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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Yep. Still sick.
I've been sick since last Tuesday.
I'm kinda sick of everything.
I'm not leaving for Utah until at least after June 6th because my school district are fucktards and feel the need to keep us until the 6th of June.
I finished the 5th Harry Potter. Whoopdy doo.
I love Harry Potter.
Ok. Time to lie down.
You have a nice day.
And oh. Listen to my song.
1. You sick?
2. How do you feel about life?
3. Believe in god?
4. Read Harry Potter?
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Friday, April 18, 2008
I've been sick for 4 days now.
My fever is now at 101 I think.
I feel sick.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Well, somebody seems very keen on getting me to post.
My life?
Eh. Not so great. I gave up on Theotaku. I'm too old school for that.
I'm sick too.
Not to fun.
I slept 19 hours yesterday. I plan on doing it again..
The reason I was asleep yesterday was because my mom gave me Promethazine and it knocked my out cold until my mom woke me up for golden coral.
I didn't eat much. My mom said I looked stoned... I felt stoned.
My mom told me what it feels like, sorry no drugs for me.
I fell asleep a couple of minutes after we got home.
I slept until 11:30pm.
So from 8AM-1PM 3PM-11:30PM .
That's it.
Ok. I'm gonna sleep now.
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Sunday, March 30, 2008
I changed my layout.
And yes, I'm aware that "explicit"
is spelled wrong.
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Monday, March 10, 2008
I added new artz.

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Thursday, March 6, 2008
Well, I'm still trying to figure out this whole "World" thing.. Anyone wanna help me?
And remember, I DO have a World
I got the 72 pack of prisma colored pencils.
I also got three new copic makers.
$85.59... and that was with the colored pencils being 30% off.
So expect a crap load of art from me.
In other news.
It's snowing! IN TEXAS!
It's gonna get to three inches.
I also got to get out of school early since my mom got to come pick me up.
I'm play in the snow with my art supplies.
Have a goodday
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Verison Vibrate is up.
Go to Theotaku.com fools.
Check out my world
My World
It's just like the journal things here, but... cooler looking.
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
Well, It's gonna be a short update because I need to get ready for a birthday party.
We be going to Embassy Suits.
I'm thinking about putting up a new layout...
What do you think...
Well... It is past Valentines day.
Help me.
My base code ready fucking sucks.
Have a good day, be safe(nojoke), and be happy.
By bye.
Are you a cat?
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
I updated.
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Sunday, February 10, 2008
like this: >:[_____] :)
My friends are fighting. At least I'm not sick anymore. I slept in until 13:51 though. I stood until until 7:00.
Yes I speak in military time. I'm better at it, blame my phone. 8D!!!
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