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I go to A-kon in Dallas, TX. So somewhere around there.
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I've sold my art for $100's of dollars.
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MANGA. Fullmetal Alchemist.DeathNote.Chobits. AND THE OFFICE.
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Saturday, June 9, 2007
Fanart 1.
10:50 A.M.
Feeling ok.

Isn't that picture darling? I think it is... Anyway.. I was grounded... Yes. Two days actually (from the computer...) and one from friends. Soo... My sister is grounded for 2 weeks... Why? Because she snuck out and got really drunk and I lied for her. Well.... This is how it started. So my sister comes up and says, "Hey, I'm sneaking out. I'm not gonna do anything bad... If dad asks, tell him I'm sleeping." So I agree. Later my da asks where my sister is. (She's 15 by the way) So I say. "She's sleeping. She told me too watch her dogs." He's like "well alright." Then he wanted my sister for something... and... Since she wasn't answering... He went up and looked in her room. She was gone. Bad timing. So... Yeah.. I got grounded. Yesertday night Ruckles got yelled at again... She gets yelled at for literally EVERYTHING...Ok. So I called my dad too bring me rash cream.. SO we tell her dad we are going out too wait. He asked, "Did you have the ascendancy that she(me) was gonna sleep over without even asking?" Of course.. she's terrified of him so she got confused. (When people get scared it's harder to understand things.) So he kept calling her stupid.. Her mom was right there... She was scared too death also... She was too scared too fight back... So he sent me home and that was the end of it.. I hope... I'll call her today. Well bye bye.
Question of the day: Hows life?
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10:50 A.M.
Feeling ok.

Isn't that picture darling? I think it is... Anyway.. I was grounded... Yes. Two days actually (from the computer...) and one from friends. Soo... My sister is grounded for 2 weeks... Why? Because she snuck out and got really drunk and I lied for her. Well.... This is how it started. So my sister comes up and says, "Hey, I'm sneaking out. I'm not gonna do anything bad... If dad asks, tell him I'm sleeping." So I agree. Later my da asks where my sister is. (She's 15 by the way) So I say. "She's sleeping. She told me too watch her dogs." He's like "well alright." Then he wanted my sister for something... and... Since she wasn't answering... He went up and looked in her room. She was gone. Bad timing. So... Yeah.. I got grounded. Yesertday night Ruckles got yelled at again... She gets yelled at for literally EVERYTHING...Ok. So I called my dad too bring me rash cream.. SO we tell her dad we are going out too wait. He asked, "Did you have the ascendancy that she(me) was gonna sleep over without even asking?" Of course.. she's terrified of him so she got confused. (When people get scared it's harder to understand things.) So he kept calling her stupid.. Her mom was right there... She was scared too death also... She was too scared too fight back... So he sent me home and that was the end of it.. I hope... I'll call her today. Well bye bye.
Question of the day: Hows life.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Feeling O.k.

Ok. That is my old science teacher... The devil... SO I met Vic Mignogna. He is soo sweet. I got a picture of Travis Willingham also. I think I may have blinded him. He's cute. :]]]] He just showed up unannoched. I was happy. The picture is below.... It's funny.
So I broke out into this bumpy itchy rashed also. It's covering my whole body. I'm going to the doctors today... 3 resons actually. Depression. Rash. And Cold Sores. Oh.. I had too meet Vic Mignogna with 3 big cold sores. I looked really ugly. The line I waited in for autographs took 3 HOURS!! It was fun at the end. Everyone started singing "If you're happy and you know it." and the chicken dance. My friend kept trying too count people so like 5 people were yelling out random numbers. We got this girl too spin on a keyblade and run to down the hall and back. Then we were trying too pop a ballon... The guy dressed as Jesus ran and jumped on it and ended up on his butt. At the end of the line, this guy that called himself Foamy let us cut in front of us. It was sweet. I got a Shigura plushy, a new Ed keychain, and an FMA shirt. There were also some pretty amazing artists there. We were running around trying too find the hotel for an hour also!! Adams Mark hotel is impossible too find... It was awesome.
Question of the day: Did you go too A-kon 18 in Dallas, TX?
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
Feeling... Er.. I need to Pimp slap dat hoe.

My comment link is above everything. Pimp Slap dat Hoe. It will help the day. My friends and I have been saying "Pimp slap that hoe" a lot, so I decided to put it on here. Yes... I know... It's really stupid. It's really funny though. So... I get to go to A-Kon today. :]]]]]]]]]]]]. Big smile. Anyway, I'll visit this morning. I'm also entering the SNFC art contest... :]]] Cool. Wish me luck. So Yes.... I went to Six Flags yesterday... I broke out in an itching rash and like 3 cold soars. I hate herpes... Division 1... The one you can be BORN with. I think I'm getting sick. This only happens when I get sick... Whhssppp. You gotta Pimp slap dat hoe. Ok then. Bye bye.
Question of the day: Is your daughter's son's grandpa's mother's daughter ok?
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
Feeling Depressed.

