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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Misty-Love (09/29/07)

Hiya! I really like your site. YAY FMA!!! Al is my fav character. He's so cool! Blood+? Never heard of it. Maybe you can tell me about it sometime. ^ ^ Well, I hope you come visit me sometime! If you do, you won't regret it! You can believe that Well, ttly for now! ^ ^


Koneako (09/25/07)

Oh yes! Blood+?! Now that's what I'm talking about! ^.^ Tee Hee ♥
Hagi is the absolute best!!!!! X3
Anyways~ I'd love to become friends. Thank you, and good bye for now!

alchemist ninja (09/20/07)

I'm going around signing guestbooks and making NEW FRIENDS!! can i wan to gon and take over the world. me and my Evil Squirrels! if i can and ok

ice nija dragon (09/20/07)

I'm going around signing guestbooks and making NEW FRIENDS!! I Would like to be a friend.I Like ur site stop by mine sometime ok

i.luv.kiba (09/19/07)

I saw the comment you left on my chibi team 8 pick and...it made me blush so much X3 SUCH a compliment thank you!...but i still think that picture looks horrible... However an artist's greatest critic is themself so i guess i'm no exception =P
Oh you're a Death Note fan? I LOVE that manga! I'm one of those rare Light Yagami fans ^-^ . Everyone always tells me that people who support Light have major issues but I support him ALL THE WAY!
gawd I'm SUCH an otaku aren't i =P
Oh your background popped up!yay Roy! everytime i see him i squeal with delight X3
Whoa guess i wrote enough huh? i tend to ramble alot so sorry =3

~Colleen the Great~X_X

Shiranui Kai (09/13/07)

Woah, cool site! Its better than mine!!
Anyway, thank you so much for commenting my art, such a long comment you gave me! Glad you like my art!
Juz wanna say hi and sign your GB.

Lei.Lei (09/09/07)

h3llo ♥

i luv ur site!

the BG is really cool ♥

feel free 2 message me whenever u want k?



Believe.Magyk (09/05/07)

hey pirategaara!!!! Guess who? Ya, that's right, its Neko.Lover on my other account made especially to add my closest friends which of course includes you! Hehe I love you for introducing me to SAMMICHES!!! I

sasuke fan 4 life (09/02/07)


gnnwan (08/30/07)

Hi i was just checking out your site and i really like it. I like your songs and i have to admit Mustang is one of my fav characters.

I hope it's okay if i add you as a friend. I really enjoy reading your posts.

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