Birthday 1993-08-31 Gender
Female Location I go to A-kon in Dallas, TX. So somewhere around there. Member Since 2005-05-24 Real Name Brittney
Achievements I've sold my art for $100's of dollars. Favorite Anime MANGA. Fullmetal Alchemist.DeathNote.Chobits. AND THE OFFICE. Goals Get through the next 2 years. Hobbies Art. Talents ART! Check out my gallery see. PinkChii009
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
my strong point (in my oppinon) is art b/c EVERY SINGLE DAY i draw like 50,000 picuters... and im the best drawe out of my family and friends (friends offline)
err... i draw 10,000,000,000,000 pictures everyday... i LUV drawing... dont know why... my mom says its a waste of time..... i like 2 draw anime and animals and realistic looking ppl
but i dont have a scaner so i cant put any of those picuters up... only the coumputer 1's Comments (0) |
new Music video
ok i changed my MV b/c i got sick of da other 1 HA HA HA!!.......
bleeding hog monkeys!!! WHOA!!!!!! tee hee! i wish i had $1000000000000000000000000000000000000000
b/c i would have tht much munny! WEEEE well i have a stupid icon and 2 many adobted FMA charaters! i might get rid of sum... probly not... no im not gonna... i like them!... LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
☻ tee hee☻
im hyper but pissed b/c i set my tape up 2 tape case closed but i didnt!!! im mad.... ☻ ya not really a reson 2 be mad but im tired and my brothers driving me crazy!! so im bored!! i have lots of ppl as friends.... wierd.....☻ ♀ ¥ ♥ Comments (1) |
Friday, June 10, 2005
ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im 2 wierd and i like it Dependence. Stand up and live your own life, you can do it alone too!
evil frodo.... killing golum err...
whatever i like this movie Comments (0) |
TESTS FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a little bit cocky and usually associated with evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You probably just don't give a damn,but it's everyone else's fault if you don't because you're too awesome to have any real faults.
i do give a crap about what other ppl think.... u know
im in a group and im like da mom of da group so all day i have 2 lisen 2 nagging Comments (2) |
ok stupid me
im sexy i decided
(im not really like dat i just fell wierd right now so i said im sexy) Comments (1) |
im having a furit buzz wierd i know GOSH I HATE DAT CURMOCHEL!!! You are Wrath!