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myOtaku.com: pinsandneedles

Sunday, February 20, 2005

.... odododdoododo?

Me~ *happily painting*

Hiei~... *shocked* she's being quiet... and she's acually good at painting!! @_@

Inuyasha~ ^_^! indeed!

Me~ *giggling happily* *painting all over self*

Hiei~ *sweatdrop* shoulda known...

Inuyasha~ ^-^ heehee...

Satoshi~ *walks in, sees me*... so that's where my paint went!!!!

Dark~ *laughs* Pins stole creepy boy's paint?? BWAHAHAHA!!! *laughs his head off*

Me~ ^-^!! *waves insanely* HI MOM!!! heehee! ^-^ *laughs*

Krad~... BIIIIIIIIIIRDY!!! *runs around flapping his arms like a bird*

Dark~... Krad... you have wings you know?

Krad~ *shrug* I'M-A BIRDY!!! ^-^!!

Me~ YAY!!! BIRDY!!! can you fly?

Dark~... don't incourage him Pins... remember what happened last time? and why there is now a Krad shaped dent in one of your bedroom walls?

Me~ *laughs* oooh yeah!!! Krad was mental for a day!!! ^____^!!!!

Hiei~... and that was one very scarey day...


I GOTS PAINT!!! ^-^!!! *covered in paint from head to toe* ^-^!!!

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