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myOtaku.com: pipsqueak

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Mood of the Day:
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Quote of the Day:
Ur my BabyBoy-Pipsqueak & Jeffrey
Word of the Day:
Hey Pips, Yesturday I gave my g/f two little stuff animals.its a unicorn and a peaguses.There so cute.and SHE LOVED THEM.She jumped on me and hugged me really tight and she was yelling "I LOVE YOU KARLA, I LOVE YOU KARLA!" and I was like...O_O.She drag me to her friends and said: "This is my girlfriend, she is the BEST.I LOVE HER!!!!" and Im there just blushing like CRAZY.lol.Anyway, today she's going to give me a surprise...hmmmm.wander what it is, but I already know.lol.well g2g Cyal8t3r.

p.s. Dont be Jealouse Edo, shes just a girl.

p.s.s.I was keeping poking my ex ex g/f's boobies cause THERE HUUUGE!!!and It was bigger then this chick on the bottom:
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WAY BIGGER, but this chick has brown mediam hair like hers so i'll just pretend thats herlol

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