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Saturday, September 22, 2007
Suffering Disappointment.
Disappointed, depressed, sick.

This doesn't take a long time to read. My words a are just in paragraphs and small.
Friday. It was bad. A very bad bad bad bad day. First, someone was being depressed and it made me sad. I don't like to see people sad.
Then, in 2nd period, my English teacher was mad about something... Or maybe it appeared that way because I was already stressed about not getting my progress report signed.. I didn't want a detention.
Then in 3rd period... I was really sad and mad. When I get sad or mad I write my thoughts down on paper and then throw them away. They always appear to be to another people, but they are to me. So I was writing one and my teacher made me give it to him and he read it, then got REALLY mad at me. It said the f word twice... So now he hates me. After class I apologized for the second time... The guilt ate at me all day, and it still is.
Ok. When I do something wrong, I will think about it for 2-3 weeks at a time. I may not hold grudges against others, but I do against myself. Half the time I want to run away from myself. To myself, I am my worst enemy. I beat myself up emotionally.
So. It's still not of my chest. Along with the other things I've done wrong.
... The rest of the day was just horrible. I couldn't pay attention to anything because of what had happened. I couldn't think. I've been suffocating myself.
I'm like Ruckles's dad on myself. I push myself until I want to die. So, the damage others inflict on me is not nearly as bad as what I do to myself...
Today I called Ruckles's... She didn't pick up... About an hour later, she called back. She was gonna go to the mall. She invited me. I got really excited, dolled myself up, then her mom said no. Hence the title, "Suffering Disappointment." So that just about killed me. I suppose I shouldn't be so upset about it.. But right now.. I'm going through a small breakdown.
I started and finished a painting. I really do love it. I promised I'd give it to Ruckles though.
Oh right, Dragon, you now know what it wrong with me. I hope I brought you into the light a litle bit.
Well.. I'll try to visit. Bye bye.
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Friday, September 21, 2007

Hello dearies. Anyway, sorry for the absence. I've been to lazy to visit either. :]. Well, I'm glad you visited.
Anyway, Life:
Ok, so, I skipped out on my art students today... I needed to take care of a certain someone. Art lessons aren't half bad though. I mean, I get to draw and make money. Ha ha. So that concludes that.
On the other hand, someone has been down. Hence the fact I skipped out. I don't really know HOW to help her. Her dads a bitch. I wish I could help.
So, today was aight. I didn't really do anything. I suppose I should have exercised, but nah. I'm to tired. School is a hassel.
I will visit today. It will be later in the evening, but I'll visit. Ruckles can't have a sleepover for a bit... So, I'm stuck at home. -.-'
I am teaching art tomorrow though.
ART! HA! I drew a new picture. I'm too lazy to get the link for ya'll so go to my portfolio and click on FANART!. I'm also sorry if this post is hard to read. I'm trying out new layout ideas.
So. Yep. Nothing much is going on. Oh right.. the whole death thing mentioned last time.
The girl was named Kathlyn or something and her dad died of cancer. She isn't back at school yet. She'll be ok though.
Right. I suppose I could giver you a question... And Wolverine... Leave a good comment.
Are you sick of school yet?
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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Last night was... Interesting. Freaking A. So I went to the dance, my friend and I danced for awhile and then the first slow dance came up. Of course, my friend sprite got all upset because nobody asked her to dance. I wasn't even upset. I was like whatever. Then we left the dance floor and heard the news that somebodies dad had died. Ray started balling. Wolverein just kinda left us alone. Uhhh... Then Sprite asked the guy she liked if he liked her, he said no and then Sprite made him an "IT". Then right after a slow song came on. I wanted somebody to ask me, and sure enough someone did, but ew. He was gross. And not the person who I wanted to ask me.. His name is Ryuk, the Shinigami. So the rest of the night was good. Sprite, Ray and I had a sleepover. It was fun. We woke up about 10AM then went downaand had donuts for breaskfast. I had 4 and 2/3... 0_0... I'm a fat ass. Anyway, yep. Then I came home.. and yeah.
Question of the day:
Waz uhh?
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Monday, September 10, 2007
Wee!!! XD
This is Ruckles on Chii's site!!! XP
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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Hey. I told ya'll I'd update. I'll visit again today. I think I visited like half my friends... -.-' Oops. ok so I only have like... 1 picture that I too uploaded, so I'll put other peoples up too. :] The first one is mine.
Also, since I'm too lazy to change everything on my layout... You might have to right click, then view the image. :]. It will give it better quality anyway.

