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myOtaku.com: pinsandneedles

Tuesday, October 5, 2004

heehee, yup! another one! ^_^
*sings* I got pixie stix! and mountain dew! and gc's cd is coming out today witch is kinda cool!... *dances around* yet no of my friends are on=minus dizzy= because it's a school night*cry*. I did find this to keep me busy though!

Bored? ((Over 100 questions))

Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 40650 times on bzoink!

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::Pins!
Birthplace ::someplace, iono
Age ::mwehehehehee!!!
Age you act ::.... weeee! *chases butterfly* 2?
Current location ::my living room!
Eye color ::brown!
Hair color ::brown!
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::righty!
Zodiac sign? ::*shrug*
Height? ::5'0 I think
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::a whole lotta stuff that I dont feel like typing!
Your hair ::what about it?
Your fears ::.... *glares at man with white beard and red clothing* SANTA!!!
Your perfect room ::silky and very comfy! ^_^
What you practically do in a day ::sleep, eat, bother people, get online.
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::weeeeee!
Phrases you overuse ::get off me!
Your first thought when you wake up ::*none*
Your greatest accomplishment ::*bounces around* I COLORED INSIDE THE LINES!!! ^_^
Something you want to do ::stuff...?
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::pepsi
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::Buger King
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::ACK! neither
Chocolate or vanilla ::chocolate
Adidas or Nike ::*shrug*
Black or white ::black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::bills
Burgers or hot dogs ::burger
Egypt or France ::egypt you can poke old dead ashes with sticks!
Rock or rap ::rock
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::nope
Cuss ::alittle
Sing well ::*shrug*
Sing in the shower ::sometimes
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::heehee, yeah!
Believe in yourself ::*starts to sing* I believe I can fly! *flaps arms*
Like taking these longass surveys? ::weeeeee! kinda
Play an instrument ::sorta
Want to go to college? ::*shrug* to early to know
Want to get married? ::someday
Want to have children? ::prolly
Think you're a health freak? ::heh... go look at my room then think about what you said
Get along with your parents ::sometimes
Get along with your siblings? ::sometimes
Think you're popular ::nope
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::yep!
Drank alchohal ::nope
Smoke ::do matches count?
Get high ::*starts jumping on bed* *tries to get up really high* I'll have to go get dizzys trampoline
Done any drugs ::eh... nah really, just stuff for colds and what-not
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::not in one sitting
Been on stage ::yup!
Gone skinny dipping ::*thinks* I...don't think so
Been dumped ::nope
Dyed your hair ::along time ago my bro did it while I was sleeping
Stolen anything ::yeah
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::both me and dizzy
Loudest ::dizzy's bro
Most shy ::me
Blondest ::depends on whitch kinda blond you mean
Smartest ::my bro
Kindest ::me I guess...
Best personality ::heh... *shrug* me I guess sense me and diz have the same personality
Most talented ::both me and dizzy
Best singer ::*shrug*
Most ghetto ::J.W's in the house, YO!
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::me jokingly
Pain in the ass ::my bro
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::*lol*
Funniest ::all of us!
Best person for advice ::egg! *goes and bows infrount of an egg* oh great eggy one
Dependable ::me
Trustworthy ::all of us I guess
Druggie ::I act like I'm on drugs
Most likely to end up in jail ::.... we're more likely to end up with the people in white
Person you've known the longest ::.... shadowchibi
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::pink flying bunnys were chasing me screaming SHARPIE and throwing pikachu's at me
Last nightmare ::a donkey cut off my arms with a chainsaw and them chased me around with a donut...
Car ride ::....this morning to get food
Last time you cried ::last night from laughing too hard
Last movie seen ::Armitage
Last movie rented ::Armitage
Last book read ::DNAngel 3
Last word said ::baka inu
Last curse word said ::dannabbit!
Last time you laugh ::about 1 sec ago
Last phone call ::about an hour ago from shadowchibi
Last CD played ::GC's first cd
Last song you listened to ::the theme song for Sister, Sister
Last annoyance ::my bro
Last IM ::A veeeeryyyyy long time ago
Last weird encounter ::with shadowchibi, he hugged me and then coughed on the top of my head
Last person you hugged ::my brother cause he kept telling me to get offline
Last person you yelled at ::*thinks* myself
Last time you wore a skirt ::er... sunday
Last time you've been evil ::ALWAYS!!! MWAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
Sarcastic? ::no, me?
Last time you fought with your parents ::this morning
Last time you wished upon a star ::the last time I saw a shooting stae
Played Truth or Dare ::heh... ehheh... along time ago
Spent quality time alone ::thats what I'm doing
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::nope
Do you feel lonely ::kinda
Ever TP'd someone's house ::heehee... I mean, no! never!
How about egging someone's house ::eeeeeeeegggg!
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::huh?
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::50 cents?! where?! It's mine! I dropped it!
Yo Momma ::well my momma and your momma are both momma's!... heehee,
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::*looks at dog* sorry doggy, *eats*... hmmm... tastes kinda like chicken
What do you think of George Bush? ::you mean, george the monkey is on a bush now?
Any secret fetishes? ::my family has a fetish with yelling my name!
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::on my pants sometimes
How many languages do you speak? ::I bearly speak english! but I do speak some japanese
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::nope, I can do this alllll day!
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::nope! ((it's ok, I'm already stalking you!))

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