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myOtaku.com: pink is evil

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Kishlove (03/21/07)

dark rules
i like pressingthe 'enter'
ok, im done
being weird
pm me

~♥love shatters♥~

EllieIsLove (09/20/06)

Hi I am Bizzy's Friend FRom school here in cali hope we can be friends

Icysnow901 (09/20/06)

kool bg dark rules and your avatar is cute to wiz is so adorable ^^ well ttyl hope we can be friends by

kittykat534 (06/27/06)

o0o0o0o nice place u got here....im going to need your help some time....on how to make those blinkies turn colors.plz......anyways dont be shy pm me some time.(that rymed) peace

Metal Dragon (05/25/06)

cool music video and nice site

fairygirl101 (05/21/06)

hey Na-Na so bored. sorry bout ur BF who was he again??sorryto hear that anyway pm me lata

somegirl (05/21/06)

Hey! Awesome site, really cool!
... okay if you mean pink is hot i'll agree.. but if you mean pink is a bad color YOU ARE SO GOING DOWN!

Hope you stop by some time and say hi or something lol

Well see ya around, later
Jade- who can�t make up her mind what color to sign this in�

�You're Hispanic. You speak Spanish. You're doing ethnic jokes. Taco Bell is one of your first targets.� ~Carlos Mincia

-.- I spent 20minutes finding stuff to put on here�. I gave up�..

Miburou (05/21/06)

I luff teh Linkin Park video. See yah.

foxychic18 (05/17/06)

well, for someone who thinks pink is evil(which I must agree) you sure do have a lot of it. nice site tho. wow fifth grade huh? nice. Come by my site sometime. see ya later.

Forever Gone (05/16/06)

aww cute site love the BG I love your avatar too,well later

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