Birthday • 1993-02-24 Gender •
Female Location • Florida Member Since • 2006-02-11 Occupation • Highschool Student Real Name • Karla
Achievements • find the one i love C: Anime Fan Since • Pokemon. Favorite Anime • FullMetal Alchemist etc... Goals • Get a job && learn how to drive Hobbies • Drawling, Rapping, Making Beats, Photoshop designs. Talents • Drawling, Rapping pipsqueak
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Wazz up my homey Pips, Yesturday was so "FUN". There was a food fight in the cafeteria and I went under the table (cause im small) and i said "Head for the ditch". And Jeffrey left me alone while I was crawling under the table and my friend Micheal and his friend just pointing at me laughing and other people too.Then when I made it out of the end of the table.I jumped ontop of tables.IT WAS FUNNY!but the only NOT funny part is when I got green apple sause all over and an orange hit me.grr.Also, my exams, I failed on them...and Im gonna fell 7thGrade. belive it. I bet myself im gonna fell. I try HARD on those exams.Even my friend Stephone who doesnt go to classes and hes a rebel had a "C" on the test and I got an "F".THAT SUCKS! so i wanted to skip 6th perios cause there was a subsitute and I wanna see my friends at bus duty. Me, Stephon and Denean lied to the teachers, secerity, and other people that we had bus duty and one of our security guards LETS US SKIP but we had to skip in the 7th grade office THE WHOLE TIME.Then we had to pick up James (Tater Tot) and Andy (aka Lucky), So we did our bus duties and WE HAD SO MUCH FUN, We were throwing water at eachother, we were playing around and sh**!!!IT WAS SOOO MUCH FUN DUDE!! It was like the first time I ever skipped cause I was sad and mad that im gonnna fail so my friend MADE ME VERY VERY HAPPY!...but, it was cool. Right now im at my friend's house and its 12:02am over here. Well, Goodnight. (_ _)z Z
Hey Pips, TGIF.But I got THE LAST FINAL EXAM and its gonna be SUPER HARD and noone passed it so far.So that kind of sucked.And I didnt study but I HOPE its easy...for me but its WORST SUBJECT OF ALL.But oh-well, I made some AVITARS, HERE THEY ARE!...(I dont know why but the pictures turn small.grrrr.AND SOME OF THERES AVIATRS ARE BAD so dont report...and the lastone i messed up)
THATS IT...btw, Today dressing up like this guy:
Mood of the Day:
Hey Pips, Another Exam today.damn.well anyway, nuthin new here really but I want my gothic pants that James have.grrr.I hope he gives it let him borrow it for church.Hes keeps complaining that he looks ugly in eyeliner.I never say him, I want to.I told him wear eyeliner to school but he said no and i said "pussy".lol.well im getting new pictures for myspace think May is the month with alot of birthdays.Because I have over 10friends whos b-day is at May...NO JOKE! well g2g, peace.
Quote of the Day:
Blondes dont look good in eyeliner-James aka Tater ToT
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Mood of the Day:
Hey Pips, Im here wearing all black and---*phone rings* brb.*5mins later* Sorry, phone call, anyway.Im bored and theres nuthin new but makeing my friend James (tater tot) Gothic to Church. Also yesturday we were talking about god and I dont think I belive the god or the devil. Cause i dont belive theres such thing as heaven or hell.*slaps myself* bady bady me. And lastnight, I heared my grandma praying and OUR family are VERY RELIGOUS!So I feel kind of bad.*sorrow*well anyway, g2g, and MAYBE...*lights on and background is black* IM GETTING A LAPTOP, IM GETTING A LAPTOP for I can fight the computer from my brother, also my brother doesnt know...YET.But im getting a laptop maybe TODAY and I can be in otaku ALL I WANT!!! YAEH BOII!!!!...g2g, I wish u guys had a laptop but...*throws candy* TAKE MY CANDY, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
Mood of the Day:
Yo yo yo Pips, Hey Everyone.(lol)My grandma is here and stuff.Nuthin special really.Everyone liked my hair cut and My friend Jeffrey got jumped by my friend James and Andy.IT WAS FUNNY!(lol)But they were kind of playing around.I told them to jump my friend Jeffrey cause he was complaining and making fun of me.>_< well anyway, Im here messing with my skaterboard.(lol)And more exams are coming up...I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!(lol)Also, I "think" im getting a computer in my room.HA.For I can be online all I want this summer.*evil grin*well g2g, Bladder.
