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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
skoosh! *lol* well, good news! Idun have to get braces for 6 more months... ^-^;;... hehehe... ^_____^.... it was kinda funny... my appointment was at 2:15 today, and me and my mom were outta there by 2:30...
Me~ *running on the treadmill*
Inuyasha~ *sitting at the computer* HIIIIIIII-O!!! ^o^!! Me getsa post for Pinsy!! ^-^! since she's running and whatnot and has her headphones in and told me to post!! ^o^!
Dark~ how come I don't get to post?
Hiei~ cause your all over pins site?
Krad~ no da! *smacks dark in the head with the pellow*
Satoshi~ *throws pellow at Daisuke*
Daisuke~ *throws pellow at Yusuke*
Yusuke~ *throws pellow at me*
Me~ *trips on it and falls off treadmill* yarg!... nyars-ca-flag-ins-fly! PELLOW! *Picks up pellow, bites it*
Kurama~ *laughs* It's not the pellows fault pins!.. it's-
Yusuke~ *throws huge science book at Kurama's head*
Hiei~ HEY!.. I'm the one that throws things!
Yusuke~ oh... oops!
Me~ *gets back on T.m, goes back to walking*
Vash~ why is she walking on that again?
Dark~ *recites,* Because it's dark, 11 at night, and her neighbors are crazy!
Krad~ yurp.. *nodnod*
Dark~.. hey!! TIS ME!! *looks out window*
All~ *sweatdrop*.. -_-U
Inuyasha~ SKOOSH!
Hiei~ WOOSH!
both~ WOOSH N SKOOSH!! *dances*
Kurama~... Jw's in teh house yo! *only Diz will get that ^-^*
Satoshi~ o.o... riiight...
Kurama~ not my faulllt! I live with Pins!
Yusuke~ awh, Kurama! how could you??!!
Kurama~ ?.?
Yusuke~ living with a girl that's taken!! *busts out laughing*
Kurama~ *blushes* ya know what I meant!!!!
Inuyasha~.. so... that's us!.. and... this ish a post... and... Pins is prolly gunna kill herself on that stupid contraption thing... *points to tm.*
Daisuke~ yep...
Dark~ yurp!
Krad~ yerp!
Satoshi~ yes
Kurama~ yeah
Hiei~ ok!! enough!!! TEH END!
... *lights go out*...
*loud thud, random ow's/curses*
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
nyar... me sweeeeeepy... I thought I'd get more sleep yesterday.. sadly.. nope! so.. within 4 days.. only gots 16 hours of sleep! *lol* I'm speee-cial! ^-^ dundundunnn..
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Monday, March 14, 2005
yet again.. got only like, 4 hours of sleep.. thats like.. only 11 hours of sleep in 3 days... ^-^;;.. I should get to sleep later today tho... hopefully...
ok... DOOM! I gotsan Ortho appointment tuesday.. >_< me doesn't wanna go!! *goes chibi, hides behind the tallest person I know*
Ebil Ortho dude~ *evil cackle* HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *drags me away from tall person I was hiding behind*
Me~ noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *clings to whatever I can*
Me~ ;-; I know..
EOD~ heheheheh... *ebil grin, pushes me into chair, metal straps come over my arms and legs* >:)!!!!
Me~ *eye twtiches, busts out laughing*
Eod~ shuddap!! *mummbles~ kids have such bad brains today*
Eod~ wha?
Me~ dust! not brain! I gots dust for a brain! I share it with Waben-izzle-izzle-izzle-izzley-izzle person fwiendy birdy thing!! ^-^!
Eod~ haha! another person to torture!
... yeaah... thats whats gunna happen!! *nodnod* it is!!... but I do think it's kinda funny/weird that me and Diz are going to the same Ortho and didn't plan it that way or anything!! ^-^...
hehehe... Idunno why, but this is the funniest picture to me..
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
*lol* go to Iamdizzy's site all that want to comment here!... of course you can Always comment here too, but dood! I command of you to go to her site! cause me ish too lazy to type my own and I'm posting for her tonight because she's too busy playing FF11!
p.s. oh! and if you hadn't already noticed! my theme ish now Dark!! ^-^
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
dundundunnnn.... nyars!... me doesn't feel good.. *pout, yawn*... me only got 3.. yea! 3 hours of sleep last night! my doggies woke me up and then I couldn't go back to sleep, *4am* and I didn't feel good so I just got up and watched some random old movie!.. uhhm.. Sabrina! yea! that!.. it was kinda good!
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Friday, March 11, 2005
Looooooooooong thing-a-jigger that you guys can *yet again* use to stalk me!!.. Also, Pwease, Pwease! go to Shinobi-force1's site... pwease?? something bad happened to him, and I would appreciate it if you guys would just go to tell him to get better soon!! ^-^! kk?
Do you play any instruments:
If so what? *if you don't play anything you can skip the next.. 3 questions!* :
For how long?
