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myOtaku.com: pipsqueak

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My Post

Date: November 29, 06 Wensday
Time: 5:05am
Mood: Bored/Tired/Annoyed/Busy/Happy

Good Morning Myos!
Yesturday was my mom's birthday!
yay lol
Shes was so happy.

I was about to make coffee for her this morn.
But i forgot too ::emo:: T_T

Well at school,
1st period wasnt any special,

2nd, My friend Cat took pictures of me on her phone.
I dont know why,she kept placing the front part of my hair.
[i had it emo style] lol shes weird.

3rd, nuthin special, i fell asleep.

4th, Just doin my work! ::smiles::

5th, I clean up my teacher's books,
and she finally gave me candy.
[i dont like her though, shes ok
but sumthin she calls me names like
Candy Thief, Short-Stuff, you know.]

6th I kept annoying that new gurl,
by asking her out.i said i promised her,
i'll ask her every single day,to ask her out.
She thinks its cute and funny.
Everytime i ask, she says "no".
I wrote on her hand saying
"will u go out with me?"
and write on her notebook. lmao
its just for fun though! XD


my brother was being so annoying lastnight,
when my parents are gone,
he was being a really big ass.
then i talk to ee2 that night.

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