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Sunday, March 6, 2005
*dances happily*
me might be getting a puuuuuuuuppy!! *sing/dance* me might!! me might!! me ish super happy cause it's like the cutest puppy eber!! *huggles puppy*it's so cuuuuute!!!! and I geta keep it!... I think...
Dog~ *scratching on the window, whining, wanting in*
Me~ *sitting at the computer, looking at my dad*.... *puppy eyes*
Dad~ *shifts eyes away*..
Me~ *little kid voice*... dadddy??
Dad~... alright fine!! but ya gotta give it a bath before you let it in your bed!
Me~ YAYA!! *jumps up and down*
yesh yesh I know, you can all like.. throw carrots at me and blind me because still no story! but I got up at 6am today! and I'm gettin' up at like... 6:30am tomorrow!.. *mummbles~stupid bloodpressure forcing me to get up earlier then I have too*... but me promises! Tomorrow!! if I'm not like, Dead!!
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
nyars-ka-flarg-in!... heehee... uhm.. yesh... DOOM!... no post.. too lazy to type story... doomy doom... I smell like strawberries!! ^-^!!
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Friday, March 4, 2005
Nya? *ears twitch, tail wags* A_A!! *chases tail randomly*
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
Vash~ *complaining about how he's the only one wearing a tuutuu*
Me~ fine fine... *goes to my room*
..~ five mins. later~...
Me~ *comes out wearing a black tuutuu* happy vash?
Vash~ YAYA!!... *drools*... hey!! how come you get black and I get Pink?
Dark~ 'cuz it's funnier... and Blacks her color..
Me~ *nodnod* what he said..
Krad~ o.o....
Hiei~ *shrug* *takes picture of me with fox ears/ in a tuutuu*
Dark~ .... *ebil grin*... *takes camera from Hiei, starts going picture crazy*
Me~ NYA!! *hides behind Krad*
Krad~ oh how did I get sucked into this?
Inuyasha~ you live here... get use to it!
Wolfy*wolvesrule91*~ BWHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! *runs threw*
Me~.. what was that?
Marik~ *runs after her* She stole the water hose again!!
*theme music plays randomly*
All~ *look around* o.O...
Me & Wolfy~ Theme music of doooooooom! AHHHHH! *run in circles, run into each other* *fall down, laugh our heads off*
Dark~ ^-^U.... *looks at marik*... we're doomed aren't we?
Marik~... yea... *nods in defeat*
Me~ BWAAAAAHAHA!!... *cough cough* ow that hurts...
Inuyasha~ *sweatdrop*
Dark~ *tries not to laugh*
Wolfy~ EBIL MINON!!! *jumps on Dark*
Me~ WEEEE! *jumps on Marik*.. I mean.. er... what Wolfy said! ^-^
Marik~ *sweatdrop*.. yesh... I missed you too Pins...
Hiei~ o.O... Mariiiiik said yesssssh!!! *dies laughing*
Marik~ *tries to deny it*
Me~ DOOOOOOOOOOM! mwehehehehehehhe!!! ^-^
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Vash~ *walking around in a pink tuutuu*.. I'M PRETTY!!! *tries to dance*
Dark~ o.O?!?! *sitting on the couch by me*
Pins~... *sitting on the couch, eye twitches*.... *barries head in darks shoulder*... tell me I didn't just see that...?
Dark~ I'm scarred for life...
Hiei~ o.o... *takes picture*
Inuyasha~ *mummbling~ and I always thought I'd see Krad in a tuutuu before Vash!*
Krad~ *throws book at inuyasha* I heard that!!
Inuyasha~ *gets hit in the head with book* *falls over with swirly eyes*... nyaaaa....
Me~ *laughs* poor inuyasha...
Krad~ *looks at me*... why do you have ears?
Dark~ *looks at Krad like he's stupid* she's human Duh!
Krad~... *pokes Dark in the shoulder* look at her!
Dark~ *turns around and looks at me*... o.o!
Me~ *has fox ears, a fox tail, and resembles a fox* what are you two staring at?!?!
Hiei~.. wellll... maybe... the fact that you now have Fox ears a Tail and are starting to resemble a fox?
