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I go to A-kon in Dallas, TX. So somewhere around there.
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I've sold my art for $100's of dollars.
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MANGA. Fullmetal Alchemist.DeathNote.Chobits. AND THE OFFICE.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A post for SG

I love this picture... Look at L, so cute.
Anyway, I guess I'll start with two days ago:
So I said I was going to Ray's. I did, it was sooo fun. First, she picked me up at about 11:16AM, then we went to Alfredo's, an Italian restraint, we ate soooo much. I got so full. Then we walked down to the school were her mom worked at and hung out in the music room for awhile.. Ha ha... We drew pictures on the white board, it was fun. Then we went to her teeth cleaning appointment and headed to her house. It was about 4PM by then. Then we decided to have a sleepover! After that, Sprite called and told us she got glasses... It was strange because we all thought she had good vision... Boy we were wrong... So we dressed up as Naruto characters.. I was TobiShikaMisa... And Ray was... Kisamemisa... ha ha.
That night we watched Lion King and Princess Mononoke... I fell asleep during PM... I dreamt about watching it though... Soo... When Ray woke me up, I thought I had been awake the hole time.. 0_0... Oh and I maed her watch the first ep. of Death Note... She HATES Ryuk....
The next morning Ray and I got up, got dressed and started blowing up balloons! We drew stuff all over them. I made a Naruto one, an FMA one, and a Death Note one... Al didn't turn out to well... 0_0... After that we found the water balloons and invited Sprite over, we got bored of filling up balloons and started spraying each other with the hose... HA HA! After that, we got into nice dry cloths and went for a walk...
The walk was fun. Since we are all gonna do a skit for the anime convention... We made up some ideas... We are gonna do the Akatsuki, and do a skit called,
"If I were a Ninja." and say a lot fo pointless stuff... Like
Dei, " If I were a Ninja I'd have a cool name Like Deidara and have mouths on my hands..." Stuff like that.
After that, I went home and then went to Ruckles's house... She got ungrounded.... YAY!! We swam and such... Then I had to go... And yep... That was the last two days... it was fun!
Bye bye ya'll..
Question of the day:
All time favorite anime?
Death Note
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