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MANGA. Fullmetal Alchemist.DeathNote.Chobits. AND THE OFFICE.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Feeling Overweight.

Yes. I changed my layout... Again... So todays post might be long. A lot of crap has happened. Let's pick up from last time I updated. The day after Ruckles's dad got pissed off at her, we went to the football game. The Dallas Desperados won. :3. It was cool. The game was really close. The New Orleans Voodoo was like one point behind... They ALMOST won. That was my first sporting event. It was fun. Then Ruckles and I had a sleepover at her house since we came back late. The next day she had to leave for a vacation... To a farm... In Plano I think... I hope she brings me a pig. So before she left, my other best friend, Addie, came over. We talked about anime and the world and such. Well.. Ruckles sat there and listened. Addie and I talked. They don't know the plot for Fullmetal Alchemist and they are MY friends. This is sad.... All I used to talk about was FMA. So anyway, then Ruckles had to go, so Addie and I went too her house. We went walking for TWO or THREE hours... We went to see Addie's friend, Sarah, but she wasn't home. We found a live clam and killed it... WE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS ALIVE!! But it was. We wanted a pearl... It didn't work out. So then we went back to her house and swam for almost two hours with her brother, Mason. That night we made Ruckles a homecoming gift for Saturday when she comes home... It's really funny... REALLY nasty.. But funny. Ha ha. It's funny. Anyway, so after that we FINALLY fell asleep... The next morning I woke up at 7 A.M. Addie was still sleeping so I didn't wanna wake her... So I got some Naruto mangas and Bleach mangas. I drew a few pictures then started reading Bleach vol. 1... I decided to give it a chance... I didn't want to for awhile because it took FMA off the air... But hey... So I found out it's actually REALLY good. I like Urahara. So I read the first and second one. Then Addie's brother woke Addie up and we went to have breakfast. After breakfast I went home. I was only home ten minutes before I went to ANOTHER friends house. She called 14 times so I decided to go. So over there we played SIMS... Ate A LOT of fruit, then went to the mall. We saw Knocked Up. It was really funny. Of course it's rated R so we snuck in, but hey... Whatever. It showed a lot of boobs. and a baby coming out of a woman.... 0_o... It said the F word at least 500 times also. Then after the movie we walked around the mall for about 2 hours. We went to a bookstore and guess what... THEY HAD THE 13TH MANGA OF FMA!!! But I didn't have ten dollars... I was like crap. So I read some of it and hid it behind bags. It was awesome. Then we went home. Well.. Me to my house. My friend to hers... Winryrose009... So yeah... That was my weekend and monday. and friday. Maybe if I updated more my post's would be so long. Well, bye bye.
Question of the day: What did you do over the weekend?
Oh, my comment box is in the same place, it's just a little hard to see.
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