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Sunday, December 26, 2004
heehee! yessssh... uhhhm... yesh.. DIZZY ISH STILL HERE!!! weeeeeeee! she's going home tomorrow though... AHHH BENDY STRAW OF DOOOOOOOOM!!! *runs in circles* ahhhhh!!! *chibi form* chibi chibi chibi!!! *bounces* yesssssh... ya know what it's been a while since I posted a Picture.... I think I'll post one..... weeeeeeee!... Dizzy is a dead bloated squirrel heehee... DEAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!! *runs in circles* dead dead dead! DEAD PEOPLE WALKIN'! *does the dead people dance* ^^!

This thing scares the holey crap outta me! it's just... ahhhh!! *runs away* this is also Dizzy's avi... she likes it... *shiver*
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Ooolala!! hey!!! Guess what?!?!?!? I'M HOOOMEEE!!!! ^^!!!!
Dizzy~ yesh you is!!!! and me ish here with you!
Me~ yaaaaaaaaay!
Dizzy~ *starts singing song that I hate*
me~ nooooooooo!!! *steals her warm towel*
Dizzy~ NOO! *coughs on towel* mine! get your own!
me~ I have one!!! *cuddles up into warm towel* *coughs on it* miiine!
Dizzy~ weeeee! and lookit! me ish in the story!! ^^!
Inuyasha~ *walks by* *see's us* *mumbles* towelly people.... *walks away*
Vash~ *comes bouncing in* YAY! PINS AND DIZZY!!!! *hugs both*
Me&Diz~ YAY! we gotsa hug! and we are both! yesh we are fear our bothy-ness! *stupid voice* we are mutated!!!
Vash~ awww I wanna be mutated!!!
Me~ *grabs another warm towel and ties one end to mine and the other to dizzy's and wraps it around Vash* MUTATION!!! ^^!
Vash~ YAY!!! I am a mutation with Pins and Dizzy!!! *dances happily*
Dark~ *walks by*... riiight.... MUATATION!!! *walks away*
*lol* Iamdizzy needs A boyfriend!!! PM me if your intrested and I will test you to see stuffs and I know this is cheesey but I'm torturing her cause I'm such a nice friend!
Dizzy~ *laughing* yes... such a nice friend... *shakes head* *mumbles* your so evil...
Me~ *laughing* anyone who wants to try out for the BF part, you have to PM me and let me test you!
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Friday, December 24, 2004
weeeeeeeee!! I live!! me ish home! and Dizzy ish here with me EATING ALL MY KETCHUP!!! *pokes dizzy* miiiine!!! my ketchup you get your own!!!! *coughs on ketchup* HAHAHA! I claimed it!!!!!!!! ^^!!!!
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
ooolala... ok... this might be the last day I'm on for alil bit.. I'm going over to a friends house today*wednesday* and staying till thursday... but then I might go back over to her house but not sure so it's like -weee! look at us!! we're confusing Pins!!!- and I'm just like @.@?
~~~~~~~HAH! no story... you get a convo that acually happened so like ha-nah?~~~~~~~
Me~ *talking on speaker phone to a friend*
Friend-Jess-~ *doesn't know she's on speaker phone* *talking about something I did when I was at her house*
Mom~ *walks in* ?? You acually did that?!
Me~ ... nope! me didn't do it nuh-uh wasn't me!!
Jess~ *all confused* wtf?
Me~ *close up to the phone* shuddup mom's in here....
Mom~ o.O? riiight... *hands me clean clothes*
Me~ *laughs nervously* that was close.... remind me to smack ya tomorrow ok?
Jess~ BAKA INU!!! *runs her dog out of the room and runs into the wall instead*
Me~ *dies laughing*
~~~~~Edit--- 1:11am~~~~
cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#000000"
height="200" bordercolor="#FFFF00">