p.s. my myspace is:
Hey Pips, its like 5:23am over here, and I woke up early because im suppose to go to my friend's house at 6:30am BECAUSE my mom and dad are going to pick up my grandma from the airport.First there going to drop my bro to his bus stop and take me to my friend's house (Olivia-Chan) for they can talk me to anyway, Im nevrous today because my of my hair.DUDE, I straighen my hair and put my hair up frout of my face and I look like that main singer from the fault out boy.but with darker hair and longer.Im forreal.I kind of look like my friend James(tater tot) well g2g, my bro is coming.PEACE.
p.s.I won able to talk to u this morning edo.sowwy.luv u.
Mood of the Day:
Quote of the Day:
Why the F**k u did that?!-James
Word of the Day:
Hey Pips, I got my hair short, I think above my hair.and I like it, but to scared to show it to my friends at school and James was freaked when I told him.and also, im bored and I have nuthin to say but "WATCH THERE VIDEOS"!!!
Sorry by pipsqueak
to: edo
When we meet,
Ur laughs touch my heart,
Ur humorous is hilaruos,
Ur smile is bright,
Ur voice makes me smile,
Im always happy when u call me,
I always wanted u.
I waited so long.
And we the time came,
my feelings for u were gone,
my heart never felt the same.
my body is diffrent.
when u held me tight in ur arm,
I close my eyes and cried...and said
"I love you..." then in my mind:
" a friend...sorry"
Mood of the Day:
Quote of the Day:
I love u as a friend-Me
Word of the Day:
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Friday, May 12, 2006
Mood of the Day:
Quote of the Day:
Dont let ur brother boss u ok-James (aka Tater ToT)
Word of the Day:
Hey Pips, Just recovering from yesturday.I had a bad day yesturday cause of my "life problems", I called my friend Edmari but she was actting like a bitch cause she has "mood swings" and I HATE PEOPLE WITH MOOD SWINGS!...sorry, and I trip from my phone and my cellphone hang up on her, I was like "ah, BOOTY!" and then James called and he wanted to know whats wring but he had to go.and we only talked for 30secs.Then I called Edward and i really dont like talking to people about my problems.And hes asking whats wrong but I dont want him to know...I really dont.i dont want him to worry.So James(Tater Tot) call on the other line and he forced me whats wrong with me, cause I know he would understand me cause he said:
"Karla, u help me with my shit problems, now its time for me to help urs"
Hes a nice guy.And when I told him about my problems.He gives me some good advice.REALLY GOOD ONES and now I feel
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
Mood of Day:
Quote of the Day:
Ur so short!Why r u short?!-Chelsea
Word of the Day:
Well, Pips. How r u guys today? me, im ok. I just got my first girl kiss from my g/f and stuff.and u know whats funny; i vited my g/f Chelsea to my house. And I want to invited, James (aka Tater Tot) too for the next day.But i think my mom said i can only invite one.cause two is too much for a week.(thats what my mom said)and i kind of got mad cause i dont think neither can come because my mom doesnt know there parents like COME ON, IF I VITED THEM HERE SHE CAN TALK TO HER/HIS PARENTS...-gosh- Stupid ass mom.But if i can only bring one, who should I bring?...Chelsea my g/f whos a prep and she loves me or my buddy James, whos my bud but has some additudes to me(like last time)and have problems at home and he needs to be carred of.(hes a poser j/k)well i'll make some desitions later...I got to go.oh-btw...
Happy Birthday Daniela