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myOtaku.com: pinsandneedles

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Saturday, October 9, 2004

*sniffle* baka brothers
yup, My brother cam home for today and tomorrow I think... witch made me miss all me people on here! *snif* and today I won't be on hardly any until tonight because Brandy*my nickname for my bro* wants to take me to the zoo...

brandy- *walks into the house like he never left* PUNK!!! *hugs me*

steph*a friend of his*-*walks in* intresting sister/brother bond!

me- o.O??? awww, brandy bought a fwiiiiiend!!!! *teasing him*

brandy- shut up punk!* ruffles my hair*

me- *jumps on his back* PIGGY BACK RIDEEE!!!

my dad was standing in the door way the whole time like, awwww...heehee, also yesterday was one of my brothers birthday! he turned 21 I think! not brandy, but yoshi! I have weird nicknames for my bros, just ignore them! ^_^ YAY! I hit over 100 hugs! ooooh well, its like 2 AM here, and NO ONES ON!!! *pout* so I'ma go to bed here soon...

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Friday, October 8, 2004

Hiding from little kids(or trying to) is fun! heres what happened! ^_^

me- *grabs dizzy* hide me!

*little kid, otherwide known as anthony*- hehhehheh... *walks over*

dizzy- *dancing*

Pins- hiiiide meeeeee!

anth- your sad.... *keeps bugging us*

it was funny cause then at the end of the night we had him cornered in the corner being really stupid and he was laughing at us... I ended up coughing on him *inside... thingie* annnnyways... yeah... one of my friends is having her warts burned off today *shivers* poor girl... and she's grounded so I cant call her afterwards... SCHOOLS OUUUT!!! well it is over here, some kinda break, fall break I think, *shrugs* anyways, we're out until wednesday... ^_^ even though I don't go to school thats still cool! heehee... leaving now!

If an Electric Dragon flies by your house, all the electic appliences over surge and your TV flickers...
Your an electric Dragon! Well, Well, Well, Speedy!
Electic dragons are just do darn quick, which
means you must be quick at something. Whether
its running, swimming, or answering questions,
you are super speed. But of course, you have a
craze for video games or computers. You can
play amazingly at any game or at least try to.
Go you!

What elemental dragon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Are you loved?
You are loved this much... - 100%
This cool quiz by seannydiggory - Taken 3259 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

I'M LOVABLEEEE!!!!! ^_^ hug! *hugs abunch of random people*

yes, sadly ANOTHER one! ^_^
Your anime expression is hyper!

What's Your Anime Expression?
brought to you by Quizilla

Comments (23) | Permalink

Thursday, October 7, 2004

yay!*dances* ^_^
*dances* I bought DNAngel 4! I bought DNAngel foooooooooooour!!! *keeps dancing* ok... lets see.... hmmm...*pokes people* heeheeheehee! *runs away*

me- *sitting here trying to think of something to type*

Inuyasha- oh yeah she's braindead right about now...

me- PIXIE STIXXXXXXXXXXX!!! *runs to room to get candy*

Inuyasha- oh no... *runs away*

me- heeheeheehee..... weeeeeeeeee! *eats like whole bag of pixie stix*

hmmm.... whoa! I just went to a friends site and she had 29 comments... O.O! oh yeah, my gram's coming over friday or saturday and staying until sunday or monday... I smell like apples!... what do you smell like?

Comments (13) | Permalink

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

soo bored... kinda confused... weird... *looks around* hmmm... nah, not gunna waist time to type whats going on over here... *makes funny face* ...me, calm?! SHOCK!!! GASP!!! HORROR!!! weee! horror! fear the horror cause it's all horror-ish! weeeeeeee! *bounces around* ok, much better eh?! oolala! I have sour Punch straws, Pixie stix, M&M's, mountain dew*three kinds of it* and CHEESE!!!!.... *throws slices of cheese at all my close My'O friends* HAHAHAHAA!!!! TAKE THAT SUCKA'S!!!.... don't ask, shadowchibi's over and he's running around A. playing with my hair and B. screaming random quotes at the top of his lungs... scarey... oh yeah! 40 hugs in like 2 days! *dances* *pokes people* *runs away laughing* weeeeeeee! WARNING!!!

egg is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.


From Go-Quiz.com

^_^ heehee, fear me!

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Tuesday, October 5, 2004

heehee, yup! another one! ^_^
*sings* I got pixie stix! and mountain dew! and gc's cd is coming out today witch is kinda cool!... *dances around* yet no of my friends are on=minus dizzy= because it's a school night*cry*. I did find this to keep me busy though!

