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I go to A-kon in Dallas, TX. So somewhere around there.
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I've sold my art for $100's of dollars.
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MANGA. Fullmetal Alchemist.DeathNote.Chobits. AND THE OFFICE.
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
HA HA HA HA HA! Itachi.

Left to right:
Ruckles, Me, My other friend. We were at the middle school.
Ha ha. I'm ugly. That was at 6:30AM I think.... Well... the rash on my leg has gotten MUCH worse.... -.-... This sucks. Anyway, I don't actally know what to post... Wait. Me and Ruckles had a sleepover last night.... We stood up until 3 then fell asleep. She likes chocolate... a lot.... Anyway, we walked around and played on the playground at the elementary school until 10PM... That was fun. Oh yes... We have the leaf sign from Naruto spray painted all over my town.. HA HA HA! I will have pictures tomorrow. Today me and Ruckles walked up the the gas station and Sprouts and got drinks. That was fun. Now I'm home alone on Deviant Yep. I already visited today also. HA HA
Question fo the day: Yep.
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Monday, July 16, 2007
Itchy. FAT.

Oh no. I'm not eating because we have no food at my house.... I think I'm gonna skip a meal today today. I gained another lb... I've been walking about 4 hours a day also... -.-' Nothing is happening. Anyway, only a month and about 16 days until my birthday!! WOOT! I think I get to go to the anime convention that's around my town. Fun eh? My friends and I want to cosplay... So L.. Simple.... Near.. Simple... and Then Ruckles is going as... Espio... Yep... I think it's cute. Well... At 11PM last night my brother, my sister, and our friend went and pushed carts around at walmart. Here's the story:
Well when we were pulling up into the parking lot, we had to actually DRIVE around them. It looked like somebody played a bad joke. So then we went into Walmart... But I couldn't go in because I wasn't wearing shoes.... so We all stayed outside and waited for my brothers other friends. This one lady was picking ALL of the carts up by her self, so we offered to help... and We did until that same lady that yelled at me for not having shoes yelled at us for helping. I put death wishes on her... -.-' I don't like her. So then we went home and talked about how all of my family's houses in Utah were haunted.... They were.... And how this one isn't. Well. That's it. I'm gonna walk for 5 hours today.
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sick. Tired. Mad. Sad. Happy. Content.

Ug. I haven't eaten a decent meal in....... like 3 weeks. Ug. I haven't eaten anything today. Ruckles and my friend Addie came over last night. -.-... We are bad dancers. Yup. I cleaned the kitchen and the living room... I had to do the kitchen so I could have my day free... I did the living room so my brother would take us to the store... Of course, right when I got done, she HAD to leave.. So I did the living room for nothing. I decided I'm gonna loose 15LBS. I weight about 132.5... -.- I did weight 121.5... Ug. I weight about 140 at night. I'm a freaking fatty. Ew. Anyway, we pulled an all nighter... -.-... So right now, I'm a sad, pissed off, mess of emotions. I really want to eat. My brother is gonna take me to the store now. I HAVE to eat.... Oh yes...
1 Rebirth
2 Confrontation
3 Transaction
4 Pursuit
for more go to
Anime Viewer
HA HA HA! Really though, it's a good show. Give it a chance.
Question of the day: Are you mad?
Me? Yes.
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Sick. Tired. Mad. Sad. Happy. Content.

Ug. I haven't eaten a decent meal in....... like 3 weeks. Ug. I haven't eaten anything today. Ruckles and my friend Addie came over last night. -.-... We are bad dancers. Yup. I cleaned the kitchen and the living room... I had to do the kitchen so I could have my day free... I did the living room so my brother would take us to the store... Of course, right when I got done, she HAD to leave.. So I did the living room for nothing. I decided I'm gonna loose 15LBS. I weight about 132.5... -.- I did weight 121.5... Ug. I weight about 140 at night. I'm a freaking fatty. Ew. Anyway, we pulled an all nighter... -.-... So right now, I'm a sad, pissed off, mess of emotions. I really want to eat. My brother is gonna take me to the store now. I HAVE to eat.... Oh yes...
for more go to
Anime Viewer
HA HA HA! Really though, it's a good show. Give it a chance.
Question of the day: Are you mad?
Me? Yes.
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Friday, July 6, 2007
Ish ok.

So, I've watched the first 8 episodes of Death Note. It's amazing. :]. Of course, I've been watching them on the interweb ( thank goodness my sister works now so I can watch them), so the quality is messy.. But it's ok. :]. I found a website that shows all these animes for free!
Anime Viewer
It's a free fansub. They are all in japanese I think, but Japanese is better, unless it's the FMA. I think I like the dub for FMA more.... Weird eh. I'm gonna watch Bleach on there now instead of Adult Swim. I watched a Bleach episode today in English.. Like I do everyday *sigh.. -.-* and one of the characters sounded like a robot... 0_o... I do however like Kon's dub voice. I don't like Rukia's or Ichigo's. I don't dare watch the English verison of Black Cat. Well, anyway, enough anime talk. My life. It goes ok at the moment. I guess. One of my friends is real fun when she's not around one of my other friends, I'll hang with her more. She's actually pretty nice. Winryrose didn't give me a big reaction when I told her I'm not moving... Ok then... I was a bit pissed about that, but I'm ok now. So.... I'm almost old enough to get a job. Only another 1 yr. and 2m. Ha ha. Fun. I don't think working will be fun though. 2 months till school starts again also.... -.-'... Ew. I'll be in 8th grade. Ew. I'm actually gonna try to pass my classes also. 8th grade is suppose to suck. Ha ha. Well, I'll visit today. Oh yes, If I don't have you on my friends, tell me.

