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I go to A-kon in Dallas, TX. So somewhere around there.
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I've sold my art for $100's of dollars.
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MANGA. Fullmetal Alchemist.DeathNote.Chobits. AND THE OFFICE.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Lazy.. Sick.. Tired.
My current avatar for Myo:

Ha ha... I re-did my layout again. I really loved my other one though. I just decided to make another one because I'm cool like that.. -.-' Anyway, I got really REALLY sick last night... er this morning... -.-.. It was cramps though... And I have a minor flu... 0.0... Girls would know about the cramps. I won't talk about my puss toe either. ^_^ Well, nothing much left to say... Oh yeah... I slept over at Ruckles's house yesterday... She gave me magic medican. Bye bye. Oh yes, ElvesAteMyRamen.. Can I do an anime version of Ducan? Yep. More contests... Oh yes. I have new fanart. I did it for my friend. and the mew mews for for a contest. Oh yes, I'm going to be absolutely lazy with commenting today... I will comment... But the comments will be short.
Question of the day: Are you sad?
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Monday, June 25, 2007

Anyway, I guess since I brought it up, you can know.... This is our FMA pairings
AlxPicture of Edward/and or/kitty
HavocxFury (YAOI!!)
Yep... and here's some more for DN angel
DarkxAny-man-in-the-series (prefer Daisuke)
DaisukexSatoshie ♥♥♥ (Can't spell)
and one more anime, then on to the post about my life.
NarutoxSusukexGaara (I'm sorry Christan Otaku. I'm a fan of Yaoi....)
Micheal JacksonxOrochimaru
PinkChii009xOrochimaru (My computer(interweb) has spell check, PinkChii009xOrochimaru is a word... 0_o...)
Ok, now to the post.
So I had like 4 people sleepover yesterday... Of course, one of them went home because she always does.... -.-'... So I had like 3 people.. including me stay over. -.-' Ruckles and Winryrose. I'm not gonna post my feelings about the sleepover either. My friends stalk my posts, I don't wanna make any harsh feelings. I'll proli tell my sister Juli... -.-' Winryose, don't call me asking whats wrong, it is stated there that I'm not gonna tell you. Let it go. Ruckles keep stepping on my toe though... my infected toe... It keeps oozing out puss... -.- last time it was infected I had to push out puss and this really nasty toe juice... I smelled funny so i tasted it.. it was the worst thing my tounge had ever been though. I'm glad it's not oozing out juice again. Anyway. We roleplayed with a Shigure plushie, big ed plushie, little ed plushie, 2 sonic dolls, 3 knuckles plushies, a cat doll, another cat doll, a piano (yes. our dolls live in the ghetto), and a shadow plushie... It was awesome. But got boring. :P. Yes. We roleplay. three 13 year olds like to ROLEPLAY offline... o_o... But Whever. (Ha ha. Kappy Mikey) So... I walked to the store today with Winryrose and Ruckles. We got two gaterads, baby cereal, ice cream, and a magazine... -.-' Funny thing is Ruckles is not suppose to leave my house... And the store is about a mile from my house (yes. everything in my town is close enough to walk to) which to Ruckles's parents is far... -.-' Her mom called while we were out, but guess what? SHE DIDN'T GET IN TROUBLE!!! I'm hoping we can have a sleepover just me and her.... -.-' and maybe addie. :-0.... I miss Addie. Anyway... I'm too tired to go on... Bye bye. I'll visit ya'll today... seems like tommrow today.
Question of the day (night):
What did you do for your BIRTHDAY!?
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Friday, June 22, 2007
 Cheekicontest Hosted By
I'd like to thank the people that actually commented on my fanart. Thank you. Anyway, I got the 13th FMA manga! XD!!! I was really pissed this morning.... -.-' So, Ruckles finally might be better. I'm entering like too other contests. I already entered Charlie Manson's with two enteries. Cheekisquirrel's with two enteries, working on another one, and I'm entering Blackwings, and another one. I won 2nd place in the SasuNaru contest. XDDDD!!! HA HA HA! A lot of drawing, oh yes, I'm taking requests/art trades mif ya'll want some. It can be colored with MS paint, line art, pencil, or colored pencil. I don't have any fancy coloring crap. -.-' I should get some. So That's about it.
Question of the day: Go check out my fanart.
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Feeling eh.
 Msp Ed Kitty Hosted By
More fanart. I did this one on MS paint. :D XDD! So anyway, I didn't do anything yesterday... Well, I walked around.... Went to the book store. And the closed mall. Well bye bye.
Qestion of the day: What did I spell wrong in this sentence?
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Feeling good.
 Charlie Mansons Contest Hosted By
 Kain -charlie Mason's Contest Hosted By
Check out my fanart. :DDD! I entered a contest with this one -Charlie Manson's Catgirl con. I won 2nd place in the SasuNaru contest. XDDD! First place was Charlie Manson. Congratulations. I didn't do ANYTHING yesterday. It was fun. I'm still rather tired though. I hope Ruckles is better today, then we can have a sleepover before she leaves...again.... -.-'... I can't go back to Utah for July 4th either, that's sad. I LOVE spending July 4th with my family. It makes me happy... Last year we all thought it was gonna rain.. ha ha. The next day we all went to lake Jordan and went tubing on my Uncles boat. On July 4th we usually feed the fish in my Uncles pond in his backyard he made, feed his chickens, play games. sleep on his trampoline. eat. pray. then set of fire works. it's the most fun day of the year.. I'm gonna see if my sister can drive up and get me. That is just one thing I don't wanna miss. :DD. Anyway, Bye bye. I'll try to visit today. :]
Question of the day: What do you do on the 4th of July? (If you live in America, if not, what's your favorite holiday?)
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Feeling ok.

