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myOtaku.com: pinsandneedles

Thursday, February 12, 2004

....shhh the penguins are here..dont let them hear you...*shifty eyes*no!no!dont do it!its a trap!....*picks up mountain dew can and starts to laugh for no reason*...w00t...you can tell im in a good day huh?...i am ladedadeda....woooot....im bored...i guess i could go play kingdom hearts...you know whats kina sad?...i dont want to listen to any of my cds...theyre all kinda old now that or im rebelling against them becuase their so cought up in being 'new and pop'.....also im going from phyco pathic hyper freak-to-calm thinking...i think that my family is possible the only family that cold turn on a oven without remembering they turned it on,and nearly catching the house on fire because their was cupcakes in their...and me,i slept right though it...wooooooooot!*jumps up and starts to dance randomly*...dododadadadada...i like mashmellows...linkin parks cool.*starts to sing numb*...snowman the rednosed reindeer...-if i do this...will you stop stealing my water?....-yea sure....whatever...i need someting to do...i think ill sign off...actually yea,im signing off....bye!*shuts down computer and then starts to run into walls randomly...*
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