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myOtaku.com: pink candy1

Thursday, April 26, 2007

   Bleah, is not in a good mood...
Ah crud, i feel useless...

My parents bought this weighing scale (cuz we need one (?)) and i went on it and i couldn't believe how much i weighed...

70+ kg...

which is...i dunno...140+ pounds? (i think)


and like, it means i put on 10 kg (20 pounds) since last year!!!

I hate feeling like this...

so this is what i'm gonna do:

-skip dinner (what the heck use is dinner anyway? it's not like i can burn off the cals in 3 hours?

-no carb (my friend vivi tried this and she turned out great. she used to be pretty chubby. now she's pretty pretty! so it's worth a shot) (i'll try this litebread i saw in the supermarket. it's got not a lot of carbs and it taste's nice ^^)

-since i ain't having no carbs, i'll eat more veggies (or try anyway)

-play more in my dance mat controller (which means i have to...sweat *T_T* ah heck, i'm so fat, i sweat when i'm just standing still)

-go to the school gym more often (i'll ask blanche to come with me. she is on a diet too)

i'm gonna surprise everyone when i return to singapore. (funny, i was never this heavy when i left singapore)

i'll show my father and brother...i hate them the most. they keep going:
'nad, you're 7* kg'
'nad, you fat sad arse' - (my brother)
'we need to go jogging tonight nad'


after this, i'll become goth so i'll get lots of boys attention (like vivi)

I'm jealous of how all my friends turned out (even tho i really shouldn't)

-nissie(broken_wings): she's got a shapely body and she has a boyfriend. and she keeps telling me she's fat. well...

-izzie(princess_of_mer): she's a vegetarian and underweight...HOW CAN SHE NOT HAVE ANY BOYFRIEND YET? i BET 'EGGS' MUST LIKE HER!!

-vivi(earth_gal): oh vivi,vivi,vivi...vivi is my inspiration actually. so i'm gonna be just like her! (well, do what she did anyways)

okie, off to do 50 stomach crunches~

the ever emo, pink_candy1

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