Birthday • 1993-02-24 Gender •
Female Location • Florida Member Since • 2006-02-11 Occupation • Highschool Student Real Name • Karla
Achievements • find the one i love C: Anime Fan Since • Pokemon. Favorite Anime • FullMetal Alchemist etc... Goals • Get a job && learn how to drive Hobbies • Drawling, Rapping, Making Beats, Photoshop designs. Talents • Drawling, Rapping pipsqueak
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
My stupid computer was being really retared that I forgot to make a post this morning that I had to make a short one.Sowwy.Well anyway, I feel kind of Depressed of how I woren today, I was wearing a black shirt with little jewels, tight pants with a spiky belt, black nail polish, hair style front ponytail, HEAVY black eyeliner, and see thourgh bra...I looked like a Thirteen Whore. Also, my scars was revealed.I wish I had love in my hands.I justed wanted to be...*turns away*
Joke of the day:
"your momma so fat that when she reaches the top of a hill her ass is still at the bottom"
Quote of the day:
-The Matrikes: 4rm James' Shirt.(me and Rebecca)-
Plz...Check my fan art.and comment them or vote them...PLZ!!!
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
I hate this...!
Mood of the day:
My friends are cutting themselves for stupid reasons, and I have to cut myself to make them stop.But my wounds are healling.I'll be ok, I just don't want everto get hurt.I only live to die and make my friends happy.Thats all, thats my real secret goal is.---------------
Joke of the Day:
Yo mama so fat she masterbates while she reads a cook book
quote of the day:
Mood of the Day:
Hey Hey Hey, Last night was weird.I stold up all way to 2:00am, talking to my friend in Alaska and drawling.(I'll put up the pics in my fan art)Then I played the Sims, Draw more, got bored...and watch TV.I saw RobotChicken.IT WAS COOL...and so funny!!!Also, at 4:00am, I think I feel asleep and woke up at 6:46am and my mom was yelling at me because of the TV was on and there was a coke in my room.(just to keep me awake) and sorry Ed if I couldn't talk to you on the phone because, I wanted to get ready early because...I need to find the perfect clothes and I need more time.Well anyway, plz comment on my new fanart at my portfolio.PLZ.Thanxz.Well g2g, I need to dress up as a boy...April fools joke, I'm steal my bros pimpin clothes.*evil grin*
Pipsqueak OUT...
Joke of the Day:
-The Michigan man rolled his eyes and replied, "Of course."
Cracking his gum between his teeth, the Canadian said, "We don't. In Canada, we eat fresh fruit for breakfast, then we put all the peels, seeds, and leftovers in containers, recycle them, transform them into jam and sell it to Michigan."
The Michigan man then asked, "Do you have sex in Canada?" The Canadian smiled and said, "Why of course we do." The Michigan leaned closer to him and asked, "And what do you do with the condoms once you've used them?"
"We throw them away, of course."
The Michigan smiled and said, "We don't. In Michigan, we put them in a container, recycle them, melt them down into chewing gum and sell them to the Canadians."-
quote of the day:
-That Focker: Jack 4rm Meet the Parents-
Did anyone see lastnight AdultSwim?Well last night, me and Edward(EE2) were talking on the phone. And we were watching FMA , 2nd Episode. In the beggining when Cornello says: "You are the Fullmetal--The FullMetal ALchemist" it was silence and showed Ed's ass and out of nowhere, he just farted and me and Ed were BUSTING OUT LAUGHING...!OMFG, Same thing to Ghost in the Shell, that sh-- is so f**king FUNNY!!!!....LOL OMG!, I give Adult 9.9/10. Thank you Adult Swim for pranking Us like that...omfg, omfg,...*breathing hard* I feel like dieing man. its not even funny.pip OUT Yo
p.s. Check my new Fanart I put up.
Joke of the Day:
-Your are the FullMetal--the FullMetalAlchemist *silence*...[fart]-Adult Swim
Quote of the Day:
-muhaha[fart]muhahah[fart]MUHAHAH[fart]: Father Cornello 4rm FullMetal Alchemist
Mood of the day:
Hello Everyone, My friend Jeffrey gotn in trouble...(cause of the fight yesturday) and we suppose to play video games at my house.And I have nothing to do today, everyone is to busy. I'm here wearing blue heavy eyeliner, ALOT pink eye shadow, pink lipliner, and pink gloss.And i'm wearing my HUGE bunny ears...I'm bored. Peace out Homeys.
-Pipsqueak OUT to...*cough*-
Joke of the day:
Yo mamma's so fat when she ran away, they had to use all four sides of the milk carton!
Quote of the day:
-Give it to me Baby-OffSprings-
p.s.Happy Birthday Zoli, an anime Character that "I" Created.
Comments (6) |
Friday, March 31, 2006
I Hate Jeffrey
GOSH, Stupid Day, damn. My buddy Jeffrey...well, hes so stupid.zok, heres the was at 4th period, reading class and this fat boy name Jacob snd Jeffrey are talking shit about eachother and Jeffrey didn't do anything. Jacob did, and they were yelling at eachother till Jacob got up and move and bam Jeffrey's desk and I was just there till the perfect momment. Then Jacob did that shit thing again to Jeffrey and pretty soon, when I say jacob hit Jeffrey so hard, I got up and grab jacob's jacket...if the sub techer wasn;t on the way then I would of beat the fat out of Jacob's fat stupid head. I was so pissed, I blocked Jeffrey for he wouldn't hit more and I yelled: "Don't touch my friends yoy bitch" and Jeffrey said "Karla, girls shouldn;t protect guys in fights...thats wrong," he thinks that i'm embarressing him but im really protecting him...he could of hit his head on the computer.I don't want him to hit him back.I think thats kind of wrong.But if I blocked Jeffrey and that boy hit me...I SWEAR TO GOD I would hit him so hard TILL HE BLEEDS!!! I don't care where...and I saying...I may be a girl BUT I HIT LIKE A GUY!!! my daddy says to me.I hit like a guy...and that was the same mother fucker who try to fight with tatortot (you know, james) and I got pissed. AND THAT FAT BOYS RIDES MY BUS....damn.I'm out
Hi Buddies, I'm scanning more fanart to add to my so plz check and comment.sorry if this post is short. Its that I can nothing to say but wish me luck...on--*mumble*...uh...BYE!
Pipsqueak OUT to the kitchen
Joke of the Day:
"Yo mama's so weak she got jumped by the care bears"
Quote of the day:
-Sometimes in these moments I'm glad that I'm an only child-DoubleD 4rm Ed, Edd, and Eddy
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
DUDE...Today was a WOW day.
Today I had my first kiss from a my friend Hope, she pushed me to the wall and all these girls were surrounding me.And she gave me a fast-lss then 1 sec-kiss.ON THE LIPS!! was ok I guess.And I kissed Tator Tot on the cheek.And he's starting to like me ALOT...maybe love me, I hugges me and stares at me...its and this chick name Nicole(I know her) wants to ask me out...WTF?! I have a relation-sexual-kissy-dating-day-shit today...OMG.Also tator tot was hugging me and holding me for 5 secs or more.
well to take care of my problems. bye bye
Comments (1) |
Hi Buddies, I have some pictures.Its me and my brother ricky.we look so alike if i didn't have no eyeliner.But I look ok in these pictures.But ugly and fat.Well anyway, school sucked and I'll set fanarts arts that I made up soon.Well g2g sorry if this was short.plz comment my pictures.
Quote of the Day:
-Mentos, the freshmaker-Mentos Commercial