It will be a rather short post today.I took some pictures today. Some of dolls. I walked to Ruckles's house today too get my stuff. It's weird how things change.. I'll visit sites today..
Question of the day: Hello?
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Feeling depressed.

Yep. I saw Bridge to Treabitha today. I cried... I don't think I'll go too the anime convention... We got a mortgage letter( a letter which means, "pay for your house now or we take it)... No Vic Mignogna this year... Hmm... I don't think they even hold conventions in Phoenix... Ok. Next anime convention in Arizona. Mesa, AZ. in... 2008... but the tickets are $90... This sucks. I guess I don't ever get too meet him... There has been things (I think they are eyelashes) stuck in my right eye for the past few days also... Yep... Bye bye. I need sleep.
 Some Lady Hosted By
Question of the day: How's life?
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Feeling ok...

So, the anime convention, A-kon, is in about 2 days.. I'm going the day Vic Mignogna is there... I think it's Friday.. :]. I'm gonna get some anime stuff also. (Eh.. Naruto and FMA..) It's cool. I went o AnimeFest in August.. or was it september.. Hmm.. It was fun. I didn't meet anyone, but it was cool. :]. I can't wait. I only have $20.. It cost $35 for one day!! So yeah.. I think I'll say I'm 12 and get a 3 day pass for $15. :]. Coolio. Anywho, I visited sites yesterday. :]. Ruckles slept over, she's still asleep. I might go for a walk later. Oh! Tomorrow, I'll take off my music and put up the video's we taped. They funny. One is about Helen Keller and Hitler. Ruckles played Helen, I played Hitler. Our tongues accidentally touch in one part.. It was REALLY gross. I also have one where I show you around my house... And one more where I pretend I'm Steve Irwin (bless his soul). They're pretty funny. I also have a few pictures I'll put up. :]]]. Bye bye for now.
Question of the day:How's my text? Is it too big?
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
Feeling Tense.

So for the first few days of summer it has been raining. It's supposed to rain until monday or something. It pisses me off. Anyway, I made another layout. This one took awhile. It's ok though. I like it. :]. Soo I will be visiting sites today. I came home yesterday. I had been at Ruckles house for 2 days. I heard Pirates 3 sucked... Too bad. I got a Jack Sparrow shirt. I love it. :]. The party was pretty fun. I found out how uncomfortable I was around one of my friends. She's kinda bossy... Just too me though. I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me. I didn't fight with her though, I just put up with her. I guess I'm the only one that HAS to act mature since I'm the oldest. I guess I can't have fun around her... Hmm. She pisses me off. She always has. I didn't tell anyone though. Gay. Anywho, I will be around today. Tell me if you can see my text. I think I fixed it. Oh I added new fanart.. CHECK IT OUT!! :]
 Roy And Riza.. Whoopie. Hosted By
 Kish And Fire!!! Hosted By
Question of the day: Are you a goat?
Me? Heavens no.
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
5/24/07 ♥
6:55A.M. ♥
Feeling Happy and fat. ♥

Summer. ♥♥ It starts at 12 o'clock today.♥♥ Anyway, I won't be able to visit sites today. I have a party to attend. Yes. I got a 98 on my Reading exam. A 100 on my Choir. And a 99 on my science. I have math, history, and english today. I hope I ace them as well. :]. I'm happy. Anyway, I ate cici's yesterday. I'm starting my diet today since I went from 122.5lbs to 129-135lbs. I don't actually know my weight... My scale sucks. Ah, yes. I'm 5'7". I am in my range. I wanna get back down too 121.5 though. Last time I was there I was on the edge of anorexica. I was belimic also though... I don't wanna throw up my food again. I think I'll just work out more and eat less. As in. No more chocolate and such. Yup. It starts today. I'm skipping breakfast today also... As I will do every other day. I wish I could loose it in 5 days.. :[... That's impossible though. Well... Have a nice day! I'll be able to visit more int he summer!
Question of the day: Are you at the right weight? (You don't have too answer.)
Me? I guess... I have a medium frame.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
7:12 A.M.
Feeling Great!

Oh... I so cute... Anyway, that is me. I just edited me a lot. I'm not a demon. Anyway. 1 1/2 days of school left!! Then summer. I found out I might not be moving for another 2-4 months! I get too be here for my summer! My mommy is coming back from Arizona today! I have the science and reading exams today... I know them by heart! I don't know History or English, but that's what tonight is for. Studying for them. I think I aced the Choir exam. :]. I think I got commended on the Math TAKS (Not exam. You proi have a different form of TAKS is you are in the USA. If not, Goggle TAKS.) Soo. I visited y'all yesterday. I'll try again today! :]. My hosue is finally clean, and my layout is finally done. I'm gonna help Fullmetal Crazy with her's now. :]. Bye bye.
Question of the day:How long until your school ends?--if your in school-- If not, Taking any vacations?
Me? No Vacations, but my school is out in 1 1/2 days!!
 Ed Hosted By
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