My other layout was to boring. It was plain. I'm making a better one, so I will be using a really old one for now. Anyway, yesterday at the water park was fun. We went on like 5 rides.... And repeated A LOT! So, I got a HUGE sunburn. It's all over my back, my shoulders, my face, my legs, and arms. It hurts. It's ok though, because it will turn into a pretty tan. :D. So last night when Ruckles came over she was realllllyyy sick. She didn't wanna go home so I let her stay until she threw up. :[... She doesn't want a new Otaku either... Sorry Sailor Crabby. :[.. So... I don't wanna do anything today. I'm feeling a little slugish myself. Bye bye.
Question of the day: How do you like your life?
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Feeling okish.
Anyway... Enough with the pictures. I spent freaking 2 hours on this layout... I still don't like it as much as other one's I've made.... So I am going to Hurricane Harbor today. It's my first time. Hurricane Harbor is across the street from Six Flags, it's a water park. I might be a nervous to go in front of a lot of people with nothing but a bathing suit on though.... -.-.... I'm 13, I'm supposed to complain bout everything. So, I weird thing popped up on my cheek. It's not a zit, nor a cold sore, since I can't get cold sores there... It might be this one bacterica that gets into your skin.... Dunno. So, I'm leaving in 1hr 30min. I need to find a swimsuit... My other one is at my friends house. -.-'. Yep. That's me, leaving everything I own at a friends house. So I figured out that not many of you hang out with friends, I'm sorry. TT.TT. Well, I'm here if you needa talk. Well, that's it for today. Oh, and tonight, I think Ruckles might sleepover. We will make her a new Myotaku. :DDD
Question of the day: Ever had death thoughts?
Me? Well yes.
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Sunday, June 17, 2007
Feeling sick

don't ask.

Anyway. Ruckles came home early. The first day she was back, we couldn't have a sleepover... The second day, we could. Then the next day I went home and RP'd with my friend Sara... Then I went over to WinryRose's house... I slept over. I got REALLY sick at about 10PM. I still stayed over. Since she has two extra rooms, I got my own room over there. I picked the one by her room. All night her animals keep coming in and waking me up though... It was ok though because I was so freaking scarred also. Her dog comforted me. At about 5:30A.M. I woke up for the billionth time and checked the time. I waited until the sun came up then I fell back asleep for about... an hour 'n a half. Then I woke up, got dressed, texted my friend for awhile, and then walked home in the rain. :]. Now I'm here, Updating. Ok then, bye bye!!
Question of the day: ( I actually had to fix the Question of the day... I put Question of the rain...) When was the last time you slept over somewhere other then your house?
Comments (7) |
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Feeling Tired.

