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myOtaku.com: pinsandneedles

Sunday, September 19, 2004

eevviilll!!! mom cut down to part time,*shudder* she's gunna be off all day sunday,allday monday,tuesday, she works 9 to 1 thrusday and 12 to 9 on fri. and sat.! I'm going to be tortured!!! NOOOO!!! I told you! see! the cows are attacking!

inuyasha- sorry, she's more mental now that she knows her moms going to be home to torture her!

me- *running around in circles pulling at hair* *mid circle stops and bursts into giggles*

vash- and thats the 10 things of rolo's she ate...

me- *still laughing insanely rambling about killer evil bendy straws of doom*

vash/inuyasha- *look at each other* maybe if we don't breath and back away REALLY slowly, she won't notice!

me- *random pack of rolo's appear* *eats*

(and, I really have ate about 7 packs of rolo's cause this guy I know keeps giving them to me and I forgot and had them in my bag amd when I was looking for a pen I found them and decided to eat them sense I needed something to cheer me up! ^_^ so now I'm bouncing off the walls... literally...anddd! just a few more hits and I'll have 1200 visits! *dances*)

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