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myOtaku.com: pinsandneedles

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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Ehheh, one of my newer friends on here is being all protective of me! it's funny! cause he was all like, you shouldn't be talking to people online! *shakes head* *pokes him* *looks at Dizzy* yes, it be.... well... he might read this and I can't think of any thing to call him, but he's part of the IT brothers!.... hmmmmm............................. DOTS!!!! and dizzy, on FFXI your brother tried to convice me it was you.... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird............................. I LIKE DOTS!!!! and purple chickens... purple chickens are cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a walking talking exclaimation mark!!!!! my mom said that yesterday*monday* morning!!!!!! I be-ith teh bored-ish!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah, sense I have a feeling most of you haven't or something like that, head over to Shadowchibi's site, he's a really good friend of mine and even though he's been here a while and he hasn't done much to his site, he is starting to do more!!!! ^_^ *glares at him then pokes him with a stick* DO STUFF DANGIT!!! *bounces happily*


inuyasha~ *looks at me then Vash* *whispers* uhm.... she's being still.... and she's not talking.... is she dead?

Vash~ no.... somethings been bothering her....

inuyasha~ aw... what?

vash~ well, Shadow put the mental image of her brother in an 2 peice bikini in her mind.... *shivers*

inuyasha~ AHHHHHHHHHHH! *grabs his head* *hits vash* why did you have to tell me that?!?!?!?!?!!!!

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Monday, October 25, 2004

.................................. DOTS!!!
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!... ok, have any of you tried those Fusion smoothy thingies? the Strawberry Kiwi is good... w00tw00t!.................. like... 5 people have already asked if they could be in my club thingie!!! ^_^ I so happy! ^_^ awwwwwww!

My dog! ain't she cute?!.... EXCEPT FOR WHEN SHE'S BARKING HER HEAD OFF!!!! *glares at barking dog*

Dog~ mee-woof!

Pins~ o.O? mee-woof... it's like a dog version of eep.... w000000000000t! *runs around screaming eep-woof* thats my bed too! I like my sheets... FLOATING OREOS!!! *runs away*

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Sunday, October 24, 2004

heeheehee, yeah you get a random piccy of my bed! well, kinda my bed! I can't believe it's Sunday! it feels like Tuesday!


heehee, I'm bored, can ya tell?

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Saturday, October 23, 2004

heh... *lol*
*lol* I'm on a friends site and he has the funniest music! ^_^

w00tw00t! oh yeah! ZZZZZZZZ!!! FEAR THE Z'S!


me~ *looks over* inuyasha?


me~ *realizes he has my headphones on* o.O? *leans over and turns the volume up REALLY loud*

inuyasha~ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *throws headphones off and grabs his ears in pain*

me~ heeheehee.... OH YEAH! guess what?! I downloaded MSN messenger yesterday! so if any of you want to IM me just PM me and I'll tell you my name! ^_^

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Friday, October 22, 2004

I like pickles!
weeeeeeewooooooooooweeeeeeewoooooo! heehee, I am bored...

Hiei~ .... your getting eaten by a cat... you know that right?

Me~.... noooooooooo! why kitty why?!

Inuyasha~ *growl* cat.....

Me~ awww*hugs Inuyasha*

Inuyasha~ what is it with you and hugs now?!

Hiei~ don't ask, she doesn't know!

ShadowChibi~ *randomly appears* ALLO! *hugs me then runs away*

Me~ huuuuuuuuuug! *chases him*

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Thursday, October 21, 2004

................. DOOOOOOOOOOTS!
me~ *watching full house*

Mom~ *playing blackjack on pogo*

me~ *looks at my mom* did I ever want to sleep in a tuutuu?

mom~ did your father ever want to sleep in a tuutuu?!

me~ *dies laughing at the mental image*NO! me!

Teehee, fullhouse is baaad for my brain... SCAREY!!! my brother is making some seriously weird sounds and then a whole bunch of laughter!... innnnnnnnntresting... eeeeeeeeeep!... ^_^

this song always gets stuck in my head! one time I think me and Dizzy sung it all the time for like a month!

Freckles. With its upbeat tempo and lyrics
seemingly sung by some junior high student that
knows nothing about the ways of love is your
anime theme song. This is a very optimistic
song...and you too are probably pretty
optimistic, and even in the worst of situations
try to find the good...if that's not good
enough for you, you got one of the most
rockingest shows linked to your theme song

What is your anime theme song?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

.... uh.... W00T?!
*dances* I don't like being calm!.... it's evil... I need to play FF11! it makes me mental!... hmmmm!.... weeeee! I'm thinking about making my own club on here!

Inuyasha~ not really, she just thought of it just now!

Me~ *fake slaps inuyasha* anyways! a club for like mental people like me and most of my friends! eh??? ^_^ Iono, I'm thinking about it... I might not do it...

Hiei~ that's cause your too lazy!

Me~ *tackles/hugs Hiei* I AM LAZY AND I AM PROUD!

Hiei~ .... can someone get the crazy girl off me?

Inuyasha~ *smirking*

Hiei~ *growls*... LOOK A PURPLE CHICKEN!!!!

Me~ where?! *runs off*

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

YAY!!! .... I think!
yuppers! RAIN!!!! it's raining over here... or it was... I don't know, haven't looked outside lately... sooo lessee.... hmm.... I have absoloutely NOTHING to post about!...... hmmmm........... AVI CHANGIN' TIME!!!! heehee, poor caps lock! I'm abusing it again! *pets the caps lock button* I sowwy Caps!.................. DOOOOOOOOTS!!!!!!!!! me likey dots!!!! *happy/proud face* the dots are my friends!... I HAVE A PURPLE CHICKEN ON MY HEAD!!!!!! *nods* purple chickens rox my sox and I'm not wearing sox! *shows you my sock-less feet* heeheehee, I have weird feet! *bounces*

Inuyasha~ kami! you bounce too much!

Me~ but I like to bounce!

Vash~ it's fun! but it hurts when you bounce on hard wood floors!


Inuyasha~ in-....tresting..........

Me~ PURPLE CHICKEN!!!! *pokes random little kid*

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Monday, October 18, 2004

I had a question to ask but I forgot it! dagnabbit!....... oh well, here's a thingie!

What kind of villian would you be?
LJ Username
Favorite color
Do you root for good, or for awesome?
Your trusted second in command tweezle
Your arch nemesis, aka; tweezle
Evil appearance The hardened warrior, you may be evil, but you have dignity and honor. Armed with a sword and an assortment of other archaic weapons, you are a dark blade master, with your long sleeveless coat made of worn material.
What you;ve done so far sleeping your way into power. At this rate, it will all be yours. whats left, you can just take.
Your evil powers/skills You've got that seduction thing down pat.
Chances of taking over/destroying world - 99%
This Quiz by tea_chan - Taken 50290 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

You're not so much depressed as you're totally
freaking insane. Kati would be friends with you
because she's just like you. You could stay
over her house and make pasta and biscuits at 4
am. You're also astoundingly similar to Invader
Zim's GIR. Viva la little robots wearing green
dog suits! Let's make biscuits!

How Depressed are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Sunday, October 17, 2004

YAY!!!!! piccys!
heeheehee, I used up 2 rolls of film for my camera! I got them back and A few of them were just blurs! ^_^ its cool though! weeeeeeee!
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