardcore...(not)...
good stuff that happened:
SONIC X IS ON AFTER SCHOOL!!!! WHAHAHAH!!! LIFE IS GO0O0O0D!!~! (so that's why i have this sonic layout on my site~)
and..well...I found out that the guy that takes the bus that i used to like...i think...i might..just...ok, FIIINE! so i still like him! i stalked him and i found out that he lives on the other side of the road from me 0_o
btw, those girls up there are (from left to right) are Shizuka-san, Alisa-san and me. my homestay isn't in that picture.
1)how are u guys?
3)i know it's personal but...anybody you like at the moment? (u can just say, yes or no)
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Sunday, July 22, 2007
I could say today was more interesting than yesterday. I went to the comic shop and got sonic 177 ^^ and also the sonic archives vol 4 ^_^
My comp is freezing a lot. I hate my stupid laptop. I WANNA JUST....ARRGH!!!
1)had a good day?
2)which is better: comics or manga?
(personally, I can't choose but comics are heaps cheaper than manga. unless yuo download it off the internet like SOME people, lol~)
3)Do u have a comp or laptop?
BTW, I changed my avatar...I hope it shows up...>_< I made-ed it myself ^^
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
heya, what's new? me? i'm having the japanese exchange girl coming on tuesday! and that's about it...oh, and i also watched sonic the movie on youtube (part 1 anyways)
1)how are ya?
2)ever gone on an exchange program?
3)any questions u want me to ask the japanese girl? (anime n manga is ok too. ask as many as u want)~
see ya whenever~
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
Hiya~ i'm back
hey guys! what's poppin'? heehee! sonicandtailsrox's post gave me the idea to say that!
what am i back from you ask? well...nothing actually. I just haven't been on cuz school just started and i have to do so many things! *busybusybusy*
ohyes, i am addicted to inuyasha now. it's so cool! (or maybe...HE is so cool..) he swore! it was so funny! naraku was telling a story of how he became a demon and whatnot and then there was silence and inuyasha said "...YOU BASTARD!"
question timey~:
1)how are you?
2)What song are u listening to/last listened to?
3)I'm listening to 'wow, i can be sexual too'. have you heard it before?
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
mood: stressed~
listening 2: take on me - aha
Sorry i haven't updated. i'm doing my french project which is due, like....TOMORROW!! *tremble* i've got the information and pics. i just need to print it out and put it in a booklet...ok, so i'm not doing very well. I'M so0o0o stressed! it's my fault really. I had 10 weeks to do this project.
I have to research paris for french class. It's kind of boring but the moulin rouge looks fun even tho it's the sex district. briiiight lightssss...SHINY!! I wish it was on something interesting like sonic or anime....or doughnuts!
speaking of anime, i bought 4 anime vids~ they were only $9.95 (which is US...$5 i think) I got:
-di gi charat
-Galaxy angel Z
-2xinuyasha DvDs
inuyasha's so co0oOl! I like it when he says 'DAMMIT!!!' when u kill him in mi game ^^ he sounds funny...english dubs, whatcha gunna do...
1)how are u guys doing~?
2)what would be the funnest thing to research?
3)worst english dub you've ever watched?
my worst dub i've seen would have to be tokyo mew mew. they even changed their names! *fumes*
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
sorry I haven't posted in a while. that's cuz there's nothing to poast about ;_; boring holidays.... nothing to do.
I saw harry potter tho...damn, he's's so wierd! the first time they showed him in the movie i was thinking, "holy spit! Is that harry?! he's damn muscly...
so basically that's all that's happened. oh! and there's a silver surfer doughnut at dunkin doughnuts! it's...silver (duh!) and it's got silver sprinkles on it! it's so0o0o yums!
oh, and i declare sonic 3D: flickies island THE most annoying sonic game ever! you have to collect birdies or else eggman's gonna use them for his robots! how STUPID is that?! AND THE DAMN BIRDS ARE SO HARD TO CATCH!!!! ESPECIALLY THE KNUCKLES FLICKY!! don't get me wrong, they're adorable but me for example~
questions questions~
1)how are you guys?
2)have you watched harry potter? DID YOU SEE HOW MUSCLY HARRY WAS?!?! WASN'T IT WIERRRRRRRD?!?!!??!
