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Sunday, November 12, 2006
Yeah! No flaming!

I respect your a thoughts on this picture, but please, respect mine. Please no flaming. Only stupid ugly people flame.
So today I'm just staying home! I added knew fanart! I like it! I only spent so much time on it, but it's still pretty good. Yesterday after I updated I didn't really do anything.. I'm not really doing anything right now either. I edited EdoGirl36's site.. I didn't use the HTML code because I consider that stealing from EE2 since he gave me the HTML.. So I didn't use it. I made it look cool though. That's really about it I guess! Check out my fanart!
Here's some things I made while I was bored:

The first one say's:
Today was pretty weird, I saw monkies, I saw Superman, I even saw a poopy fall out of the sky, but I never thought I'd see a badly drawn Ed face on the Monolisa.... I hope your day wasn't this weird..
The second one says: You know your a redneck when...
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Saturday, November 11, 2006
Davy Crockett and how I became one of his men

Gosh! Yesterday was fun! I went to my friends house and watched the first few episodes of Chobits because my friend had never seen that show. My friend, Addi, was there also. I brought my 5 manga, fma, and Addi brought her 42 managa, to many to name. After watching Chobits we went for a walk. Addi ran off, so me and my friend searched for a really long time. Addi's mom picked us up because she knew where Addi was. I was so happy she was ok!
Me and my friend had another sleepover last night.. That went well... -_-'... At about 12am or something my friend started making sex noises for some reson.. Her sister walked in and took her out of the room... My friend came back in and said, " Now my sister thinks we're lesbos'..." I'm kind of upset.... I don't have anything against homosexals though!
Today I went to Al's birthday party. It was fun. We played laser tag twice, ate ice cream cake, and played games! That's about it for now.. Now I think I'll repent for my sins! Bye!
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Friday, November 10, 2006

I'm updating early today. I probably wont come home after school, and my friend doesn't have internet. So I'm updating now. I might put up some of my cosplay pictures soon! I've only had one taken, but that's ok! Well that's it! Bye
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Thursday, November 9, 2006

I got 1 comment yesterday.. Thank you TimTwins! Anyway, today was great also. I had a low supply of food though:
Fat free cottage cheese, One big bowl, split into three tiny bowls
2 bananas
1/3 of a milk carton ( those school ones.. it was low fat also..)
and 1 apple.
I'm fixing to have dinner soon though.
So I'm hungry. Al was annoying again. I went to my friends house for her mom and her brothers birthday.. That was fun. Well thats about it!
Bye bye,
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Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Yay! I'm so happy! I don't even know why! Well I can visit sites today and I went over to my buddies house! It was fun! I ran today in athletics! I don't really know why though! I LOVE LIFE! So I got 6 comments yesterday! They have been increasing! That raises my hopes a lot! YAY! Well I hope all you have had a very happy day like me! Oh and I added new fanart!
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006

So! Today was okay! I got 8 comments yesterday! I'm happy! So, today Al kept bugging my friend and I. He's really getting on my nerves... So I might post paper drawings up soon enough, and I'm adding new fanart (computer) today! So if you have time, go check it out.
I'm gonna visit sites today! I wonder how many comments I'll get today! Well, nothing else to really say for today, so bye!
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Monday, November 6, 2006

Man, my comments dropped yesterday. I got none.. Anyway, I'm home sick today so I can't be on the computer, so I might not visit sites today, who knows. Well, I understand if I don't get comments!
I sort of believe that in the next week, one of the days, I will will get 45 comments! I know I will. It will happen. I can imagine how happy I would be, it would be great! I'll keep my head high and faith in it!
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Sunday, November 5, 2006
I'm back!

So I'm back! I had so much fun!
On Friday my friend, her grandparents, and I sung in the car, then went to a theater play called "Jungal Book." Just like that.. It's spelt Jungal for some reason.
On Saturday we were gonna go to the Pancake breakfast, but my Paw Paw (My friends grandpa) didn't have the heart to wake us. We weren't even really sleeping.. Then since he is a judge, he had weddings to go to, and My friend, Lanni (My friends Grandma), and I went to the Planetarium and saw two shows:
Stars of the Pharaohs
Black Holes.
At the planetarium I saw a girl with an Ed keychain. I was soo sad. It looked just like the one I am yet too find! She also had a Trigun one and a Bleach.. Uh.. Trigun.. FMA.. some anime jacket on.. I think it might have been FLCL, but who knows.
Then we went back home and my friend and I walked down to the parks and see-sawed. We did that today also.
Today we went to church and holy crap.. I've never seen a room full of old people until today! o_o'
At least there was a dude named Ed. Last night we stood up until sunrise again, so we are both tired. So.. that was it. I had fun! They invited me to go next time also!
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Thursday, November 2, 2006

So I'm happy today! I had a great day! My friend was back from being sick and I found out that I lost my key chain at home. Also, I will be changing the color of my site soon enough since I found out how to work the HTML. I also have to make two thank you cards! I will do that also. I don't know if I can update tomorrow.. so if I don't, don't worry, I'm on vacation for the weekend! I can visit sites today also! YAY! So that's about it for today I guess, besides the fact that it is almost to cold to bare... Well have a nice day!
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Where's my Ed key chain..?

My button
I'm not visiting sites today... I hate myself.. I hate myself so much. I just wanna die. I just wanna die.. I hate myself... I lost my favorite Ed key chain.. I hate myself. How did I loose it.. I remember bringing it to school.. but then nothing else.. I hate myself.. I can't even remember what day it was.. I'm isolated from everyone anyway.. People just hate me.. I might be moving.. It's all my fault... On the other hand, I have a button now.. Wolfmisteris made it. Sadly, I can not spell her name.. She owns a Envy Otaku though. Well bye, I hope you have a good day!
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