width="250" height="150">
Goth Are You?
Dang... me ish hated?
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
*hands everyone cookies again*
me Sowwy!! I got to more sties then I did yesterday but I didn't get to all of them!! I'll try to do that today! ^^!
me~ *running in circles*
Vash~ *watches* *starts running in circles with me*
Dark~ *watches* *Gets dizzy* @_@
Dizzy~ *comes running in* weeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! Dark is me!!!!! *bounces in circles around dark*
Inuyasha~ *sitting on couch* *watching*
Dizzy~ oh no!!! we're being watched!!!! *runs and hides*
Me~ Oh no!!! you're working for Essy!!! *runs and hides*
Vash~ *knocks on one sided wall*.... Hello???.... I Can't find my head!!!!
Me~ *dies laughing*
Vash~ *grins* *runs in circles around me*
Inuyasha~ *watches Me and Vash*
Dizzy~ *plops down by Inuyasha* watcha doin'?!
Dark~ *falling all over the place because he's still Dizzy*
Inuyasha~ *ignores dizzy* *keeps watching me and Vash*... hmmm....
Vash~ *see's inuyasha watching him* EEP!!! *picks me up and hides behind me*
Me~ awww lookat meeeeee! I'm beind held!! yay!!! ^^!
Dizzy~ heehee!
Inuyasha~ *twitch*
Me~ *see's inuyasha twitch* twitchy twitch twitch inuyasha!!! *decides to change Avi to a twitching Inuyasha one* yaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!! ^^!
If you watch Law And Order alot... you might recognize the quote that Vash said about not being able to find his head.... *shakes head while laughing* Me loves that quote.... ^^!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Cold, Cold, cold, cold!!! *shiver shiver*
AHHH!!! so beepin' cold out side!!! *shiver shiver* cooooolllllllldddd........ I feel sorry for any Hobo's out there.... oh and a note.... Never go outside with wet hair when it's like below Zero and stand out there for like five minutes while you try to get a dogs bed set up cause your parents won't let you let it in the house!... YOU END UP FREEZINNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!!! *shiver shiver shiver*... OH!!! Me sooooooooo sowwy!!! I didn't get to hardly ANY sites today! *gives everybody cookies* I was out of town all day!!!..... to cold to type story.. tomorrow you get story kk?! ^^
*lol* the amount of hugs on my hug counter*right now* is 666! heehee....
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Heehee... ^^
dodododod *bounces around boredly*... yeaaaaah...
me~ *practicly dying of boredom*
Char *Char:The Great*~ *randomly poofs in* weeee!!!! *randomly passes out*
Inu *Inuyasha32453*~ *also pops up* weeeee!!!!!
Me~ *grins evilly* *walks over and whispers something to Inu*
Inu~ *evil grin* yeah!
!~~!About An Hour Later!~~!
Char~ *still passed out* *now looks like a girl*
Me~ *taking pictures*
Inu~ *also taking pictures*
Vash~ *walks into my room* o...m...g.... Pins... you know Char's going to prolly hurt you now?
Inu~ *runs away*
Me~ *sweatdrop*... naah... He couldn't hurt me... hopefully.... *runs and hides in box*
Char~ *wakes up*
Dark~ *walks into my room* *see's Char* *dies laughing*
Krad~ *doesn't find it funny* Char... go look in a mirror....
Char~ *runs to look in mirror*
Kagome~ *walks by* omg... Pins... your so mean to your boyfriend! you made him into a chick!!!
Me~ heehee... I know... but he loves me for it... hopefully.... and he's a pretty chick! don'tcha think?
Kagome~ *thinks*... yeah... he is!
lol, poor char... so tortured... ^^
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
weeeeeeee! fweeeeeeeee! squeeeee! meeee!! hahahaha no post noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
awww look at the doggy!! *pets*

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Friday, December 17, 2004
I got called the cutie in black yesterday*thursday* by some dude in FYE, I thought it was funny but mom glared her eyes out at the guy witch made it more funny.... so yeah... *has absoloutely nothing to post about*.... weeeee!!! uhm... lets see.... uhhhhm..... *looks around* *runs and sits in box*... dododododo? oook... maybe if ya wanna you guys could ask me questions...?
Quote Of The Day! (ok it's been a few days back but Nya! and quote of the day means whenever I feel like it! *sticks tounge out*)
heehee... *laughs* *points at person that said the quote* the goldfish are baaaaackkkkkkkk!! *runs and hides*
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
me~ *curled into a little ball on my bed sleeping*
inuyasha~ *curled up beside me*
Vash~ *curled up on the other side of me*
Wiz~ *laying on my head* kyuuuuuuuuuu!!!!
me~ *mumbles something* *rolls over* nya...
yesh me ish tired! very very tired.... *falls asleep*

aww look at me pretty black and white arm!! *pets arm* *smacks it*
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