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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Feeling Angry.

Freak. My layout went crazy yesterday. I add too move everything. I have 2 1/2 days of school left... It's hell people. Anyway, I'm pissed. My sister is talking me not too yell when she is yelling. She's a mo fo. So I have to get a ride with Ruckles again today. I don't kwno if I can visit after school. My house is a pig sty, even after cleaning for 5 hours yesterday... Ug.
Question of the day: Are you a guy?
Me? Nope.
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
5/20/07 ??
Feeling victorious.

Oh. My. Gosh. I worked on this layotu for 4 hours... I worked on my old one but decided I hated it, so I got this one. It's pimp! Anyway, I don't have to keep up my comment thingy anymore. Please PM me if you don't see it and tell me. I watched the FMA movie, and episode 27 and 28 of FMA yesterday. Lost Heaven has been stuck in my head.. So my music is Lost Heaven. Heck yes. So I went to Ruckles's house today. I got PhotoImpact yesterday, If you couldn't tell. I designed my layout on there. Well... I'll visit. I will try to update and visit more. I'm sorry. I'm on here everyday also... Umm... Something is wrong with that picture.
Question of the day: If you know HTML, how did you learn it?
Me? I figured it out on my own. Now I'm using a book though.
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Sunday, December 10, 2006
Date: 12/10/06
Time: 8:39AM
Current mood: Happyish

You know what sucks? I got sea sick from watching people on a boat, now I keep throwing up. Well, my friend didn't sleep over yesterday because she had a 78 in science.. Which I don't understand.. It's queer I think... But her dad promised that we could have a sleep over next weekend... Weird. Oh! And I forgot to tell you guys, starting on the 22nd, I won't be updating for 10-11 days, I'm going on vacation. Well, I'm proli hanging with my friend today, so, yeah, bye bye I guess.
Question of the day: Humm.. Did you see that I added a new page, along side my Myspace link thing?
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
Date: 12/9/06
Time: 5:09PM
Current mood: Happy!!!

Yay! I'm so happy! My friend and I hung out, and we might have a *knock knock* sleep over *knock knock* and I'm soo happy! Laura and I went to a Christmas parade this morning and almost froze to death though, other then the cold, it was fun. Well, nothing else really happened... Ineedtobrushmyhair
Question of the day" None...
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Friday, December 8, 2006
Into the ocean
Date: 12/8/06
Time: 4:55Pm
Current mood: Pissed/My life sucks

Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean... Literally. Life is getting worse for me. I really just have to push though, be fake... Me and my friend aren't hanging out today, we are tomorrow.. I think she's in trouble. As you see, once again, I changed my layout. ♪ I wanna swim away but don't how.. ♪.. Yeah, Blue October I don't really know why I'm listening to them, I guess this song explains my life right now. It will pass. Well, bye.. Nothing good happened today... Oh, I made a 90 on my Math test!
Question of the day: Is my music working?
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
Date: 12/7/06
Time: 7:38PM
Current Mood: Dunno...

Yup.. I'm bored. I went to my friends house today... I'm trying to get these snow flakes to work... It's boring... I ate marshmallows today! ^^ I have to run for 40 minutes now, but it's worth it! I'm hoping this infection on my big toe will die soon.. It hurts... Tomorrow my friend and I are having a sleepover (which we have planned for like ever! It's our goal to have a sleepover every Friday until I move!) That sad thing is that now I won't be up in time for the Holiday Parade.. It's ok though. I'll visit sites today, and yeah...
Question of the day: Have a toe infection? Or had one...? If so, did it spuee puss? Ew....
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Date: 12/6/06
Time: 3:04PM
Current mood: I feel sick

Sorry, my text is boring today. I'm sick and not supposed to be on. I think I might be able to make it to sites today, but who knows.... I went home before 5th period ended.. It sucks. I hate missing school.. I'm doing a project in history also, I really don't understand it. I was supposed to go for reading time today so the teacher could explain it.... But I didn't.. I went home. I feel like crap.
Question of the day: Did you brush your teeth this morning?
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Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Date: 12/5/06
Time: 4:38PM
Current mood: Depressed

I hated today. First of all, everyone ( but my friend) was a jerk to me. Then the teacher kept yelling at me. I found out that I'm not only moving, I'm gonna have a 3 bedroom house and my brother won't be living with us! I have to miss my best friends birthday and we don't even have enough money to get ehr a present for tomorrow! My parents don't even care. I'm to pissed/depressed to go on.. so.. yeah.. Sorry...
Question of the day: None
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Monday, December 4, 2006
Ew. Homework. Ew. Projects.
Date: 12/4/06
Time: 6:08PM
Current mood: Ew.. Homework.

Ew. Homework, again. Since I got home that's all I've been working on! Ew! A project is due tomorrow... I always wait until last minute also. I'm still stunned in into a size 5 aka small in juniors.. It's crazy. I'll try to get to sites today. Also, Laura, thanks for visiting me yesterday, not.... Ew. I'm pissed. No I'm not, guess playing with you...
Tthis morning, Alex was wearing an Ed wristband, with Ed on it.. I was f-ing pissed off. BECAUSE IT'S (say fast) MINE! So he let me wear it all day, he forgot to get it back also... So I still have it. I guess I'll say I gave it back to him and keep it... Proli not though.. He's getting me one. I'll ask if I can keep it until then.. Well, bye I guess.
Question of the day: So Sup?
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Sunday, December 3, 2006
Late.. Again...
Date: 12/2/06
Time: 8:45PM
Current Mood: ...Happyish..

I Literally spent all day at the mall. So i was on Myspace and Laura asked me to go to the mall, so I said yes.. Then right after that, my friend called and said, " Hurry, we are on the way over to get you. We are going to the mall." So I told Laura ans she thought I was cancling on her or something... I told her I wasn't.
While at the mall with my friend, we went to this asian shop and played with gongs! Then we went to Books A- Million and showed each other what manga's we want for Christmas. So I'm getting her Tokyo Mew Mew and Chobits asn she's getting me an FMA calander (07), the 6,7,and 8th volume of FMA, and an FMA light up thing that come with an FMA wrist band.. Enough eh? I like it.
With Laura, we went around, and went in pretty much every store we liked... She's more emo now.. but it's ok. When we went into Forever 21 , we tried on cloths.. i found out a medium is too big... I wear smalls now.. What the? So we played with the cloths for awhile, then went to Happy Feet . It's so cute! I loved it. If you haven't seen it, then go! So that was my day, bye!
Question of the day: What happened to old man Billy?
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