Yup. I had A LOT of fun. I hung out with the Mello and Matt and other death note characters most of the time. :]. Yup. I'm pretty cool.
I also got a job teaching kids at my school to draw anime for $2.50 an hour. :]. Yep. He is actually learning!
Yep. I finally did Ruckles's layout also. Wellll.. Bye bye.
If you live in Texas, are you gonna attend A-Kon 19?
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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ha ha. I'm actually at a brithday party right now.... In the mall. At Game Wyze. :].
I had a lot fo fun at animefest. :]... FUNN! I met some death note buddies. I cosplayed at Near.. -.- It was one of the worst cosplays there. -.-' So yep.
I just updated because I haven't updated in about a week or more... Hmmm... I'll try to get around to visiting today.
I just started KH2... So i've been playing it a lot.
If you ever need to reach me, I'm alwasy on deviantart. I have the smae name there as here.. if you're too laxy to type it in your url box... here:
[DAPC009] :].
Wellll... No time for a good update. I will have pictures of the convention up tomorrow. If I don't update, oh god. Kick me in the shin. :[.
Weeeelll. I'm gonna go watch stuff. I'm actually SUPPOSE to be palyign Halo 2... ^.^.
Im gonna change my layout later also.
What gender do you think you should be?
Me: Woman, as I am.
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Friday, August 31, 2007
Quick Post:

Miko by Dark made me it. THANK YOU!!!
So anyway, today is my BIRTHDAY!! My 14th one. :]. I got lots of cards today also. So this mornign my new friend, Sumita, got me a birthday card. She came from another country.. so I thought it was cute that it said, " A real American Beauty." :]!!
So nesct, during lunch, Ruckles's sister came to school and brought me and Rux WENDY'S!!!
Then at teaming(reading time), the art teacher and my favorite counsler pulled me into the office and gave me presents. I got 48 PRISMA COLORED PENCILS!! Oil pastels and a new sketch book! And two cookies and a teddy bear. :]
After school, I went home, got my physical done and my brother got me a birthday cake!! At 7 my friends are coming over!!
So far, one of the best b-day's I've ever had!
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling them they're tagged
My random facts:
1.) I'm depressed.
2.) I am under the curse of being born hetrosexual.
3.) I like to draw.
4.) I have an evil meany best friend. (jk.)
5.) I like deviant art.
6.) I use tutorials a lot.
7.) I killed the cock roaches in my house.
8.) I'm talking on the phone with ruckle's out loud while typing this and when I said "cock" she said, "what?" and she won't let me tell her that what I wrote again.
I tag:
Miko by Dark
Master Hiko
edwards dr. prepper
ms. sunday
No updaty until my birthdayee. aka. Friday.
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Monday, August 27, 2007

Well, first day of school. Just updatingt to say, hey I won't be on for awhile until I get used to waking upa nd going to school. So about a week or two. And sadly, no visits today. Well, bye bye for awhile. DON'T WORRY I WILL BE BACK!!
Oh right, EE2 Made me a b-day card. :]. Thanks dude.
.. It's taking forever to load...

Oh look. Matt's gonna shoot me. So cute. :] Did any of you notice he was in the manga like twice and the anime once? -.-' I wish he was in there more.... *Chii is a crazed L and Matt fangirl...*
Light can suck Misa's balls. >:[ Misa is kinda cool....
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Ok. A bit fat.

All I can tell you is to read this.. If you like spoilers:
It's from hapter. 367 or Naruto... Something about The fourth Hokage and Naruto. HA HA!!
Anyway, onto the post. I will try to not post to much.
So on Thursday I walked to the library with Sprite, then slept over at Ruckles's house. We had a good time.
The next morning, we did nothing until her mom came home and took us to big lots for no reason. Then we got an ice cream cone and went back to her house. And then we did nothing. So eventally I got REALLY bored and depressed and leaft. I walked up tot he libary again and read. Then walked home.
At home I cooked, and got on the internet. That's it. Yup.
Well, that's it. I best be doing something now. Oh right, I might go to Hawaiian falls today with Sprite. :]
Question of the day: Last time you ate?
Me: 10 mintues ago.
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