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myOtaku.com: pinsandneedles

Sunday, October 3, 2004

........... weeeeee?
stuff! boredness stuff! heehee, TRIGUN!!!!!!!! yay!... hmmm... I need a good subject... hmmm... “Invaders blood marches through my veins, like giant radioactive rubberpants! The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!” heehee, gotta love Invader Zim!!! *mocks Dave The Barbarian- MALEMBOLEEE!!!!!! ya know, Knives sounds ALOT like Hige... and I CAN'T BELEIVE THEY KILLED TOBOE!!!!!!! he wasn't my favorate but still!... SMELLY! *runs and gets smelly good spray* heehee...

What would you look like as a Wolf by smimmary
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What you
Personality:Always Smilin'
Quiz created with MemeGen!

always smilin'! sounds kinda like me! ^_^

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