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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Anyway, I hope all of you noticed my new Avvie. The credit for making it goes to EE2.. how sweet to make it for me! I'm greatful!! XP! Anyway.. I got now have ten FMA keychians, 4 ed's, 1 winry, 1 roy, 2 als. 2 ed and al's, and 1 armstong.. lets see if thats ten.. nope that 11.. plus 1 vash, 1 spongebob, 1 brain and stewie, and uhh... hold on... tails from sonic. I already have 2 ed action figuers, FMA wristband, FMA light, FMA game (<-- Roys hard to beat), two Ed plushies, and an FMA shrit... I'm loaded up!! I'm saving money for an Armstong cosplay costume.
On my report card I have all A's! In athletics I ran 4 laps around a softball feild straight, no stopping! I perodered the FMA movie, so I'll have it on the 12th.
On the 15th, I'm sad to say, I cant update. A school dance is that night. Please comment. Also I made a website... kind of..
If you care to look. Thats all for now. You know I love comments!
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Monday, September 4, 2006
HEY HEY! I just got back! My gosh it was fun! That was my first Anime convetion! I got 4 FMA keychins, Ed's head in a keychain, and another Ed plushie!!!! WEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I cosplayed as Winry. Anyway, I'm going to one again is december.
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Friday, September 1, 2006
UGGG!!! I cried all last night! I might have to move! That means no friends, or internet. I'd have to move back to Utah... I HATE IT THERE!!! I wanna stay here!! My mom might lose her job for some reson.. Gosh I hate today...
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Thursday, August 31, 2006

A request for masterkoga. It wouldnt take it in my Fanart for some reson...
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YAY!!! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! Finally, today I have to spend time with family! YAY! I'm getting my presents *Cough cough ed pulshie cough* and nothing ELSE!! WEEEEE.
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
YAY!!! Tomorrows my BIRTHDAY!!! I will be 13! Anyway, today I went to my friend 'the fuz's' and we hung out. Also I finished my human body art homework! Soo thats it.. Next wekk I am Al H. Alright! I finally got a picture of Ed on my ceiling... It was hard.. Anyway, I decored my wall with fma pics also. Thats all.. for real..
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Alright, today was pretty good. In 1st period the lights went out and didnt come back on untill 3rd! SO I GOT TO STAY IN ART!! Anyway, I drew musulces of the human body for my homework.. and tonight I have none! So I found the funimation channel and watched a few animes I've never heard of.. then I watched Detective Conan! After that I came down stairsa and did the kitchen. While I was doing the dishing there was this hairy moving thing in the sink, so, of course, I pick it up -_-'. It was nasty.. well it was a peach seed.. so then I start sweeping and I see this packet on the ground, it says 'Shrimp" the first thing I thought was " I'm gonna take a picture of it and post it on MyO.." But instead I swept it up and threw it away. So I'm Al this week, so I followed my friend around school all day going " NIISAN, BIG BROTHER, BROTHER!" I think I pissed her off... but hey, it was fun! So yeah, my guyfriend Alex is printing me out 5 piccys of Edward, so I have to draw Alphonse for him.. so thats all for today! For anybody who si wondering.. I dont have a camara or scanner.. so I cant post my paper fanart! Well I have some new fanart anyways! ITS AL!

My favorite Al pictures from
e http://www.luckiicharm.net/alphonse/movie.php
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I'll update again after school!
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Monday, August 28, 2006
today my friend came over and we went down to a creek by my house and travled though it. It was fun. My guyfriend Alex went also, but he ditched us.. Today it was raining all day, so I had to run inside for Athletics.. I took a nap.. and let me see... Also, I'm Al this week...
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