Me~ o.O?!?! Already?!... YAYA!!! *runs around on all fours*
Dark~... o.o.. wow... must.touch.ears.... *jumps on me* *sits on me and plays with my ears*
Me~ o^^o... *ears twitch*... uhm.. Dark.. what are you doing?
Dark~.. *smiling* EARS!!! *keeps playing with my ears*
Hiei~ *trying not to laugh too hard* *takes picture*
Vash~ *still in tuutuu trying to dance* FOX PINS!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
Me~... AHH! hide the tail!! *tries to be sure that my tail is hidden*
Vash~ *ebil grin*
Me~ you stay away from my tail you little... pink Tuutuu wearing Tail puller!!
Vash~... you dun like my tuutuu? *puppy eyes*
Krad~... er... your tuutuu is nice Vash.. I'm sure.. Pins just doesn't... like you pulling her tail cause it hurts!
Me~ *still be sat on by Dark*.. uh.. can you move dark?
Dark~ .....
Me~ *looks at Krad for help*
Krad~ *picks Dark up and sets him on the couch with a stuffed cat* ears Dark.. eaars!
Me~ *tail wags happily*
Vash~ *ebil grin, pulls my tail*
Me~ AH! *yelps* not the tail!!!
Daisuke~ *runs in*... EARS!!! *jumps on me*
Me~ *sweatdrop* must run in the family...
Comments (18) |
Tuesday, March 1, 2005
squee?? dooooooooooooom... doomsquee! YAYA! doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!! doom will befall you and you will be all doom defell!
...yurp.. thats all... commmmmmmment! pwease? me wanna see how many comments I can get!
Comments (31) |
Monday, February 28, 2005
nyar? Long post! ha-nah! ... if ya wanna.. you can just skip to the comment.. and pretend like ya read it! ^-^!
yesh... uhm... Hi?... I'm... in a weird mood right now... boredom mixed with... Idunno... it's a weird emotion... *shrug*... oh yeah!! you guys wanted to know where I was! *yet again got killed with PM's... but I lov-ded it! ^-^* well my mom ish in school and ish having to stay in a hotel thing-a-majigger, so me and my dad went up to see her for the weekend... it was kinda cool... lesse uhm... Saturday we went to this thing called The Vulcon, where I found out I was like Whoa dang scared of hights! and after that, me and my mom talked my dad into taking us to thrift stores! *dances happily* witch was awesome cause I like thrift stores... but I called me fwiendy Jessie-Wessie girly thingie *yeah... long name-ness ha-nah!* and found out that she's gunna be movin' within the next one ta two weeks to a place far far away, where the deer and the antalope dun play!.. heehee, nah, not tooooo far... just like, a days drive away..... and Sunday *still today for me*, We went to a suppppppppper mall! *theme music plays* witch was kinda cool... 'sept for the fact that A. there wasn't a hot topic, and B. there wasn't an arcade! DOOM to the malls without arcades! DOOOOOOOOOOM!.... yesh, doom of doom+doom = doom and doom owns you so ha-nah!... yesh.. then me and my dad drove home... and theeeeeeen... uhhhm.. oh yeah! I gotsa huggy from Iamdizzy's bro! *dances happily* ^-^... yessh.. me thinks that ish all... *nodnod*... oh yeah!! here's a piccy I took! it's small cause it was taken from teh phone, but awwh he be cryin'!
fear teh cryin' statue of doom!
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^
Hiya!!!!!! sowwy sowwy!! me forgetted to mention that I was leaving Friday and was to be gone alllllll weekend!!! heehee, but thanks for all the PM's!!! ^-^! but it was cool! My friend thought it was funny, because between two days, 6 guys gave me their phone numbers, witch are now probably being called by some hobo!! *lol* ^-^!!!!
Comments (5) |
Friday, February 25, 2005
yesh, I don't expect half of you to read this! ^-^, so no worries!
woo!! out of boredom I did this butt long thingie!! witch makes it like ten times easier for you to stalk me!!
The shoes you wore today: I haven't worn shoes... do Socks count?
Your eyes: Brown I think...
Your fears: I have some... I just forgot what they were...