:]]]. Ok then... What has happened since I last updated... Ok so I actually got to sleep at my house one night and guess what? The next morning a friend calls me over, as did another friend. So I hung out with both of them. While at my friend, Stormy's, house Stormy, WinryRose009, and I walked to a Tom Thumb.. (It's like Albertsons.. not like walmart...) We got pocky, fish chips, cottage cheese, vitamin water, 2 monsters, a balloon, sparkling wine (grape juice), and 2 necture drinks. On the way home WinryRose said I was being a jerkand selfish... SO I screamed at her and ran away... -.-... I'm usually pretty chill... I was over tired... Still am. I felt really bad. So after that we went swimming, then WinryRose had to go. Stormy and I got out of the pool nad went for a walk, then came back... We hung out until night time, then we watched Bleach, then we went to sleep. The anime, in opionin, sucks. I LOVE the manga! (I just went to Starbucks... I stayed there for like an hour....) So the next day Stormy and I walked around the park and through the trails and swang, and chased ducks at 7AM.. Then we went back to her house and I went to bed. Then at 11 a bunch of 11 year olds came over... They were really annoying... Then WinryRose came over and we went to starbucks then swam... Then me and WinryRose went home.. Then I fell asleep at my house. Then me, my sister, my dad, and Jeff(my dads friend) went to POTC3. It was good. I liked it. Well, bye bye.
Question of the day: Have you ever had a fat-free Chai Tea Latte?
Comments (11) |
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Feeling Overweight.

Yes. I changed my layout... Again... So todays post might be long. A lot of crap has happened. Let's pick up from last time I updated. The day after Ruckles's dad got pissed off at her, we went to the football game. The Dallas Desperados won. :3. It was cool. The game was really close. The New Orleans Voodoo was like one point behind... They ALMOST won. That was my first sporting event. It was fun. Then Ruckles and I had a sleepover at her house since we came back late. The next day she had to leave for a vacation... To a farm... In Plano I think... I hope she brings me a pig. So before she left, my other best friend, Addie, came over. We talked about anime and the world and such. Well.. Ruckles sat there and listened. Addie and I talked. They don't know the plot for Fullmetal Alchemist and they are MY friends. This is sad.... All I used to talk about was FMA. So anyway, then Ruckles had to go, so Addie and I went too her house. We went walking for TWO or THREE hours... We went to see Addie's friend, Sarah, but she wasn't home. We found a live clam and killed it... WE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS ALIVE!! But it was. We wanted a pearl... It didn't work out. So then we went back to her house and swam for almost two hours with her brother, Mason. That night we made Ruckles a homecoming gift for Saturday when she comes home... It's really funny... REALLY nasty.. But funny. Ha ha. It's funny. Anyway, so after that we FINALLY fell asleep... The next morning I woke up at 7 A.M. Addie was still sleeping so I didn't wanna wake her... So I got some Naruto mangas and Bleach mangas. I drew a few pictures then started reading Bleach vol. 1... I decided to give it a chance... I didn't want to for awhile because it took FMA off the air... But hey... So I found out it's actually REALLY good. I like Urahara. So I read the first and second one. Then Addie's brother woke Addie up and we went to have breakfast. After breakfast I went home. I was only home ten minutes before I went to ANOTHER friends house. She called 14 times so I decided to go. So over there we played SIMS... Ate A LOT of fruit, then went to the mall. We saw Knocked Up. It was really funny. Of course it's rated R so we snuck in, but hey... Whatever. It showed a lot of boobs. and a baby coming out of a woman.... 0_o... It said the F word at least 500 times also. Then after the movie we walked around the mall for about 2 hours. We went to a bookstore and guess what... THEY HAD THE 13TH MANGA OF FMA!!! But I didn't have ten dollars... I was like crap. So I read some of it and hid it behind bags. It was awesome. Then we went home. Well.. Me to my house. My friend to hers... Winryrose009... So yeah... That was my weekend and monday. and friday. Maybe if I updated more my post's would be so long. Well, bye bye.
Question of the day: What did you do over the weekend?
Oh, my comment box is in the same place, it's just a little hard to see.
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