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myOtaku.com: pipsqueak

Friday, April 28, 2006

I just got DUMPED!!!

Mood of the Day:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Quote of the Day:
I got the BG's for the BABAGOTS-My Black friend(Forgot his name)
Word of the Day:
Nomore-(my ex g/f)Erika
Hey Pips, Yesturday I was Depressed half or 3rd, all in 4th, 5th, and 6th period. I was Depressed because my Girlfriend didnt tell me anything.She still cuts herself and she wont tell me whats wrong.And then she ask me whats wrong and that was the only time she ever talk to me.So I didnt talk back.And so she broke up with me cause I dont tell her anything, I dont talk to her, and im too shy.Its not my fault im "shy" and I dont talk to her cause shes always busy and also I didnt tell her anything yestruday b/c she didnt tell me whats wrong with her the day before yesturday.hn.And imless I say 'hi' to her and give her huggs.she doesnt.And when I was all depressed, my friend Nicole(This chick who wanted to go out with me so BAD)gave me a tight hugg and asked me out.I didnt know what to do and also my friend Denean gave me a kiss on the cheek,They both cheered me up abit.well,I slit my wrist before she brokeup with me and my friend Edmari was really worries about me.well g2g.I have get ready...peace.

P.S.Oh well, inless I got my Edo.*smiles*

P.S.Now I know how it feels when you break-up with someone,feels terrible.

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