Question of the day: Do you know where Death Note episode 9 will actually play?
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Tired as can be
 Little Girl Hosted By
A picture I drew yesterday.
Anyway, I pulled an all nighter. I didn't sleep a wink. My friend and I went out at 6AM and started walking everywhere. We walk about two miles to Tom Thumb (A grocery store) and got a donut and a peach each. Then we went to star bucks and got me a kids hot chocolate'. 0.0.... Anyway, I'll try to visit today. I'm pretty sure I will. XD. Yesterday was fun. Ruckles's went home after sleeping over... We pulled an all nighter also... -.-'... and we are gonna try to pull another one tonight... with my friend, ChiBi Babi... The one friend I was taking about before in this post. ._.' .... That's a lot of missed sleep. Anyway, then after getting breakfast we came home. And yesterday we talked about nothing all night. I attemped to watch FMA and Bleach, but guess what? I wanted to upload that picture, but freaking Gaiaonline froze up my computer. >:(.... Anyway, I uploaded the picture, thank godess I recored the episodes. Oh yes, FMA is back on Adult Swim at 12AM central time. XDDDDDDDDDDD! I hope ya'll like my new layout. Oh yes, I have one for thing for ya'll.
Clicky Clickster.
Ha ha. I made it all by myself. XD
Question of the day: Are you in the US? (if so, I'll send you the card.)
Comments (6) |
Monday, July 2, 2007
 Some Lady Hosted By
It looks like crap from this point. But I kinda like it so, please comment/vote. :]. So the contest is still going on. If your interested, then PM me and I'll give you the link to the rules. Or just go to my portfolio and click on the scar picture or the Ed dancing one. They are named:
Contest reminder
Contest!!! READ!!
Yep. So my life. It's ok I suppose for the time being. It's still raining, so I can't go running, so now I'm gaining weight. I think I'ma start doing crunches in the house.... I hope the weather is ok long enough for me to swim today. That'd be fun. Anywho, I went to Six Flags on Saturday with Ruckles and our friend Addie. Addie and I were using Ruckles's sister's friends pass and Ruckles's brother's pass. Addie got caught due to the mix up of gender, but she still got in. I didn't get caught. Yes. Now you know why I go to Six Flags so much. I also slept over at Ruckles's house with Addie after Six Flags. Oh yes, it was raining most of the time we were there. I haven't been to that place once this year without bad weather. Phhhcccchhh. So, I'll try to visit today. ^^ Bye bye.
Question of the day: What's your favorite Broadway musical?
... Mine?... Eh... Let's go with Cats.
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
 Contest Reminder. Hosted By
Click the picture
So the contest is still open and taking contestants. It will be until the 5th or August. :]. So my mom came home yesterday. I went over to Ruckles and swam. My brother and I went down to the lake. The parking lot of 8 ft under water. 0_o.... Weird... It's been raining a lot. It rained last night for like 5 billion hours also. It's been raining for the past 5 weeks... almost 6. -.-' I don't know if I like it or not. So I'm not moving either. Ha ha. Well.... PM me for contest questions. Click the picture first though. It has all the rules. ^^
Well, bye bye.
Question of the day: Is your face in the hands of your 911 call in the summer of 800111?
Comments (5) |
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Ok then.
 Contest!!!!!!!!!! Look! Hosted By
Anyway, This contest will be held by Balalaika and I. Draw your favourite FMA character, and your oc. If you don't have an OC if your own, make up one, or just draw another FMA character. If you don't wanna do two people... Then you can do one.
no nudity.
no tracing
no plagiarism.
no rude behavior.
Tag it with PC009
PM PinkChii009 with questions and concerns. PM PC009 your submission.XD!
1st place: A layout made by PC009 and 3 full colored pictures by either PC009 or Balalaika
A banner made by PC009. 2 full colored requests by either PC009 or Balalaika.
A button made by PC009. 1 full colored request by either PC009 or Balalaika.
And for every entry, PC009 or Balalaika will draw you a none colored picture of your character, or your favorite FMA character. XD.
Contest ends Aug. 5
Anyway, to the post. Yes I have a contest going. I strongly encourage all of you too enter. I will put that picture up for the next few days. Oh yes, the layout. I will be changing it to DN angel... In the next 5 mintues. Ya'll really wanted that one. Ok. New layout themes (I hate keeping a layout for more then a day)
1. Bleach
2. Tokyo Mew Mew
3. Naruto
4. Request a theme.
So, anyway. New song also. I need one. What should it be. Just say one. Oh yes. My request/art trades are open. XD! So anyway. I did nothing yesterday. I just woke up... and Yeah. Well... Please enter my contest. XD I'm too tired to put out an orderly post right now.
Question of the day: Are you gonna enter my contest?
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Eh. So so
 And All That Jazz Hosted By
Yep. Fanart. Please check it out. I actually worked hard on this one. The fence is kinda wacky but eh. I'm just a sweet Transvestite from Transsexual Transylvania. I saw that movie yesterday. Of course, I wasn't supposed to, but I did anyway. I didn't actually do anything yesterday. Well, I sat on the computer and made myotaku layouts. I'm thinking about making a site so everyone can use them, but I'm not sure. Sometimes I'm not sure if I want to. Anyway, I'm bored of my FMA layouts. What theme should be next?
1. Bleach
2. Naruto
3. FMA (again)
4. D.N. Angel
Yep. I can't decide. If you have anymore theme idea's, PM me.
Oh yes. A new song also. Just give me ideas.
Ok. I'm bored now. Goodbye. I will visit.
Question of the day: What's your favorite anime at the moment?
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