Since like.. December?
What all songs do you know how to play?
Well, the nursery songs, Mary had alittle lamb, Twinkle twinkle little star, hush little baby, and the real songs, House of the rising sun, Ghost riders, Tequila, Walk don't run, grandfathers clock, and wild wood flower... I think...
Do you like the instrument you play?
Yea!! love it!! ^-^
Ok, How old are you?
Who wansa know?
Male or Female?
Female.. did you really have to ask that??
Yes, I did have to ask that XP!
Oh... Question me!!
Absoloute favorate color? only one!
only one?? dang.. you suck.. fine.. uhmm.. black I guess
If you have more then one favorate color, what are they?
w00t! ^-^! green, silver, orange, yelow, red, white, blue!
Msn messenger, AIM, or YIM?
If you use any of them, Whats your name on there?
2 dogs and a hamster! *ebil*
Favorate possesion?
Idunno *shrug*
Are you crushin' on anyone?
Yea.. so?
Ooo, Whowho??
Bite me! :P
Do you smell?
yep! good!
What do people often say you are?
cute/nice/sweet/sarcastic/hyper/weird! depends on who you ask!
Are you nice?
Most of the time, yea
How many people know you inside and out?
What's it's name?
It's name *lol* ish Waben-izzle-izzle-izle-izzle fwiendy person thing!! (iamdizzy)
Are you busy later on tonite?
Are you tired of me yet?
Nope! your keeping me occupied!
Last question!
What are you wearing?
Baggy blue jeans and a yellow spongebob tank
nope!! ^-^!!
*blink*... my glasses are somewhere... I think.. *scratches head*
Do you dance?
yea!! ^-^!!
I lied
I know! ^-^
Do you sleep?
dont like too.. I have weird dreams
Most used face online?
prolly ^-^ or o^-^o
Best way to explaine how you feel?
writing or making faces/weird noises
Ok.. I'm leaving now... do you miss me?
Yep!! *snif snif*... ^-^
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
I'm SO proud of myself... NOT! ^-^
Hehehe.. I got to Most of your sites today!! I got to who I usually get to! ^-^!!
Me~ *outside in the swing on my porch, wrapped up in a blanket*
Inuyasha~ *inside the house*
Dark~ .... It's quiet.... Too-.. Why?
Hiei~ Pins is outside
Krad~ o.O? but it's like... 11:00pm! and it's like.. cold out there!
Inuyasha~ she doesn't care... she wants to see the stars *shrug*
Dark~... *goes outside, sits on the swing beside me*
Me~ ^-^!!
Dark~ ^_^!
Krad~ he's crazy...
Inuyasha~ your just now noticing this?
Hiei~ ¿_¿
Vash~... ya know... they'd be kinda cute together?
Yusuke~ o.O... I think teh tuutuu went to your head!
Vash~ I gotta tuutuu on my head?
Inuyasha~ yesh.. yesh you do.. *shaking his head*
Krad~ o.o... you people are sad..
Sessh~ *snif snif* yesh I am!!
Marik~ *rolls his eyes, throws a tennis ball*
Sessh~ *chases*
Me & Dark~ *cuddled up outside*
Krad~ dundundunnn...
Daisuke~.. *on the computer* HEY!!! Pinsy's background is me!! and her avatar too!!!
Inuyasha~... awwh!! Me wantsa be Pins background/Avatar!!
Krad~ no me!
Vash~ no me!
Dark~ *from outside* shuddap!! I'm next!
Me~ *from outside* Yeah!... wait, says who?
Dark~ the guy your cuddled up against?
Me~ oh! ok! ^-^!
Marik~ *laughs*
Inuyasha~ dundundunnnn...
Yea... Dark should be my next BG thing... so, I'm off to see google!! Oh yeah! for you of who dunknow, me background ish Niwa Daisuke from DNAngel!... Oh yea!! is there Anyway to get more space in your intro?? I have like, NONE! left!!! ;-;!!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
dooooooooooooom!... heheh.. yesh..
Me~ *going picture crazy with my mom's picture phone*
Inuyasha~ *ear twitches*...
Me~ *Tail wags happily*
Hiei~ dundundunnnn
Dark~... d00000d.. it's like, frickin' borin' in here!!
Me~ *slight nod* yesh... we are sad to announce... that Dark... Is right!!!
Hiei~ o.O super dundundunnn... even though it is like whoa dang boring in here...
Me~ *playing with a squeeky dog toy* A_A!!
Inuyasha~ *rolls his eyes*
Yoko Kurama~ A-A!! *plays with the toy with me*
daisuke~ *sitting on the ceiling fan, laughing at us*
Satoshi~ *ebil grin* *goes to turn the fan on*
Daisuke~ Sato-chan.. don't!
Dark~ *lol*
Satoshi~ *fake turns it on*
Daisuke~ *holds on for dear life, falls off even though it isn't on* AHHH!! IDUN WANNA DIIIEEEE, I'M TOO YOUNG AND PURTY!!!
