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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I added new fanart! >
Click here to see it!
So today I'm not really doing anything due to the fact that my friend is gone, so Ill be home all day. It turns out EE2 is ok. That's good. I've been sitting around all day also, I'm bored.
If you guys need anything I'm here. Have a nice day!
Question of the day: None.
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

So yesterday me and ChiBiBabi took pictures for my myspace.. and that picture the other day, I didn't explain who it was.. It was a girl that goes to my school. I was trying to show you her shirt.. It's our athletic one... that was NOT me... I'm not that blond... That picture is me... Yeah... So anyway, we pretty much just baby sat the whole time and myspaced... Yeah. Sorry if I didn't get to your site yesterday, I was well... Baby sitting. Sooo yeah.. pray for EE2 and his brother.. Their in big time... Bye.
Question of the day: Do I look ugly?
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Monday, November 20, 2006

I Really haven't done anything today.. It's been boring... It's about 8:10AM right now. I'm gonna put music on EdoGirl36's site...I finally finished my Myspace page... It looks ok. So today I'm planning on hanging with my friend again... Maybe I'll tape something on my video camera... She can make her self sound like Ed.... I'm not kidding.. It's odd.
That's about it for now, bye.
Question of the day: What do you think of when you hear: Pink
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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Ed, Al, and You!

Don't ask about the picture...Oh! I'm gonna be able to put paper drawings up once my dad gets the camera ready!
So yeah, I did have a sleepover with my friend. Here too. We stood up until 4am or something... I fell asleep. Yeah, it was fun. She didn't come over until about 8pm though... She left just a few minutes ago.. at 11:34Am or something. So for the remainder of the day I'll be at home. It'll be o.k. I guess. I had a banana today! Well, I don't really know what else to put, so peace out...
Question of the day: How's life?
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Saturday, November 18, 2006

So.. Today I'm not planning on doing much. I'll probably go to my friends house... Hang there for a bit.. Oh yeah! Since we didn't have a sleepover yesterday were having one today... Hopefully here.
I'm sick of spending the night there... Really.. It's every week over there. Well, I'll visit sites today. Bye!
Question of the day: Do you know anyone over 400 Lbs?
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Friday, November 17, 2006
I'm Not Emo, Silly Knife.
My friend told me to make up something funny today! So that's what I said.. (Title)

So. I did go to my friends house.. for 15 seconds.. Literately... Now I can't go back over. I feel like crying... Now my mom is being a crap hole to me. Other then that, today was good. I think I have a little crush on my friend, Al, though... (.)_(.).... Weird... I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with my friend. Well.. Sort of... He didn't really know that he was my boyfriend, but we acted like it. He moved though... To the USA... Washington state.. To clarify things for you guys, I live in London. I was born in the USA and moved here about 3-4 months ago.. Yeah.
My friend wasn't a butt to Al today either! ( Also, he totally loves me. He tried to touch my boob once.... Weird... The sad thing is, I'm pretty much flat chested.. I wouldn't have let him do it either...)
So that's about it I guess...
Have a nice day, oh and the best answer I got (Funniest) for the question of the day yesterday was from ElvesAteMyRamen. It was:
Go search it up on google... It was funny.
Question of the day: Are knifes silly?
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Thursday, November 16, 2006

So, today I stayed home sick until about 11:15 or so.. Then I went to school because we had a lot of tests today.. I got better. I guess i was feeling bad because of the lack of sleep I've been getting. Well, my friend pissed Al off real bad today. He said he wouldn't her get mashed potatoes so she takes his popcorn chicken and throws it all away! Then he came back.. he had mashed potatoes for her. I got pretty pissed off also. It's sort of funny to watch her also. She thinks she's tough.. well a man... and she can't even handle stress very well. She just barks at everyone (Literately.... ) She's a freak.
So I'm feeling pretty confident about my math test. It was only mean, mode, and median stuff. We are review 5th grade I think.. Who knows.. I got 100 on my History test. ( I'm the freaking best student in that class also.. 0.0) In reading I told my group about my book... it was weird.. Well thats about it I guess... Bye!
Question on the day: Where do babies come from?
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I have a hairy back, yeah, And it just won't wax.. -My sisters friends lyrics
I'm bringing sexy back, my name is envy and I like to rap. -Pinkchii009
Freaking A I had a good day! I have no homework! My friends and I were all happy! I got A on a roll! I got into 'Falcon Fiesta!' ( A eating thing during reading time.) Only 5 or so out of the whole grade get to go to it! I'm so happy! I was watching Mulan today also. I stopped because I wanted to get on the computer.. But yeah. I hope all ya'll had as good as day as me!
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I'm the first kid to write of hearts, lies, and friends!

I added new fanart! >
Click here to see it!
I hated today! But it's ok! So I have math homework. It's o.k. though, it's easy. I have to write a sentence 75 times, but I'm writing an essay on why I shouldn't. My friend thinks I'm stupid for it. I'm like whatever. I don't wanna do it.
Speaking of her, she pissed me off so badly today! O.k., so it was lunch time, and I was just asking her "Why", so she throws my pencil across the room and I just totally ignored her for the rest of the day, until 5th period when she said sorry. I was pissed man. Which I still am. If you didn't read my previous post I told ya'll that she's always mad and stuff. That pisses me off, so yeah. I cheered up in 6th period, then came home. Al did sit with us at lunch also... Crazy.. Anyway, now I'm on Neopets, Myspace, and here.. Doing stuff.. Bye bye
Question of the day:
Do you know my /real/ name?
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Monday, November 13, 2006

I added new fanart! >
Click here to see it!
So today was ok. I got really freaking pissed at my friend. I didn't tell her.. but I did get pissed. She's always mad about something and I'm dead sick of it. I will never get that.. So people at school think I'm emo for some reason.. Occasionally I'll wear a think line of brown eye liner and I'm always wearing either blue, pink, or brown.. I wore black one time (which was today) and I'm emo.. In their bra.. Anyway, other then that, today was good. My friends (Yes I have more then one friend) were all being butts to Al so he's not sitting with us at lunch anymore.... Oh poo.
So in Athletics I learned how to use an excise ball.. So now I'm gonna tone my core.. It will be sexy.. I'm thin just not toned.. I'm working on that now. So that it about it I guess... bye!
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