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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
weeeeeeeeeee!!! ^^_^^
weeeeeeeee!!! yeah... uh... weeeird! I thought of something to post and as soon as I thought about it, it dissapeared... stupid thought... AHHH! my leg is all tingly! it went to sleep while I was sitting on it and now its all tingly...* trys to move leg* *makes weird face* tingly's a weird word.... bored is an evil word... ebil ebil ebil!!! hmmm... *trys to think of something else to say* nope... fresh out of ideas! .... ^_^
inuyasha- if your sooo bored, why dont you sleep?!
me-..... sleep? *gets computer voice* the word sleep does not consist in my brain, please insert a dime....*irritating music plays* please insert a coin...
inuyasha- oh no... not again... the evil music! nooooo!!! *runs away*
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
*dances* YAY!!!
ummm.... uh.... *looks around trying to htink of something to say* AHHH! ........ hmmm... oh yeah! I got more piccys! well not really, I'm gunna get them back tomorrow! ahh! its killing me! I wanna see them! annnnd no ones on to talk to me... *snif* I'm allll aloooonnneeee!!! nooo!!! *randomly changes subject* I liked my results for the thingy, the post under this one, that thing! yeah.... but... I'M NOT GUNNA MARRY A CHICK!!! cause that would be.... wrong.... o.o? boooorrrreeeedddd!!! WAAABBEENNN?!!! gah... well, me gunna go byebye now...
EGO!!!! *pokes char*
inuyasha- A. that was random... B. I thought you were leaving now...?
me- oh yeah! *walks away as lights go out dramaticly!* ^_^
*teehee's can be heard in the background*
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Monday, September 27, 2004
teehee! another post! real one's under this one! ^_^
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I lovable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. What was your first impression?
5. Do you still think that way about me now?
6. What do you think my weakness is?
7. Do you think I'll get married? If so, to whom and when?
8. What makes me happy?
9. What makes me sad?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Do you think I could kill someone?
15. Describe me in one word.
16. Do you think our ...friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
17. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
18. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
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ok, well I didnt get the guitars! ;-;
I forgot to remind my grampa to show me the guitars! so I'll have to wait until next time... I did take up about a disposable camera full of pictures that are going to be devolped, and slept from 7 to 10! yay! sad thing is, I eather ate all my pocky, or lost it, I dont remember witch one! WHOA!! when I logged in, and went to check my pm's I had 15! 3 were people that I'll prolly never hear from again, but hey?! 15! *dances* AQUA TEEN HUNGERFORCE! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
weeeeeeeeeee!!! ^^_^^
yupyupyup! back home now... cool news though...
1. I've tasted pocky! it was good!
2. my glasses came into day, i dont look to bad in them if i say so myself!
3. i'm home... *snif*
4. tomorrow im going to my gram.s! and my grampa said that he had 2 steel guitars that i could have for FREE! if i wanted them! yayers!
ok, thats all! i didnt buy jack at the mall, mainly cause i didnt have my mo-nay! ^_^ but... yeah.. go to iamdizzys sight if you need a good laugh, we were going insane last night! ^_^ gotta love us!
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
weeheehee!!! *hits head repeatedly with fistes*
random quote of today!
gir- this is gir reporting for duty!
zim- what does the g stand for?
gir- I dont know!!!
ok yeah, for those of you who wondered where i am... if any of you did, i'm at iamdizzys house! woo! yeah... sorry, i forgot to post yesterday.. and the day before... and i forgot to mention that i was coming over here so yeah! you were left in the dark!
you- but i dont like the dark!
me- oh,ok want a flashlight?
you- wtf? stop saying quotes from pm's and tv shows!
me- ok ok! chill! anyway, back to normal stuffs... *sing* i'm going to a big mall tomorrow!... too bad i left my money at home... *snif*... and i get to go to my gramparents sunday! even though i'll sleep the whole way there!... oh yeah, i'm getting glasses monday! go to iamdizzys site, then mine in another window, and compare them! its almost the exact same! and we actually made it even more alike! ^_^ we're weird! teehee! oh well, long post, saying goodbye now! byebye!!! ^_^
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
uhmmmm..... teehee? ^_^
lets sing the doom song... doom doom doom doom doom doom doom!
*six months later*
doom doom doom doom doom!!! ok yes, I have been watching Invader Zim! hollywood video had two DVDs of *bounces uncontrollably* INVADER ZIIIIIMMMM!!!!.... ahem... ^_^ so yeah... I'm bored.... WEEE! a baby! yarg!... nobodys on! dundundunnnn! break out the breaking out break dancers!!!.... wth? where did that come from? NYEHHHH!!!! boreeed! well at least I stopped hugging people... PIXIE STIX! *twitch* *drool* uhhh.... kuso!!.... dooooottts! beware the dots! no... no, beware the teehees!... ok... enough of this... nothingness of a post... I will allow you to pick up your brains and dust them off.... <(^_^)>
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
ok, a calm post! hopefully!
yup! not too hyper right now, anyone seen Hangman's Curse? the book was sooo much better but the movie freaked me out, too many spiders! I liked ein though, he was cool! and I'm weird tonight for some reason, I keep hugging people... ohoh! diz, this is something I want you to listen to, but I thought I'd type it up here too, it was hilarous, monday, me,my mom and my brother got up around 7, I hadn't gone to bed until about 5 and matt hadn't gone to bed until about 30 mins. before I did, well, we picked up one of his friends and just road around for a while, this is something that matt did, he was leaving a message on my moms cell even though she was only in the front seat driving...
matt- yarg, this be a pirate! *holds phone out to his friend and whispers loudly*say yarg! say yarg!
T- yarg?
matt- and this be me accomplises!* all are laughing really hard now* bring me all yer booty!
oh, that was too good, you're gunna DIE laughing diz! ^_^
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
dundundunnnn!* happily creepy music plays*
AHHH! nooo! the bendy straws have come to steal our pixie stix! NOOO!!! *runs in circles* er...* takes deep breath and trys to calm down* ok, mom being off so much isnt so bad! as you can see I'm still getting online! except for the fact that my lips are waaay beyond chapped I'm good! and, why does almost everybody that read my post yesterday want to see the "high" pics of me and diz? tell me! cause like, stuff!! and its taking alot out of me to be calm right now ... so.... WEEEEE!!! ^_^ FEAR MY WUVABLENESS!!! teehee! I am luvable! fear me! *nods* teehee! AHH! the teehee's are taking over my brain! why?! why must my brain be corrupted with the teehees?! *bounces* lets sing the doom song! doom doom doom doom!!! actually, lets sing the soap song! oooooohhhh, I wish I were alittle bar'o soap!
*gets booed at* :( you dont like my song?
people- NO!
me- your so hurtfull!
inuyasha- anyone wish for an explanation? A. she's hyped on suger. B. she's been watching WAAAY too much tv and C. she's running on about 3 and a half hours of sleep!
me- *in back ground running around* OH YEAH! I'd forgotten this until now, I'm getting glasses! I wont have them until... like monday!
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Monday, September 20, 2004
.... uh.... W00T?!
*dances* I got pixie stix, I got pixie stix! and smelly good spray, and pictures! we turned in two portable cameras, diz, you have to see it! I look high in almost all the pictures! ^_^
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