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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Another boring day
October 4 Wensday 2006 4:10am
Yo ppl! This is what my day is.
Me and my mom had a fight this morn
Then me and my friends recoreded a video of us dancing.It was fun.
I try talkin to one of my old friends but i try not too cuz u know whats gonna happen afterwards.
1st & 2nd period i feel asleep
Classes was boring.
I had to yell at ppl
clean my room
my mom did my hair
and talked to EE2
Thats it.bye.
Quote of the Day:
"No! Its my shit that i need to get crunk on" -Yuka
p.s. I change my site alittle diffrent cuz EE2 wont stop being emo on my ass sayng that i copy his stuff.
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Football game
October 3 2006 Tuesday 4:25am.
Yo everyone.Yesturday my class had a mix up like 2 of our classes we had to be in for 30mins, we skip 1 class and if ppl didnt went to the foptball game then we have to stay in one class like in 3hrs.lol.All cuz of a football game we had.But i dont know if we won or not.I forgot to asked ppl.lol
Once again, I did my homework.Now i just need to study ^ ^ i have to study like 3 or 4 test and the test is sumwhere this thursday and this frieday.T^T cuz reportcards come next mon. Im so getting yelled at.
well i didnt went to the football game so i went to this classroom with all my friends and we took pictures for myspace.oh yeah! lol
well thats all im gonna say.byez.luv ya all!
Quote of the Day
"Latinos Only - Everyone
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Monday, October 2, 2006
First time i ever been to a circus
October 2 2006 Monday 4:26am
Yo ppl! Yesturday i went to the lake.I didnt want to but my dad dont trust me alone.-_-
After that we went to the circus! yay! I never been to a circus!
To make this long story short...
First, there was clowns that freaked me out!T_T Tigers, ppl who can dance, flex, play with fire, do tricks, and more! I should of bring my camera! It was the best! I dont feel like saying alot, probably my friend Edmari might write a post about it with more details! ^ ^'
After that, we went to Burger King.lol.
Then i slept early cuz i dont want my dad to yell at me saying "Get Off the Computer!".lol
Who loves an anime called "Elfen Lied"? Well check this AMV that I MADE!
My Elfen Lied AMV Click here
I dont like my Elfen Lied to much, i dont know why.
well dats all ppl! Have a good day!
p.s.U know whats the funnies thing at the circus, when Edmari's brother was like "Did u know snakes are real and they are living?!" and i was laughing so bad and i was about to say "No Duh! How old are u? 8?!" lmao
Quote of the Day:
"Look at this sexy lady" - Spanish Cowboy
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
Oh Yay! I know how to make AMV
October 1 2006 8:13am
Yo ppl! I post kind of late (in my view) but oh well.Yesturday my mom wont take me to the mall.What a bitch and she wont even do my hair.-_-
but u know what i did when she was gone(and also my dad) I stold the cord for the camera.I finally found it.XD lol its been like a week i couldnt find it and now i found it.
I redid my myspace and its cool.lol
Im gonna redo my site theme again
also when my parents were gone, I was making AMV! yesh AMV! (anime music videos) oh yesh!
Check them out!and when u do plz comment and rate (if ur a member on youtube.com)
My AMV Click here
Another AMV Click here
Hope u like them! ^ ^ Its took me hours.
well Today i'll tell my mom to do my hair and make more AMVs! -^ ^- byez
Quote of the Day:
"Boom Boom Boom Boom"-Vengaboys
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Saturday, September 30, 2006
Im so fucking stupid
September 30 2006 Saturday 5:04am
Dude! u know whay i knowest!I woke up my regular school time and its saturday...im so stupid.*sigh* Im so tired and sleepy.BUt i had a dream that almost made me cry.T_T
Yesturday teahcers worry and also my friend dat why i ate anti social.I just like being quiet.Dats all.And this weekend im trying to do my stuff from school.^ ^
This are wrong with me.Im into school now.O_o queer isnt it?
Today we are going to the mall around sumthwhere in the afternoon.lol
Im going to change my theme! ^ ^
wel g2g cuz im tried as fuck.bye.
Quote of the Day:
Uh huh, Holy Shit Its about time to get off my dick - Adam and Andrew
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Friday, September 29, 2006
sept. 29 o6 6:20am
this day is weird.i dont have enough batteries for my computer so i have to type fast.My dad took my battery charger and sumone turned of me and my bros alarm clock.cuz we both suppose to wake up at 5am.
maybe its a special day?
well g2g.I have no time.bye!
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
Stupid teachers and there stupid-ass pop quizzes
Sept. 28 Thursday 2006 5:45am