3)Favourite doughnut flavour?
see yaz~!
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Hiya ppls~
How are ya doing? I'm doing quite well. i couldn't update yesterday cuz my comp wouldn't let me go to MyO (i bet it's stupid dial up's fault)
I read the comments you guys typed on my last post. I already have "I am" and "Sakura drops" but i shall have to go on limewire and get that pirates song~ Oh and izzie, sorry Nadi singled you out. *hugs* hehheh, i thought he was an ojisan the first time i saw him cuz of his big silver hair! haha XD
Well, today I didn't do much. I got up early cuz my mommy wanted to go to post something and the post office closes early on Sunday. Then we had breakfast at "the coffee club" (i didn't have coffee. makes ya high....) I had a sandwich with salmon (i almost typed "silver"!!!OMGGG) and cream cheese~ yummy~
Then we went to all sorts of random places...and then i came home and drew for a bit (all pics of silver. I AM getting better at drawing him >.<) and then i went on otaku and typed this post...
later i'm going to my friend's house cuz it's her birthday~ (I GOT INVITED!!!) I'll try to go to all of your sites now~
Questions timey~
1)What did you guys do today?
2)What do you guys like to have on your sandwich?
3)What was your most embarassing mispelling?
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Friday, July 6, 2007
I'm bored. I was downloading songs for a 3 hours this morning and i only downloaded 5 songs (i have dial-up...slowwness...) they're all sonic the hedgehog OSTs. Sum of them are really catchy~
-I downloaded 'dreams of an absolution(LB vs JS remix)' Silver's theme song... It's real catchy (if ur into that stuff) i'll get an imeem and put it on the site so u guys can hear it.
I downloaded sum other stuff but that song was the best, i reckon.
Well, i didn't do much today. We went to the shopping district and had lunch, bought sum stuff and went home. dull, right? I knowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
SILVERRRRR~^^ yes, i like silver. got a problem? didn't think so. haahaa!
question timey~
1)what did you guys do today?
2)got any songs you would recommend?
3)DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME LIKING SILVER?!?! (yes, i am talking to YOU, Princess of mer!) she called silver an ojisan T___T (old grandfather)
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
hey everyone
I'm on surprisingly early today. it's 9.40 am right now and i haven't had breakfast. What am i doing up so early? Well, my mp3 ran out of juice when i was drawing a while ago so i turned on the comp to charge it. I thought, "well, since im on the comp, i should go update myO. I haven't in a while." I've been trying to enjoy the holidays.
OMG! on wednesday, we went to the park and we saw this chicken that looked like a DOG! it was so fluffy!!! I told YuJing and she said i should have taken a picture. Unfortunately, i didn't bring my camera and the chicken was hiding behind a tree cuz daddy was laughing at it.
Y'know how some people believe that dead people come back as animals? I reckon that chicken, when it was a human, was a greedy rich person, who didn't give a spit about the less fortunate. I hope i come back as a bird....
...or a fox!
okie, question time!
1)Have you seen any wierd looking animals before?
2)If you could come back as any animal, what would you come back as?
3)This is totally unrelated but...I don't have a middle name, and Nadiah Brown is pretty dull. Can you think of a cool middle name for me?
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
I'm gunna make this short cuz i'm gonna go eat now.
well, nuthing interesting today. i am just staying at home. my brother is watching me. stalker....
he is choking me *arrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk* dies
now i shall go eat
ohyes!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIMI!!!!hope you had fun and you got lots of presents, blahblahblah
What Color Is Your Aura??? (7 breath-taking results!!!)
 Orange is the color of an…orange. You’re sarcastic, funny, childish, and tend to talk before you think. Confident and out-going, you seem to fit in with most people. You like bringing fun to people’s lives, and beneath that childish-self, you’re self-sarcraficing. You want the people around you to be happy, and you put your need’s last. People see you as a person who’s a little foolish, but extremely fun to hang with, but some people might just wish you would go away. You seek for happiness in others, and just pure fun!Famous Orange-Aura: Ashton KutcherMost Compatible With: Orange-Aura, Red-AuraLeast Compatible With: Green-AuraQuote:“Don’t ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” --John F. Kennedy At Your Best:Confident, funny and self-sacraficing At Your Worst: Selfish, annoying and hurtful Take this quiz!

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