Bored? ((Over 100 questions))

Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 40650 times on bzoink!

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::Pins!
Birthplace ::someplace, iono
Age ::mwehehehehee!!!
Age you act ::.... weeee! *chases butterfly* 2?
Current location ::my living room!
Eye color ::brown!
Hair color ::brown!
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::righty!
Zodiac sign? ::*shrug*
Height? ::5'0 I think
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::a whole lotta stuff that I dont feel like typing!
Your hair ::what about it?
Your fears ::.... *glares at man with white beard and red clothing* SANTA!!!
Your perfect room ::silky and very comfy! ^_^
What you practically do in a day ::sleep, eat, bother people, get online.
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::weeeeee!
Phrases you overuse ::get off me!
Your first thought when you wake up ::*none*
Your greatest accomplishment ::*bounces around* I COLORED INSIDE THE LINES!!! ^_^
Something you want to do ::stuff...?
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::pepsi
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::Buger King
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::ACK! neither
Chocolate or vanilla ::chocolate
Adidas or Nike ::*shrug*
Black or white ::black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::bills
Burgers or hot dogs ::burger
Egypt or France ::egypt you can poke old dead ashes with sticks!
Rock or rap ::rock
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::nope
Cuss ::alittle
Sing well ::*shrug*
Sing in the shower ::sometimes
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::heehee, yeah!
Believe in yourself ::*starts to sing* I believe I can fly! *flaps arms*
Like taking these longass surveys? ::weeeeee! kinda
Play an instrument ::sorta
Want to go to college? ::*shrug* to early to know
Want to get married? ::someday
Want to have children? ::prolly
Think you're a health freak? ::heh... go look at my room then think about what you said
Get along with your parents ::sometimes
Get along with your siblings? ::sometimes
Think you're popular ::nope
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::yep!
Drank alchohal ::nope
Smoke ::do matches count?
Get high ::*starts jumping on bed* *tries to get up really high* I'll have to go get dizzys trampoline
Done any drugs ::eh... nah really, just stuff for colds and what-not
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::not in one sitting
Been on stage ::yup!
Gone skinny dipping ::*thinks* I...don't think so
Been dumped ::nope
Dyed your hair ::along time ago my bro did it while I was sleeping
Stolen anything ::yeah
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::both me and dizzy
Loudest ::dizzy's bro
Most shy ::me
Blondest ::depends on whitch kinda blond you mean
Smartest ::my bro
Kindest ::me I guess...
Best personality ::heh... *shrug* me I guess sense me and diz have the same personality
Most talented ::both me and dizzy
Best singer ::*shrug*
Most ghetto ::J.W's in the house, YO!
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::me jokingly
Pain in the ass ::my bro
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::*lol*
Funniest ::all of us!
Best person for advice ::egg! *goes and bows infrount of an egg* oh great eggy one
Dependable ::me
Trustworthy ::all of us I guess
Druggie ::I act like I'm on drugs
Most likely to end up in jail ::.... we're more likely to end up with the people in white
Person you've known the longest ::.... shadowchibi
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::pink flying bunnys were chasing me screaming SHARPIE and throwing pikachu's at me
Last nightmare ::a donkey cut off my arms with a chainsaw and them chased me around with a donut...
Car ride ::....this morning to get food
Last time you cried ::last night from laughing too hard
Last movie seen ::Armitage
Last movie rented ::Armitage
Last book read ::DNAngel 3
Last word said ::baka inu
Last curse word said ::dannabbit!
Last time you laugh ::about 1 sec ago
Last phone call ::about an hour ago from shadowchibi
Last CD played ::GC's first cd
Last song you listened to ::the theme song for Sister, Sister
Last annoyance ::my bro
Last IM ::A veeeeryyyyy long time ago
Last weird encounter ::with shadowchibi, he hugged me and then coughed on the top of my head
Last person you hugged ::my brother cause he kept telling me to get offline
Last person you yelled at ::*thinks* myself
Last time you wore a skirt ::er... sunday
Last time you've been evil ::ALWAYS!!! MWAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
Sarcastic? ::no, me?
Last time you fought with your parents ::this morning
Last time you wished upon a star ::the last time I saw a shooting stae
Played Truth or Dare ::heh... ehheh... along time ago
Spent quality time alone ::thats what I'm doing
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::nope
Do you feel lonely ::kinda
Ever TP'd someone's house ::heehee... I mean, no! never!
How about egging someone's house ::eeeeeeeegggg!
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::huh?
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::50 cents?! where?! It's mine! I dropped it!
Yo Momma ::well my momma and your momma are both momma's!... heehee,
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::*looks at dog* sorry doggy, *eats*... hmmm... tastes kinda like chicken
What do you think of George Bush? ::you mean, george the monkey is on a bush now?
Any secret fetishes? ::my family has a fetish with yelling my name!
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::on my pants sometimes
How many languages do you speak? ::I bearly speak english! but I do speak some japanese
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::nope, I can do this alllll day!
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::nope! ((it's ok, I'm already stalking you!))

