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Sunday, September 3, 2006
Dude! Finally
September 3 2006S Sunday 3:24am
Finally! Myotaku is working! And damn, theres less ppl here, on my friend list, only 1 person posted! well anyways
Yesutrday wasnt special, Edmari came over and we talked to Ed and I made some new icons and I was at myspace the hole time.
But im glad myotaku is bak ::huggs:: T^T ANd im missed ya myotaku fellows ::wave:: well g2g
Quote of the Day:
Im not crazy, im the oppisite, im cool...grooooovy - Zatchbell
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Saturday, September 2, 2006
Yo Yo Yo
September 2 2006 Saturday 3:53am
Yo ppl! Damn im so bored, I been oline 4 a loooong while. And im fucking bored.
Yesturday i couldnt post cuz my computer wouldnt work and it was being a piece of shit, then after school it kind of work...i was kind of pissed. ^ ^' But im kk now.
Yesturday I suppose to go 2 my friend's house and sleepover but my mom doesnt want me to, not even my dad so i got really pissed.I hope I can go to there party sunday.-_-
My dad was trying to cheer me up by getting my old Laptop bak, its all fixed!I was so happy!And i was on all night and on the phone with Ed too! I found out a way to create avitars and IM NOT TELLING NONE OF YOU CUZ 1 YEARS OR MORE OR SEARCHING HOW TO MAK AVIS FINALLY CAME TOO ME!!! SO IM NOT GIVING OUT THE SECRECT!!! MUHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA...but u cn look at the avis i made, sum waz 4 Edo ^ ^

And more but I dont feel like adding more. ^ ^
Maybe today I might go 2 da mall or hang out with Edmari lol well g2g.My daddy says im not allowed 2 download but FUCK DAT!!!! muhahahhaha!!!
Quote of the Day:
i love u thats what i think of u - Erika
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
You Gotta Love A Loser
August 31, 2006 Thursday 6:44am
*wip eyes* Yo ppl! Lastnight I couldnt talk to either Ed or James on the phone...T^T I feel so bad 4 Ed, have 2 go 2 school and I couldnt even say "goodbye and have a nice day" and stuff like that...T^T I feel now depressed, also im fucking tired!
Lastnight my project took me till 10:55pm then i went to bed at 11:15pm then this thing on my phone annyoed the fuck out of me...so I sleeped at 11:30pm, then woke up at 2:07am and fell asleep at 2:15am then woke up at 5:23am then asleep till 6am.And i got up and went straight to the computer...!
Im so mad cuz im very tired and i have this test thingy that the school wants us to take.T^T I wish that Tropical Storm was a Hurricane and flooded us T^T I WISH! For we cant have school...but nooooooo, it had to go the other direction.-_- Gotta wait till the next one.
well g2g and get dressed...and i need to take a piss...BAD!
QUote of the Day:
So how u guys doin without ya PR boys? - Dennis
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
August 30 2006 Wensday 7:18am
Yo ppl! Sorry i didnt post yesturday, I couldnt find my dad's laptop and then last night, my bro got my computer to work so i was like "WTF?!" and I know how to work it now without the little blinky thingy dat my dad was so pissed of it.XD LOL.
Well i suppose to do a project and its due tomorrow and my mom still havent gotten da martirals...i was so mad,guess its gonna be an all night on this night...*sigh* Dont even ask wats the project about...Lets just say its for History.
Oh yea, almost forgot...My doggy has haircut! hes a shitzu and now he looks like a skinny chiwawa! hes so ugly and cute!XD LOL.
School was so gay lately...My science teacher took a note from me and my friend cuz we were passing them out (this boy snitched on us -_-) and then she read it and its not really personal but its kind of disturbing...I think my teach. nows im bisexual! XD *bust out laughing* hahahahah...! And my other friend too! And then this other gurl! XD LOL! She gave me da paper bak and then i said "thnxz" and she said "bad...words" and i was like "yeah, i know...but i dont want this note...*rip* but i love da paper, its all pink and hello kittish...do u like it ms.young...and--" she intruputs "karla, go bak to ur seat" and i went bak....I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY!!! Im like the class clown in certain times.XD LOL
well g2g, need to get ready for another dooby day of school!
Quote of da Day:
Help me take off my rubber - Cody
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Monday, August 28, 2006
nuthin can stop me!!!