Yo everyone! *yawns* Lets start will yestuday!
I woke up late to school cuz i was doin those Geomentry notes for my bro.But i gave it to him before i over slept.
Then i was anti-social the whole day.
Kids in our classrooms have there schedule change and everyclass i got theres new students but less ppl.Like 15ppl in each class.I lost half my friends.Thats why i started to be anit-social.
Then when i came back from school.I told my mom is we can go to the mall so we did.(my bro was driving)Me and my brother(Ricky) was lookin for halloween costumes and all dat good stuff.And all i hear my mom is talking about "Christmas" wtf?! dat like in 2 months almost 3.Why cant she think about Halloween or Thanksgiving.Is like Chirstmas is the only holiday that she likes to decarate our house with.SHes such a prep, she says she wants her house....BEAUTIFUL! -_-
We we came home...I had this big headache.And i at Mac and Cheese *yawns* I went to bed like 11pm last night.
well thats all guyz.byez.Hope u guys have a good day...*yawns* *walking away*
Quote of the Day
"Why ur here standing by yourself buddy?" - Katherine
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Brother, I thought u'll be gone forever.....
September 27 Wensday 12:04am




Yo ppl! I went to school and i was only for 15mins in 1st period and i went home.I told my mom to pick me up uz i didnt feel so good.T_T
But she was yellin at me "i dont believe ur sick!" blah blah blah! gosh! she pisses me off!
so i went home, fell asleep for 1hr 1/2 and my mom slept for 4 hrs.I was on the computer and playing my "Zoo Tycoon" Computer game.When my mom woke-up. I started cleaning my bookbag and i show my mom how i work hard in math and i got problems in History.
After that we went shopping with my mom and try to find what i need for my costume.u know, a plan ahead.I only bought some gloves for the costume. [dont ask]
My dad gave me the disc for the "Manga Studio" and gave me "Guide" for it.Its over 100pgs. The second book is over 300pgs and my dad says hes gonna print them out tomorrow.My daddy is so nice but this is the part when i was SUPER depressed...
My dad was yellin at my brother cuz my bro had an F and on the note it says "he doesnt do his work and etc" my dad was saying "your a failer, your makin me look like shit...u look like shit" and kept yelling and yelling.5mins after that, i close my door and try to install the Manga Studio disc. Then when my dad was done, he went help me install it.My mom was talking about if my brother keeps havin Fs then hes going to Military School.
It was 10pm and my mom was lookin for my bro around the house.I watched her move around the house,then i called my bro and my brother couldnt talk.He was so depressed.I asked him where hes at and he said hes walkin around. I put on my shoes and jacket and ran outside. My brother was running away.I run fast, i can run for a long time so i went on the further back of the neighboorhood.My mom watched me and yelled at me to come back inside.I didnt listen to her.Then my mom told my dad so my dad took his car and looked around the neighboorhood.A quick flash popped out of my head and it told me that my bros at the park [its a really bad park u can get killed there] so i try to go to the park but i turn around and got my bike.My mom called my bro and begged him to come back while i was ridin.I say my brother at the end of my street and told him to come back home.He kept walkin...i rode my bike alittle fast and when i turn back...hes gone.Then my dad found me and told me to go home.I gave him that look that says "If u find him, dont touch him".I think my dad read my mind and drove.My mom was callin my dad saying dont hit him or nuthin.
We all came back home and my dad lock the room and yelled at my brother.I was there with the key, ready to open the door incase things go wrong.Cuz if i hear a smack or a hit and shit.I'll go bust in there and fight my dad.i swear to god!
