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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

So today was fun. I got a party in Math, and we watched "The Alamo" in Texas History! Why I'm learning about Texas.. Who knows... Well, I finally decided what to be for Halloween. I'm gonna be a Dalmation. It will be fun. I'm going trick or treating with Al and My buddy. Sadly I can't eat any of the candy. I hope you all have a great Halloween! No, really I do...
So I'm reading a new book called "When I was five I killed myslef." So far it is really good. He didn't really kill himself, just went crazy. I haven't read the whole thing so if you have, please don't tell me anything about it.
Well that's it for today. If you read my morning post, it was stupid. Happy Halloween everyone!
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Monday, October 30, 2006
Roy has a head, or does he?

So! Once again, tis me. My comments have gone down though... At least I didn't just get one yesterday! Anyway, so yesterday was sooooooo boring also. I spent all day making a layout for my neopets lookup. It looks pretty good though. If you wanna see it, go here:
It's my first layout, so it might not look good to you. SO I have school now, bye bye! Also if you want your layout to be put in a competion, stop by EE2's site, some stuff in on there about the contest.
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Sunday, October 29, 2006
Another post!

Some thing I made awhile back!
So I've been working on my manga and a layout for my neopets page. I sure do like to make things. Anyway, yesterday was normalish. My buddy went home around 3pm or so, so after that I was home with nothing to do. I'll visit sites again today! Also the picture that I put up yesterday was a feathered dinosuar. It looks like dead Nina. Yeah...
Last night was pretty cool. I went out to to eat at a Chinese restaurant with my mom and dad. My sister went to a kinsinsetta or something. It was her firnds 15th b-day party. To mexican people it's a big thing.
Well, on Friday I'm leaving for a few days so your won't see me. I'll be gone Friday, Saturday, and until late Sunday. So i won't be visiting sites or updating.
That's about it, bye!
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Saturday, October 28, 2006
Stuffing the Turkey

Who could that be? Is it dead chimera Nina? Yes!
I am adding a post. It can't be long because my friend is over my shoulder and bored. She said "yeah.." So anyway, the dance was cool enough I guess. I had a cupcacke yesterday, it was nifty. Umm there's my doggie, and I will visit sites today. I'm hoping to go to the mall and buy crap. (No really, Crap)Anyway, I decided to keep trying out for the upcoming sports in 9 weeks. It will be Track and I will run. Now my friend is confused and I will leave a voice message to anyone that has one, saldy I don't have a british accsent. So if I sound gay, then I do. So yeah.. That.. That's about it.
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Friday, October 27, 2006
Sorry, I won't be able to visit sites today.. Also, two days ago I got my highest number of comments from people! It was 8!!! WOOT!!! So I tutored Matt Statton yesterday during teaming (sit in a gym and red for 20 mins) Instead of being loud and rude, he listened and was nice. It was cool. So today is the dance and Devons going away party. We are gonna make a
'Your Laura Jokes' Myspace...Laura is a girl that thought she was in my friends group.. She doesn't even like anime.. Anyway, she's fat, so we will do that, eat cake, FMA movie, then dance. That's it bye..
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Thursday, October 26, 2006

So, no, I didn't make the team.. People who suck more them me did though. Well, today is my first day of tutoring people in art.. Tommorrow I'm throwing my friend Devon a going away party and then him, my friends, and I will go to the 80's dance (school dance).
So, yeah, I have to be with Coach Gibbson for 9 weeks.. Gosh I hate her, I have to deal with it though. I'm also working on my own manga.. It's not really an action one, but comedy.. I'm not that good at making action.. So yeah, that was my day yesterday and I have to get going to school. Bye bye!
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Who here gets sick of the same routine every day of their lifes. I do. I mean, here's mine.
Wake up
Go to school
Go home from school
Computer (Like maybe 10 mintues)
More chores
..... How boring. Well, today I'm, doing the same thing once again. At least I lost another pound. And hey, we ran a mile in the dark yesterday!
Well, in tryouts I sucked yesterday. I can't keep the ball away from people worth crap... The girl playing defense just took it out of my hand.. I was thinking ,
"There goes my chance for this team..."
But who knows, I'm the nicest on the freaking althetic thingy.. So maybe.
Well my friend was back yesterday also, she's soo freaking werid. Ish ok though. That's about it.. bye bye.
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Good job, you just killed /another/ baby...

So yeah, yesterday sucked. I felt sick and the freaking nurse wouldn't let me go home. She's all like:
"Your not sick enough, your thorat is red.. but blah blah blah."
I should have kicked her in the balls... Anyway, I was also bored out of my mind yesterday because my friend was absent. She should be back today. Freaking A I'm tired.
So in tryout's I sucked monkey cheese butt. While we did layup I only made one out of at least 40 or something. I did the triple threat well enough, but the baskets count, and I only made oh so many. D: I will wait to see. I have tryout again today, I'm not walking in the dark again though.
My friend Al ( Alex) has an over use of high fives, it's getting lame. Plus he and Devon (Guy) both are in love with me since my buddie turned them down. Same with this other dude, AJ, I think. So all the guys in my little anime group love me, same with this preppy football player (at least he's sexy), Mitchell. Well, I'll get over it.
That's it for today bye bye.
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Monday, October 23, 2006
Monday's kill ya eh?

That's one sexy plushie
Well, It's 6am. I'm tired. Look at this wonderful site. EE2 did it. I'M SOO FREAKING HAPPY! Anywho, Last night while taking a shower the conditionar from the bottle wouldn't come out! So of course I shooke it /really/ hard, and guess what, I hit my head smack down with that bottle.
I didn't get to slepp until 12am because I was playing with my mom's cell phone (My alarm clock this morning.) and taking pictures if all my FMA stuff.. She hates everything about that show including Ed.. She hates the name Edward, I have to live though. :: Looks at mother, hoping to not go all fangirl on her::
Well the alarm clock did a good job of waking me up.. I'm SO tired though. So I was sleeping, you know, crazy PinkChii dreams, and all of a sudden I hear
SO I woke up and couldn't figure out how to turn this freaking thing off, so I had to litsen to it. I figured it out though.
Well I have school now, bye.
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Sunday, October 22, 2006
YAY!! I'M INTO A SIZE 5 IN JUNOIRS!!! Sorry, four months ago I was in a size 13, now it's a 5. I'm happy. Please don't comment on my weight.. I know I need to loss 5 lbs... Anywho, my site will be cooler later because EE2 is helping me with it! He's so nice! I'm not doing anything today so I'll proably work out, and be on this computer. That's about it, also, here's a good recipe:
Fat Free Cottage Cheese and our favorite fruit! (Not a tomato...)
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