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

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Monday, October 4, 2004

heh, theres an eyeball on my hand!
little orge thingies running around- Gotta hide all the jell pens! gotta hide all the jell pens from pins!

pins- huh?! me?! where?!

pins-2- weeeeeeee! RIGHT HERE!

pins- NOOOOOOOOOOO! *snif* witch one is me?!

orge thingies- *grabs all jell pens from my floor and runs off*

pins- NOOOOOOO! MY JELL PENS! Why?! Why my jell pens? I loved you jellys!! I loved you!...*snif*

Pins_2- *smacks pins* SNAP OUTTA IT!

pins- ah-HAH! I AM THE REAL ME! YOU ARE THE IMPOSTER!!!! *tackles pins_2 and draws on her with sharpies*

heeheehee... soooooooo bored......... no ones on I don't think... I'm alllllllll alone.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *runs in circles*

well, these kept me occupied!

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

*looks at dizzy* heeheehee, I AM LOVABLEEEEE!!!

How loved are you?

Created by KerianaWilliams and taken 6864 times on bzoink!

Favourite animal?
You're this loved.
This many people love you.795

Create a Quizlet | Search Quizlets | Go to bzoink!

theOtaku.com: What CLAMP Heroine Are You?

theOtaku.com: Who Is Your Inuyasha Mystery Date?

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Sunday, October 3, 2004

........... weeeeee?
stuff! boredness stuff! heehee, TRIGUN!!!!!!!! yay!... hmmm... I need a good subject... hmmm... “Invaders blood marches through my veins, like giant radioactive rubberpants! The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!” heehee, gotta love Invader Zim!!! *mocks Dave The Barbarian- MALEMBOLEEE!!!!!! ya know, Knives sounds ALOT like Hige... and I CAN'T BELEIVE THEY KILLED TOBOE!!!!!!! he wasn't my favorate but still!... SMELLY! *runs and gets smelly good spray* heehee...

What would you look like as a Wolf by smimmary
Star Sign:
What you
Personality:Always Smilin'
Quiz created with MemeGen!

always smilin'! sounds kinda like me! ^_^

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Saturday, October 2, 2004


You Know It's All About You (Over 100 Questions)

Created by niney123 and taken 3728 times on bzoink!