but nuthin happen.My dad left.I kept workin on the Manga Studio and i show my brother what i drew on the computer...i drew Edward Elric all Depressed and my bro was editing it like whats looks bad or what looks good.
well g2g,im gonna write down some help for my brother can do well on his grades.IF i win dat Miss Horrorfest thingy that i was talkin about yesturday...Im gonna buy him a car.
And if i make the manga...(which will take me a loooong while) FREE COPIES FOR EVERYONE IN OTAKU!!!!! well byez! luv ya!
Quote of the Day
"Take it back!" - man
"NEVER!" - woman
[It was from a store...dont ask]
More Moods:
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Hes alone.....Over and over a slave became
September 26 Tuesday 2006 3:38am
Yo ppl! I woke up early today.And i dont plan to go back to sleep.I leave school like in 5hrs or sumthin...idk.lol
I read my comments yesturday, and i want to know one thing...Do i look scary? Creepy? Evil?
Cus if i do and u think of that then thats awesome. Just tell me the truth.I know im scary lookin.But i just dont give a fuck.lol.
Yesturday was nuthin special but I DID MY HOMEWORK! Cant u believe that?! i did my homework! And i discover that i dont have three F's...I got 2 F's and a D-. ha! wats the diffrence?!
I fist to change my theme ^ ^
Yesturday i went to youtube and they were talkin about "Win to be Miss Horrorfest for 2006" i found it intrasting.So i looked in more and its a contest.You have to submit a video less then 60 seconds about why u want to be miss horrorfest.You have to wear a costume and all that good stuff.Then ppl rates and votes ur video.It begins Sept.8-Oct.8 and they will announce da winner on hallween.The winnner wins $50,000 and get to go to newyork and be in a video and magazine.And other good stuff! I found it awesome! With that kind of money...I can buy a gift to my bro whos about to turn 17.Im gonna buy him a car.(i know, im sweet) I should enter that contest since i loook "CREEPY" *laughs*.And if i win, probably i should give you guys some money! right?! XD lol Go to www.youtube.com/Horrorfest to check what im talkin about.^ ^ IF i submit my video.PLZ vote fot it!^ ^
Also my dad download this "Manga Studio" where you can make your own manga! yay! a REAL MANGA! those programs cost more then $100 but i got it for free!!! so if i make a manga...will u buy it? I probably sell it for $5.lol cuz im cool like dat!
well g2g, im soooo sorrry my post is super long! byez. luv ya all! ::huggs::
Quote of the Day:
Hope went off with a beaner! - Rebecca (shes a beaner to, she tries to be funny ^ ^'')
[Dont know what beaner means? Its means "Mexican" or "Stupid Mexican". Is like saying "cracker" and "nigga".You get what i mean?]

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Monday, September 25, 2006
Im a loooooooooser but you still luv me
September 25 2006 Monday 7:30am

Yo ppl! Im happy! Cuz Ed called me yesturday from Dinsey and now i know dat hes ok. *smiles*
well yesturday i was taking pictures of me on myspace. ^ ^'' means dat if i get my cosply dat i wanted...i can put it up! ^ ^ yay!
well i wont be on the computer alot cuz im failing in school...3 F's lol ^ ^''
So i need to study and read.I need to make better grades on Algebra, History & Language Arts.
*yawn* well on the results i had yesturday about my costume...im sorry but i have to go with the broken angel wings then the large black wings. Maybe i'll get both of them but i know a place where u find a broken angel wings but i dont think its going to be easy to find a LARGE black feathers.If u do, Pm me.Also, the ppl who picked "Other [pm me then]" Why didnt u pm me! (private message) lol but its kk.
I made avitars of myself! ^ ^ Moving ones.

Now u all know what i look...like in KITTY FORM!!!
well g2g.byez
Quote of the Day:
"Fuck Bees" - Dane Cook

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