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Station Square (that city in sonic adventure 1)
Member Since
Real Name
Rose Avalon
Anime Fan Since
waaaaaaay back in the 2nd grade...
Favorite Anime
To cosplay sonic the hedgehog ^^ (sounds like fun!)
playin Para-para, PS2,
I can play the drums
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Going to taupo for the weekend!
whee! it's gonna be so cool! I love taupo! it's so nice and quiet and prettyful (and a great place for a holiday romance....ah! I must not think about stuff like this after the promise*) besides, i don't want one anyway, how gross! it's more like something vivi wants...if she went to america or something....foreign guys are hot...american guys anyway...blonde american guys with cute accents......
nega** : ok, moving on...
i had the parents teacher's interview yesterday. me, my daddy, my mama and my granny went. and all of the teachers had nice stuff to say about me...
nega: except miss bunting, the social studies teacher, she told me to watch the news more often so i'd do better in her social studies current events test that we have every monday...that's cuz she's such a b-
nega: I mean....she sucks....
but she seems so nice when she was talking to mum and dad
nega: that's cuz all the teachers do that when they talk to parents.
yea, i guess you're right.
Mr lloyd showed us the funniest videos today on his laptop. he's my maths teacher and he's really cool (even tho he's old-ish) he's from manchester but he seemed to have a liverpool accent. like the beatles.
nega: get to the point, woman. anyway, he showed us this video about this lady and the video was called "senior moment" and there was this lady and she was typing on her comp and she pushed the monitor aside like as if she was using a typewriter! it was damn funny! what a noise it made when it crashed on the floor!
oh and the powerpoint slides of all the incorrect jap-english signs were funny too!
nega: go look for some pictures
Oh right!
Nega:I might as well tell you all the "*" stuff while she looks for pictures:
*the promise that she made was that she would not have a boyfriend until she is twenty or something like that
**hem, hem* I am her other personality. yes, she IS mentally disturbed. who knows why I came about...she's such an emo sometimes...
I'm back!

maybe now grandma will stop tramping around...

another dumping one...

>< all I got time for! see ya on tuesdaeeeee!
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