.:General Info:.
Gender:I AM AN ALIEN!!!... er... female...
Height:about 4'9 maybe 5'0
Hair Color:brown!
Describe yourself in one word:uhm... SPECIAL!
Describe your personality in one word:.... heehee... crazy?!
.:School Life:.
What grade are you in:YOU WILL NEVER KNOOOOW! *runs away*
What school do you go to:homeschooled!
And where is that:my... home?
Do you get good grades:heh... *shrugs*
Favorite Subject:writing I guess!
.:Love Life:.
Sexual Preference:COOTIES!!!!! *lol*
Do you have a bf/gf:nope
If so,what is their name:
How long have you been dating:
Do you consider yourself in love with them:
If so,why:
Have you had your first kiss:
If so,when:
Do you have a crush:
If so,what is their name:
Why do you like them:
Do they know you:
Do they know that you like them:
How long have you known them:
Best Friend(s):*real friends-dizzy and shadowchibi* *online friends too many*
How long have you been friends:uhm....
Do you consider yourself a good friend:I guess!
How many friends do you think you have:iono...a few!
Most popular:dizzy I guess
Most conceited:.... *shrug*
Meanest:dizzy when she's mad
Craziest:ME AND DIZZ!
Most recent:jess
Smartest:my bro
Food:uhm... PIXIE STIX!
Person:..... dizzy?
Show:..... too many to count!
Song:right now... uhm.... 2000 miles by mest
Band/Singer:WAY too many to count
Place in the world:my room
Dream House:... the one from GC's video predictible
Dream Room:everything comfy, black/silver/red and silky *lol
Location:*looks around* my living room
.:Last Time You:.huh?
Watched T.V.:right now
Went to the bathroom:last night to brush my teeth
Slept:last night
Listened to music:5 mins. ago
Used the phone:yesterday
IMed someone/Got an IM:about a year ago...
Went to school:pre-school
Played a game:last night
Took a shower:*thinks* thursday
Hugged someone:last night
Went on a date:ehhh....
Wrote a letter:oolala... 3 years maybe
Cried:last week from laughter
.:Last Person You:.
Laughed at:myself
Cried over:don't remember
IMed/Got an IM from:dont remember
Talked to:dad
Spoke to on the phone:dizzy
Ate with:dog
Spent time with:brother
Missed:...... dizzy I guess
Played with:dog
.:Have You Ever:.
Been out of the country:nope
Been out of state/province:yup
Done drugs:nope
Done anything illegal:..... *grin*
Slapped someone:oh yeah
Cut yourself:accidently
Played an instrument:yup! guitar
Hurt someone for no reason:heehee, yup!
Hurt someone:yup!
Killed an insect/bug:yeah
Gotten stung by a bee:only in games
Lied to your parents:oh yeah
Stole Something:heehee... yup
Kissed Someone:depends
.:This Or That:.
Rock or Rap:rock
Singing or Songwriting:both
Tennis Shoes or Sandals:shoes
Phone or Computer:comp
Biking or Skating:skating
Analog or Digital:analog
Coke or Pepsi:pepsi
Sprite or Sierra Mist:sierra mist
R&B or Country:neither, but R&B
Cingular or T-Mobile:cingular
Cats or Dogs:dogs
AIM or Yahoo:yahoo
Bzoink or Quizilla:both ^_^
.:Word Association:.
Good Charlotte:*smacks shadow chibi*
President Bush:huh?
Rock:I need to listen to my cds...
Fan:*wooosh* *imitates fan*
.:Right Now:
Watching:Mad TV
What is on your mousepad:not using one
What are you doing:taking this
What song are you listening to:mix
What's in your CD player:cd
Wearing:tee shirt and boxers
Day of the Month:*checks watch* 2
Day of the week:.... *thinks* *checks watch* saturday
What website are you on:this and My'O
.:Random Things:.
What color is your mousepad:the color of my table... CAUSE IT IS THE TABLE!
What color is your keyboard:black and silver
What is the phrase you use the most online:wooooooooooo
Did you like this survey:it took up time!
Are you sad that it's over:kinda
What are you gonna do after this survey is over:go take quizzes or see if someones on
Do you like pop-up ads:NOOOOOOOO!
How long have you been online:about 2 hours..

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

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Friday, October 1, 2004

doodoodoodoooooooooooo! *dances happily* *lol* I've been dancing all day, online and off! anybody here play FF11? me likey that game! my bro decided I could create my own char. sense he installed a comp. game and he's gunna be kicking me off waaaay more then he used to, so thats how he repays me! its fuuuun! and I feel like a 7 year old, really hyper and making stupid sentances! leeeeeeeeeets seeeeeeee! well, I rented Cowboy BeBop: the Movie! annnnnnd... uh... I took a piccy of shadowchibi! and another pic of shadow chibi and my bro... soooo.... er.... weeeeeeeeee!!! *dances away*

ooolala! a quizzy!!!!!

The carnival! You are fun, and fiesty, and people
admire your total I-don't-care-what-you-think

~ What Location Represents You? (cool pics)~
brought to you by Quizilla

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Thursday, September 30, 2004

weeeeeeeeeee!!! ^_^
heheeheeeeee... shhh... *look around* THE PENGUINS ARE COMING!!!!!!!!!! nooooooooo!!! hide meeeeee!!!! *runs away* oh yeah!

*random people*- I thought you ran away!!! -_-U

me- well... I did, but I came back! didja miss me?!

people- .... YES!!!! *drown me with hugs*

me- AHHHHHHHHH!!! saaaave meee!!!

random people- huh?! oh, we're going away now!!!!

me- intresting... *sweatdrop* annnyway! something weird happens when I try to comment on peoples site today! it says

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getcommenterrmsg() in /home/theotaku/public_html/my/includes/templates/users_comments.php on line 2

o.o?! it says that but it still posts my comment... weeeeeeird! anyways!

theOtaku.com: What Personality Do You Have?

You and yuusuke would be greatest plas.
You and yuusuke would be good friends.

What Yu Yu Hakusho Character would You be best friends with.
brought to you by Quizilla

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