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase on aim: don't use aim, it sucks
Your thoughts first waking up: mmph... *falls back asleep*
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes
Your best physical feature: ... Idunno?
Your bedtime: Don’t have one..
Your most missed memory: I don't know...
-----------------YOU PREFER----------------
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger king
Single or group dates: dunno... group I guess
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
-----------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: No.
Curse: *shrug*
Take a shower everyday: mayyyyyyybe
Have any crushes: mayyyyyyyyybe
Who are they: like I'd tell you??
Do you think you've been in love?: no comment
Want to go to college: Don't really care
Like high school: prolly not
Want to get married: oh yeah
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: nope
Believe in yourself: sometimes
Get motion sickness: not usually
Think you're a health freak: Beep no!
Have parents/guardian: yep
Like thunderstorms: yerp!
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID / HAVE YOU--------------
Gone to the mall: yep!
Eaten sushi: nope
Been on stage: nope
Gone skating: nuh-uh
Made homemade cookies: does buying the cookies and baking them yourself count?
Dyed your hair: nope
Cut your hair: yep
Stolen anything: *innocent smile*
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: nope
Missed school because it was raining: it's impossible for me to miss school...
Told a guy/girl that you liked him/her?: yerp!
Cried during a movie: Nope
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: mayyyyyyybe
Had an imaginary friend: yep!
Had sex: Nope
Had crush on a teacher: ... that would be so weird!! my parents are my teachers!... ewww *shiver*
Been called a tease: yerp
Gotten drunk: nope
Gotten beaten up: nope... I got sat on... but not beat up
Been in a fight: Verbal
Shoplifted: nope
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: don't care
Number of children: dunno
Descibe your dream wedding: *thoughtfull look*
How do you want to die: *shrug*
What do you want to be when you grow up: maybe a singer or writer or something...
What country would you most like to visit: JAPAN!!!!
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
Best eye color: don't care
Best hair color: Doesn’t matter
Short or long hair: Short
Best height: taller then me
Best weight: don't care
Best first date location: Canival! or a fair!
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of real friends: *thinking look*... 7!
Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
Number of people you could trust with your life: 3
Number of CDs that I own: Too many to count
Number of piercings: 4! gunna be 6 soon!
Number of tattoos: None
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: like... 3 or 4...
Number of scars on your body: ... a few
Number of things in your past that you regret: Idunno
Number of friends you've kissed: *shrug*
Number of people you've had sex with: 0
Shampoo: herbal essence
Color(s): Green/Black/silver/white/orange/yellow
Day/Night: Night
Summer/Winter: Winter
Lace or Satin: Satin
Cartoon: Family Guy!!!
Food: Idunno... I like alotta food...
Sport: Typing ^-^
Bands: Sugercult, Linkin park, Blink182, Trust company..
Items you own: anything thats in my room?
Movie: dunno
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: red pajama pants and an oversized Grey shirt
Thinking about: stuff
Drinking: Mountain dew
Listening to: whatever's in my music folder
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------
Cried: Nope
Worn jeans: ... *thinking*.... Idun think so... maybe..
Met someone new online: yerp
Done laundry: yerp
Had sex: Nope
-------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: haven't you already asked me this?
Your friends: Best friends only
Tooth Fairy: mayyyyyyyybe
Destiny/Fate: Nope
Ghosts: Nope
-----------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name: yerp!!! all the time!
Wish you had a boyfriend or girlfriend: sometimes
Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Wabeeeeen!... erm, I mean, Iamdizzy...
Are you close to any family member: yerp
What's the best feeling in the world: Hyper-ness!
What time is it: 11:05pm
Comments (15) |
Thursday, February 24, 2005
no story cause I can't think of anything... so you guys get a "in the middle of writing" poem...
When I act like alittle kid,
it means I want your attention,
when I act like I don't care,
it means I'm probably dying inside,
when I look like I'm not looking,
I'm seeing everything and even more,
when you think I'm sleeping and watch me,
I'm really all giddy inside,
because your watching me sleep,
and not jumping on me to wake me up.
You see, all these things, you probably know,
but I just thought I'd tell you,
you keep me here,
you keep me alive,
Even though you have no clue how I feel,
you're still here.
yeah... pretty sucky I know.... -_-
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