August 28 2006 Monday 7:41am
muhahahahahaha! Even if my computer wont EVER work, I can always use my dads laptop...muhahahaha! *evil grin* Just need to be careful with it.:P I just wanna make a post to say:
Yesturday at Katherine's Bday party waz AWESOME! *dances around* and we went to Spencers 2 take pictures and all dat great stuff! It was AWESOME! except i had a chip f taco suck in my throat. After dat my parents pick me up and we went to lowes.It was gay! I was sitting in this chair 4 almost 1 hr cuz i didnt feel like walkin around and i fell asleep. And dat chip of taco disapper from my throat! i was glad. Then my parents bought paint and a BBQ grill. *grin* It was soooo BIG!!! :P Then i went to Edmari's house.Dats it...well g2g, Need 2 finish my room.peace ot homies! And Happy Birthday Katherine!
p.s. ppl stop PMin me to join clubs cuz im NOT goin to be on the computer daily...so stop pmin me PLZ!
p.s.s.My laptop my daddy suppose to fix...T^T...wont work T^T
Quote of the Day:
I heard u wanna battle ,son -Nick Cannon
ya ya, I want to steal dat chain, son - Andy M. from WILD N OUT
Comments (9) |
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Life is sooooo random

August 27 2006 Sunday 12:18am
Happy One Day Early Birthday 2 my friend Katherine aka Lust. Shes so nice. u'll love her, u can meet her on otaku, its:
Plz visit her, add her, sign her guestbook and say happy early bday.Tomorrow is her real bday! yay! ^-^
Well anyways, Im in Edmari's house. Yesturday I went to da mall 4 i can buy Katherine a present and then when i got home. A while later, Jeffrey and Edmari came and we were talkin.But they had 2 leave.lol.Then when my mom went to my neighboors and my bro went to da movies, i went to Edmari's house.We were talkin 2 Ed, it was so much fun! go read his post! -^ ^- well today im goin 2 Katherine's party which is at da mall and its gonna be fun! XD lol. well g2g. seeya guys, and hav a great day!
p.s. Ed, dat picture u send me...*evl smirk* I got it...muhhahhahahahahaa!!!!!!!
Quote of the Day:
I'll be damn if i see another chick in ur arm - Beyonce
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
In Da Fire, Dancing With The Flames, Spinning, Spinning, Till I See Him Again
August 26 2006 Saturday 7:40am
Yo ppl! I missed ya guys! I woke up early, Just to make a post! -^ ^- And just to say sorry i couldnt be on for a couple of nights ago, I want to know who wants to hav there site redo over 2 make it prettier! ^ ^ Just pm me! But u hav 2 be nice 2 me and if i mess up, dont be like "i dont like this layout" or "i dont like it".Cuz dat really piss me off.well anyways, After school yesturday I went to my friends house cuz my bus stop is 20mins away from my house and my parents went to orlando so i hav 2 go 2 my friend's house.But it was fun and funny.First u used there computer and i redo my myspace and i made it to Leo and Stich! yay! It took me a while but i did it! and it looks great! and then after that me and lisa (there younger sister) and her mom, we made BROWNIES! my first time cooking sumthin amazing.I tried it and they taste sooooooooooooo good! :q XD lol I have som more in the kitchen and im gonna get it! they say next friday they can teach me how to make the chocolate cookies they made before and gave me sum!yay!Then i went home like at 9 sumthin at night and i suppose to go to da skatestation but my parents says im too late for dat and so i was like "i understand" and play my gamecube.And i remembered dat my friend Edmari's mom went to a consert so i wanted to keep her company and she said she cant open the doors and its late...its like 15mins till 10pm.I can still make it but i figure she doesnt want me to come so i was like "forget about it" and play my game again.Then i was trying to call sum friends but i remembered they ALL went to the skatestation so i felt lonely at dat time.AFter i was bored with da game, I watched MTV2 Wild n Out. And fell asleep.Now soon im gonna wash my hair and maybe go to the mall.I really hope we can.I need to get Kathy a present! Her birthday is monday but the party is at sunday at the mall.But i want to go to da mall today too.I see what will happen.well dats all i got to say.g2g everyone.luv ya and miss ya!
oh! p.s. My laptop is going to be fix today! yay!
Quote of the Day
Bury me Bury me - 30 seconds to mars: The Kill
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Friday, August 25, 2006
Guess whos bak
August 25 2006 Friday 7:32am
Yo everyone, dont hav much time but im on the computer, ya! but sumthins wrong with it (must be a virus -_- stupid bro) and i can only be on myotaku.com but it takes ALOT of time for go 2 sum ppl sites to load.*sigh* well i cant say im off grounded but i can go on the computer...i think.Sorry if i couldnt post for a while. T^T its not my fault.I really missed u guys.but i g2g, need to get ready 4 school.byes
p.s.i love u ed
quote of the day:
but we dont give a fuck - Rapheal
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
august 22 2006 tuesday
yo ppl, short time. yesturday edmari came oer and i plaed the sim.dats it.well g2g bye ppl.i hear my mom coming!
quote of the day
boo - me
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Monday, August 21, 2006
holy shit
august 21 2006 monday 6:35am
yo ppl i got to make this quick cuz my mom is droping my bro to his bus stop and i got a toothbrush in my mouth.yesturday i did nuthin but my mom made my hair straight and im grounded for another week cuz my tv was on 2am and i was only trying to get sum milk and there was ppl outside so i HAD to turn on the tv. so im really pissed at my mom.well g2g
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