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myOtaku.com: pinsandneedles

Monday, November 1, 2004

weeeeeeeeeee!!! ^^_^^
yes, I'm running out of things to post, so they'll be storys until I do find something to post about...

Dai-chan~ *poking my avi*

me~ *poking dai*

dark~ oh what the heck, *pokes satoshi*

satoshi~ *starts poking me*

krad~ *going insane* TOO.MUCH.CRAZYNESS.... *passes out*

hiei~ *walks by* don't touch me or I'll eat you....

Vampiremage~ *pops up* PINS PUDDING!!!! *starts chasing me around*

me~ DON'T EAT ME!!!!! *points at hiei* look, its you!

Vampiremage~ GRRR!!!! *starts chasing me again* I'M GUNNA EAT YOU FOR THAT!!!

me~ *jumps behind dai and uses him as a shield*

dai-chan~ *jumps behind dark and uses him as a shield*

dark~ er... *runs away*

*me and dai follow*

Vampiremage~ *chases* PINS PUDDING!!!!!!

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