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Friday, December 7, 2007

Does anyone know how to read Chinese?
I need help.
Also. Bah. I updated. But NUUUU. Now I have to go to school.
Tomorrow is Saturday... Isn't it SailorCrabby...
PM me to talk, or go to my DA.
Are you gay?
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Friday, November 23, 2007
IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE SAD DON'T READ! Still comment though yo.

Ok, so I sent the card out to everyone yesterday, but APPEARANTLY it doesn't show up in the message... So... If you want it, reply to the message I sent you. I can't remember who I sent it too.
Anyway! Thanksgiving was a blow out... Phhhtttt...
You see, I woke up at 7AM, went back to sleep at 1PM until 3PM... Woke up, I had to CLEAN. My dad also has to keep the temperature at absolute zero... So my mom and I kept trying to turn it up, but he got more mad each time we did it. Since my sister is gone, and the family friend(guywholivesatour
house) was gone and our oven is broken , my mom, my dad, my brother, and I went to Golden Coral to eat... They had no pumpkin pie, and ran out of the barley eatable Turkey... Everything was barley eatable. -.-' Oh right, my mom is also deathly allergic to pepper of any kind.. and.. they put pepper in the stuffing AND on her steak. Since she had no idea it was on there, she took a little bite and got really really sick. On the way home she started crying and trying to hack up the spice... My dad got even madder... We got her medicine after that and came home.
I really wish I could have been in Utah for the holiday... TT.TT. I mean sure, I was happy to see my friends all week, but I really do love my 5 zillion relatives. When we are together it's always really warm, and happy, and bright.. ya know?
Ok, I'm done with my Thanksgiving rant.
:]. I feel happy today though.
Question of the day:
How was your Thanksgiving?
Oh right, yes, yes I did draw that picture on the left side of the page. Demon Dragon asked. :].
And also, in case you want the card:
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
I will send individually later.
(Sorry that it is going out of my box thing)

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hahahahahahahahaha. Yes. We really need to kill people like me. Yaoi fangirls. 0_0. Is it really MY fault I like this stuff. I blame Sprite...
ANYWAY, I'm trying to get the cover for Ruckles, Sprites, and I's manga done.. But I need toa sk Sprite how she wants her character(named Sprite) to look. TT.TT
I also made a cute little gif of my character:

Oh right. About my layout.
That's my character everything on this page I MADE, with the exepection of help from somegirl's HTML site.. That means I drew and colored that picture, that means, he is my character. That means this is MY html work, and some hide codes from Somegirl. :].
Ok. Today, Ruckles and Sprite are coming over. We are gonna party like it was 1983. :].
Oh right, listen too this song:
Against Me! - Thrash Unreal.
:]. I will make you something if you do.
Yesterday Ruckles and I went to the mall. Haha. Family Restroom.
Ok That's all.
Favorite memory?
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Monday, November 19, 2007

Of course, once again, my family was being retarded and through away my art... I REALLY hate this house. I really hate this. It was one of my best pieces also... I... urg. It was the picture of the president guy I did for US History... Everyone is so frucking retarded.
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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Anyway. I'm sick. I feel like crap, my head hurts, my throat... oh.. gosh.. my throat. It's kinda hard to breath... Yet, my lungs are fine and my temp is 98.6 (normal yo). I think that winter just hates me. Ruckles, your still coming over. The rest of you... Well... Chances are that you live in another state or country... Hmmm... Sorry. I'm in an artist block also. I CAN'T DRAW. I mean.. I have the ideas, I just can't get it down right. It happens everytime I feel like crap though...
Ok. I need to lie down. ^^ I'll TRY to comment today ok.
Are you sick?
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Friday, November 16, 2007

Anyway, I'm sorry about the post yesterday... Sorry Hiko. I know. I'm evil. So today's post shall be normal.
Yesterday was fine. The Asian kids at my school finally started to say hi to my friends and I. I think we might talk to them... Maybe.
My haircut is easy to style. I'll post pictures tomorrow or the next day ok. Sorry. It has been about a week since I got it cut also...
In US History I drew a picture for a project and now nobody will leave me alone about it. It's in my fanart, or on my DA account, either one.
Lately my thoat has been filled with gumky stuff and it's hard to breath, or talk. I hope I don't get sick. Thanksgiving holiday starts after school today. (We get a week off)
Yep. That was a post. Ok. Off to school.
Kira or L?
If you have NO idea what I'm talking about, it's so totally L. Just go with L.
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
a quick

That was a very... new-person-on-myotaku-that-doesn't-get-the-point-that-myotaku-is-a-BLOGGING-site post.
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
9:41 AM
 Love Or Lust Hosted By theOtaku.com.
I drew a picture... with my mouse... I still don't have a tablet. I put it on Deviantart also. If you have an account there, you should watch me. ^^ It would mean ALOT. XDDD. Too get to my page, just lick the link I gave you above.
Anyway, the past two days.. I think... Have been good. I've been real lonely though. I suppose because I've been a Hermit and been inside for 6 days, with the exception on restraunts and school. A friend withdraw? I don't know.
I've been planing to change my site around and make it more interesting for you guys to see... But I can't remember how to get a two different background images... That's sad. I've mastered the basics of HTML and I can't remember that. Well... I guess I'm gonna have to look for help.
I'm changing my music too.
And, If you update today, I will visit. ^^
Is batman REAL?
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I finally got on the top five hundred! XDDDDD!!! Hiko gave me the motivation to get there,s o thanks yo.
Had a lesson with my student. I taught her how to sue layers... Then the rest of the time I played with her tablet... I don't have one, so it was fun.
Today: SCHOOL! Then I think Ruckles might come over.
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