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Rwoar I'ma Panda!
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I think I was like... 7
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Furi Curi
To get married before I'm 30! ^o^
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I can balance a spoon on my nose.. >.> Does that count?
| pinsandneedles
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
these things are everywhere!but it prolly gunna be like the game life,you keep rolling eights,and then you bye the little card thingie(cant remember what their called...but its where you get money everytime you land on the number you picked)and then you never roll another eight the rest of the game....does that happen to you?cause it happens to me....*rambles*....yea,im in a good mood today,ive had marshmellows,mountaindew,mnm's,no sleep,and my mom and dad are gone to work,leaving me and matt here in good days,with....*dundundun!!* smelly good spray!!!!!!!!!!.....................dots are cool bow down to them,or else ill kick you
Dark Angel: You love to be in darkness. Your mostlikly going to be alone forever. You hate everyone, for what they have said to you. So many crul things that have come from their mouth to you. Nobody ever believes you when you speak the truth. Alone and Dark is all that will be with you.
Are you a light or dark angel? brought to you by Quizilla
Zidane Tribal, the Thief. Your life is centered around virtue. You care most about your friends but will never reject a beautiful member of the opposite sex. You are cunning and strong with a heart full of courage. The only thing you are afraid of is rejection.
Which Final Fantasy 9 character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
You're Zim. Bent on taking over this pitiful planet, you hole yourself away and plot, plot, plot. And you get a lot of ocular exercise rolling your eyes at your loopy robot assistant. "Dumb like a moose, Dib! Dumb like a moose!"
Quiz of Doooooooom! brought to you by Quizilla
You're GIR. You have no purpose in life other than insanity and comic relief. But it's okay, we love you anyway. "WHYYYY?! Why my piggie?! I loveded you piggie! I loveded you!"
Quiz of Doooooooom! brought to you by Quizilla
Kirara from Inu-yasha is your ideal pet! You like a pet that can protect you! Let me tell you, anyone who tries to hurt you with Kirara around will be catfood! =^-^=
What's your anime pet? brought to you by Quizilla
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