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myOtaku.com: pinsandneedles

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Your element is Water: Understanding, intelligent,
quiet and calm. You know who you are, you have
found yourself, something few have found.
Usually quiet but only because your listening,
don't let anyone think you haven't got an
opinion! Your not quiet because your shy or
sad, your quiet because your thinking. Your
answers are usually well planned and helpful so
people will generally seek your advice. Your
the perfect balance between solitary and
outgoing. But sometimes you need a little time
to yourself, heading out away from people to
sort out your emotions and figure things out.
You understand the phrase 'sticks and stone'
and rarely let things get to you, whats that
important for you to have to get so upset over?
You know what you want out of life but are
simply taking your time and enjoying things. To
you your life is fine as it is, you can always
change things later if your not happy.

.:-|What is your true element?|-:. {-With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-} ^_^
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You are a Bat Demon! Mawahahahahaha you love to
be evil or pretend you do at least.....
Sometimes its good to have human emotions.
You're probably just scared that people wont
except you for you.

What kind of demon are you (anime pictures)
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You're Rikoi Black! Sanity is not always needed
with you. Either insane or sane you're just the
same. Cynical, dark, dreary, and quiet. You
like to read and don't like to be bothered by
the outside world making you quite the
anti-social butterfly. You lock all her
feelings inside until you burst though that
would take a long time since you don't like to
let things get to you much. Once someone gets
to know you though, you aren't all that bad.
You might laugh a few times but you has a low
sense of humor. You're overly calm at times
which may annoy other people, but like i said
you don't let things get to you.

Which Kraux furry are you?
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