Dark~ *laughs harder*
Krad~ *shakes his head*
Wiz~ kyu!! ^-^! *ears twitch* <(^-^)>!
Me~ poor Dai-chan...
Krad~ o.o.. she stuck up for him!
Me~ well duh! that's happened to me before!!!...
Vash~ how?
Me~ *grin* me and Marik got bored!
Marik~ *nodnod* yep... that was funny!
Inuyasha~ was that the time, when I walked in and you were laying on a blushy Marik, Pins?
Me~ *nodnod* yeah! ^-^
Marik~ *throws pellow at Inuyasha* *mummbles something about not blushing*
Vash~ riiiight! suuuure ya weren't.. it was just... That Inuyasha didn't have his contacts in!
Daisuke~ *laying on the ground* .... Inu wears contacts?
Me~ dundundunnnn
Krad~ is that like your favorate thing to say?
Me~.... SCOOOOOOOOOSH!! *runs in circles*
Yoko~ oooh *watches me, gets dizzy*
Dark~ WOO! your Diz!!
Diz~ *pops up randomly* NO!
Me~ butbut! *whine*
Diz~ no!
Me~ butbutbut! *pouts*
Diz~ no!
Me~ Awe fine ya meanie!
Diz~ I'm not That mean...
Me~ .. naah, not really!
Inuyasha~ *sweatdrop* you guys do that too much!
Me~ well, it's better then the whole Ice tea thing!
Diz~ yeah!
Dark~ Ice tea thing?
Krad~ do I even Wanna know?
Vash~... *hides in box randomly*
Me~ *randomly* arrrg me mateys!
Diz~ We be Settin' sail the Pins and Diz S.S!
Me~ *nodnod, wearing eye patch*
Dark~ *puts fake parrot on his shoulder* Arg!
Me~ YAYA!! PIRATEY FWIEND!! *jumps on dark*
Dark~ ^-^!
Everybody else~ *sweatdrop*... *back away slowly*
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Me~ *laying in the floor, watching tv*
Inuyasha~... *throws his shoe at me*
Dark~ o.O.. where did inuyasha get a shoe?
52 *animegirl52*~ From me!
Krad~ o.O.. who are you and what are you doing in our house?
Dark~ prolly one-a pins friends! they pop up randomly alllll the time don'tcha know?
Krad~ shuddap Dark, I was trying to scare her... it...
Dark~ it's a her you moron! *smacks krad upside the head*
52~ For I am, Supppppppper shoe woman!!!
*theme music plays*
All~ *sweatdrop* she just... continued what she said like 5 mins. ago!... oh wellll!
Me~ *shifty eyes*... *mumbles~ curse you theme music... I Will find you!!
Krad~ *sweatdrop*
Dark~ *hiding from 52* scarey shoe woman!
52~ *fake cries*
Me~ tis k! Dark's weird! dun listen to him!! ^-^!
52~ Ok!! ^_^!! *does the shoe dance*
Dark~... oh screw it! *comes out of box, does hillbilly dance*
Me~ *lol*
52~ shoe?
Hiei~ yes.. shoe!
Me~ shoe soup?
Krad~ of doom!
52~ really?
Dark~ of course!! everything = doom!!
Me~ yeah!!! *nodnod*
52~ oooh... why have you betrayed me shoe?? whhhhyyyy???
Me~ it's a sad sad day for shoe people... *shakes head*.... WOOOOOOOO! time for Arshameelows!!
Dark~~ YAYA!! *jumps up and down*
Krad~ what tha-?
Me~ *holding a bag of marshmellows* ^-^
Hiei~ oh good lord.. *pulls out recorder* this is gunna be good...
52 & Me~ WOOOOOOOOOOSH AND SKOOOOOOOSH!! *dance happily, while eating marshmellows*
Dark~ *dancing on the table* ^_____^!!
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Monday, March 7, 2005
... Have any of you ever tried Vanilla chai tea with soy protein? the company is... Bolthouse Farms... I think... Idunno.. but I got one-a those! it's kinda good! it reminds me of something and I can't figure out what, but I'll figure it out eventually!! ^-^, oh yeah!! here's a picture of me puppy!! I think I'ma call it Spanky *lol*.. it's cute though! it's like terrier in the face, and Beagle in the body! ^-^
tis cute eh? ^-^!! funny, one-a my friends said it was kinda sad, that like the day after I get my puppy you get a pic of it, and I've been on my'o for over a year and you guys dun know what I looklike!.... well I'm in the pic above, but it's just my arm! *the blue sleeve is me! ^-^* oh yeah! it's funny! me and my mom went to petdepot this mornin' to get a collar for Spanky, and we got it and when we got home I went to put it on him and it was too small! so now I gotsa bracelet! *wearing dog collar around my wrist* ^-^!!
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